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Approved Tech HPI - SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium | Spear
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Full Art



  • Name: SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium | Spear
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront || Brighter Future Foundation | The InterGalactic Gene Bank (via the Brighter Future Foundation)
  • Market Status:
    • Open-Market | SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix (Trill Matrix)
    • Closed-Market | SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix (Xesh Matrix)
  • Model: SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix
  • Modularity: Extreme
    • It can be used on essentially any existing plant variety.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Program Code | Digitised and Physical Genetic Samples

  • General Features:
    • This new technology has been developed and engineered to be used on the gene structure of essentially any plant. Although the primary goal was to create new kinds of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and cereals. Varieties that can solve starving.
    • SP-V8 GMO Matrix uses methods that make plants very resistant to environmental influences. There may be different gravitations, atmospheric components, infections, temperature differences, these plants are able to defend themselves and adapt to all this in an extreme way.
    • They are able to produce pesticide chemicals to defend themselves. (Standard GMO feature.)
    • They have very high yields and are able to reproduce and expand incredibly fast. It is precisely because of these properties they are also great for terraforming.
    • Visible differences between original and modified plants:
      • Food-producing plants (fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, seaweed) produce much more, more nutritious and better quality crops.
      • The flowers of plants kept solely for flowers and honey are larger, more beautiful, bloom much longer, and appear in much more colours than the original versions. They are more nutritious, tastier for bees and insects.
      • The plants used for industry (linen, cotton, etc) are much stronger, more resistant, easier to handle, of better quality than the originals.
      • Trees, bushes, grasses, algae, etc., are bigger, healthier, more nutritious, more colourful than the original versions.
    • They are much more efficient at photosynthesis, i.e. they are able to sequester more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere / water and convert it into oxygen during photosynthesis.
  • Trill Matrix:
    • They are capable of five times the yield of the original plants.
    • They need a third of the original time to ripen the crops, or just to reproduce and expand.
  • Xesh Matrix:
    • They are capable of ten times the yield of the original plants.
    • They need a tenth of the original time to ripen the crops, or just to reproduce and expand.

  • No More Starving: Thanks to the method, they produce much more food in less time. These fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and cereals are healthy, much more nutritious than the normal versions and high quality. It is easy to quickly eradicate hunger and solve food problems in the short and long term.
  • Undemanding Plants: Thanks to genetic modification, they can survive in almost any condition, requiring minimal attention because they are very resistant to environmental influences. This is why they can also be used perfectly for terraforming.

  • Invasive: The plants of both types of matrices are highly invasive varieties. It is precisely because of this if they are able to spread, it is essentially impossible to displace them from a planet, and all other plants native or introduced there will be suppressed, and can be extinct.
  • Catastrophic: Because of its invasive state, it may be able to shatter the entire ecosystem of planets. This is why it is advisable to use only SP-V8 plants under very careful supervision or under controlled conditions.

It is very important for the Brighter Future Foundation to be able to deal with starving, especially in this time of war. That’s why they supported and commissioned their parent company, HPI Consortium, to develop a new kind of GMO technology. While HPI Consortium itself working on such technology, so does Spear, so the subsidiary’s engineers have joined the work as well.

The SP-V8 "Pattern" GMO Matrix has been the result of months or rather years of experimentation and development. The project and the Matrix was designed primarily for agricultural planets, agricultural space stations and terraforming worlds.

The plants created by the SP-V8 Matrix are prettier, healthier, more nutritious than traditional varieties. They grow much faster and are able to multiply and spread much more and faster. And they are more resilient to the environmental effects. This process can also be a disadvantage because it is precisely this that makes these plants a highly invasive species, which is why they need to be kept under control.

However, despite these drawbacks, the SP-V8 Matrix may be able to solve food problems over a large area, or it may make it easier for some planets and states to easily become self-sufficient without having to depend on other states or planets.

The lower efficiency version, the Trill Matrix, entered the open market, while the Xesh Matrix remained in the closed market in the hands of HPI Consortium and Brighter Future Foundation. However, through the Brighter Future Foundation, the InterGalactic Gene Bank can also access both the Trill and Xesh Matrices and genetic samples and seeds.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new plant GMO technology
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront || Brighter Future Foundation | The InterGalactic Gene Bank
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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