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Approved Tech HPI - Skuggalegt P-pattern Stealth Polymer

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Average
Full Art



  • Name: Skuggalegt Stealth Polymer
  • Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Skuggalegt P-pattern Stealth Polymer
  • Modularity: Extraordinary
    • All existing materials can be treated with this polymer as an outer coating.
    • Easily combined and alloying with any other material.
    • It is very easy to recolor to any colour, although the finished material will always be a matte colour.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Artificially produced Polymer (x)

  • Classification: Polymer | Compound
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Colour: Transparent | Easily coloured or modified, but the end result is a matte colour.
  • Resistance:
    • EMP/Ion: Very High
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Environmental: Average
    • Sonic: Low
    • Disruptor: Very Low
    • Lightsabers: Very Low
  • NB: The ratings are intentionally unbalanced.

  • Skuggalegt is a fully artificial polymer made to combine the following stealth technologies where possible:
  • Skuggalegt is designed to be combined, alloy or added to any other material, or even to create an extra stealth layer on any surface as an outer coating and does not give extra weight to the object it is made with. The polymer is completely weightless.
  • The polymer also attenuates the sounds very little, similar to the effects of Shadowsilk.
  • In each case, the polymer imparts a matte colour to the resulting material or surface, which is able to reflect light effects, increasing the ability to stealth in any environment. Last but not least, it is able to reflect the effects of scanners and sensors, so it can essentially hide from them and it is very difficult to detect objects made with this material.
  • This polymer has perfected the imperfect stealth technology and makes it almost impossible to notice the objects made with it.

  • Versatility: Skuggalegt is a polymeric compound that is very easy to mix with other materials. As a result, almost any other material can be endowed with the benefits of the polymer. Last but not least, it can be used to treat any surface afterwards. As a result, it can be perfect almost anywhere in the military industry or any other industry. Can be used for weapons, armour, ships, vehicles, etc.
    Thanks to the Skuggalegt, the droid has matte colour is able to absorb light and does not reflect it back, making it harder to detect in dark environments, and the polymer's ability to reflect the effects of scanners and radars can make it almost invisible to them and makes it harder to detect these small droids.
  • EMP/Ion: The polymer alone or in combination with any other material provides very high EMP / Ion protection to the objects made from it. So one doesn't even have to look for any other material if someone wants such protection.
  • Perfect: Unlike the Skuggalegt I-class Polymer, the Skuggalegt P-class Polymer has completely or almost perfect stealth features. It still can't scam the eyes or optical stuff, but it can remain invisible to almost any sensor and scanner. It is very, very difficult, almost impossible to detect the technologies made with it.

  • Not an Armour: It’s not armour, it’s not specifically good for it in itself. So, if someone just wants to make armour and protection out of this polymer, they are not doing well. It must be combined with other fabrics, metals, materials, etc.
  • Sonic Attacks: The Skuggalegt has no protection against the sonic-based attacks. The material has very little resistance to this.
  • Exotic Weapons: The polymer has no protection against non-average but rare or exotic weapons. Such as the lightsabers or disruptor weapons. Protection against these is minimal and negligible.
  • Not Invisible: It is important to note that while the matte color helps to make it harder to notice the objects made from it, it does not in itself give invisibility to anything, it simply does not reflect light. So it does not provide protection against visual "effects" for example against the eyes or binoculars, it is not a cloaking device, "only" good against sensors.

The HPI Consortium has long planned to create a material that will go a long way in creating stealth technologies and products. It is important for HPI to keep Terraris and their products protected, and last but not least, they know that such technologies are in high demand in the market. Both the perfect and the imperfect kind. After all, even imperfect hides technologies very well and only high-quality technology can reveal them.

Countless stealth technologies exist in the galaxy and HPI has been researching the best for months or years. Finally, starting from the molecular level, an entirely new process has been artificially created, a new polymer that can be combined with any material, or any surface could be treated with it. It has been solved to preserve the benefits and properties of the best known and best materials, yet it can be used much more widely.

Precise and lengthy research and development has resulted in the Skuggalegt Stealth Polymer, which, thanks to its matte colour, is able to absorb light and not reflect it, reduces noise and, last but not least, reflects back the effects of sensors and scanners. Of course, all of this isn’t perfect, but in return, only good-quality sensors are the ones that can detect objects made with this material. So in most cases they are effective.

The imperfect version is much easier and simpler to manufacture, allowing them to be mass-produced and available on the open market. However, it is important to note that by its nature it is not the cheapest product. But good quality and stealth technology has a higher price.

At the same time, the engineers were able to develop the perfect Skuggalegt Stealth Polymer technology, although it is very difficult and complicated to produce, so they can only produce very limited quantities of it at the same time. The visual effects are the same as in the case of the imperfect one, but the objects and products made with the perfect are almost impossible to notice even with the best technology. Understandably, all of this is only sold on the closed market to selected customers.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a widely used artificially created synthetic perfect and imperfect stealth polymer to the Open and Closed Market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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