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Approved Tech HPI - Töfrandi Class Synthetic Crystal

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: To create synthetic crystals for the Open Market.
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  • Permissions: N/A
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  • Name: Töfrandi Class Synthetic Crystal
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Töfrandi Crystal
  • Modularity: Significant
    • It can be inserted into or made from various weapons, objects and jewellery. They can be carved into different sizes.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Molecularly engineered powdered chemicals

  • Classification: Synthetic Crystal
  • Weight: Average
  • Colour: Any colour
  • Resistance:
    • Energy/Plasmatic: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsaber: Average
    • Disruptor: Average
    • Every Other Thing: Average

  • The crystals are synthetically produced in different colours and these gemstones are almost indistinguishable from real gemstones.
  • Essentially they can be used for anything, as jewellery, decorative elements, for different technologies, manufacturing processes or as a focus for weapons (energy weapons, lightsabers, etc.).
  • When using the crystal in warfare or weapons, however, it is important to note that these gemstones have been molecularly modified to scatter the laser when it encounters the focus crystal in such a way that it only creates a stunning and paralysing beam, and the lightsaber blade is only a training, non-lethal blade.
  • In shields, the crystal does not reinforce the shield, but the surface of the shield will have the same effect that if someone touches the shield with their freehand or free body surface, they might feel a numbing effect on the part where they touched it.

  • Easy to Work With: It is an average crystal with average resistance, thanks to which it can be easily shaped, cut and can be sanded. This allows one to make objects, jewellery, etc. of any size and shape easily.
  • Any Size and Colour: It can be easily manufactured in any size and colour.
  • Non-Lethal: The crystals, when used as an energy focus, scatter the laser beams in such a way that they create only stun/paralysis and stun projectiles, or training lightsaber blades. Weapons that use these crystals are perfect for training, capturing or neutralising others.

  • Average Resistances: It is just like most of the common or natural crystals, average, meaning it can even be crushed if someone drops it or just steps on it.
  • Non Lethal: In weapons, this crystal only creates a paralysing/stunning projectile, or a training lightsaber blade, so if one wants to kill with it, they will be disappointed.
  • Just a Crystal: While most crystals can be used to amplify different technologies, this crystal/gem is not.

The HPI Consortium is well aware that it is often the case that you don't want to kill someone, one just wants to capture them, but they forget to switch their weapon to stun mode. The same may be true with lightsabers. For this very reason, HPI has developed and created an artificial crystal that is perfect for use as a weapon focus. From now on, you won't have to worry about whether the weapon has been switched from lethal to stun mode or not. Of course, if one uses a weapon with such a focus crystal, that weapon will not have a lethal mode. Everything has a price, here it is.

The company's chemists have studied the structure of different crystals and gemstones and based on these studies, they have designed them accordingly. The resulting artificially created chemistry was then transformed into a powdery material. These materials were placed in different moulds and subjected to extremely high temperatures and pressures, as would happen in nature. Only here the process takes place not over millions of years, but in a matter of hours or days. The end result is a synthetically created crystal/gem.

The process is very cheap with today's modern technology and it is easy to make these crystals. As a result, it has spread quite rapidly; they are used in many places for bijou jewellery, artwork, clothing decoration, various industries and yes, even weapons and lightsabers. Weapons with these focal crystals are perfect for capturing targets alive, if that's someone's plan. They are also perfect as primary and secondary focus/crystal. However, the big disadvantage is that in no case can you make a lethal version.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create synthetic crystals for the Open Market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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