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Approved Tech HPI - Theadian

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: Creating a widely used relatively cheap artificially created transparent glasslike material to the Open Market.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Real Glass
  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Compound
  • Weight: Light
  • Colour: Transparent | Easily coloured or modified
  • Resistance:
    • Energy/Plasmatic: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Environmental: High
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Sonic: Low
    • Disruptor: Very Low
    • Lightsabers: Very Low

  • Molecularly designed: It is molecularly designed to be used in almost every area of life. It preserves the advantages of materials, unites them, but tries to leave out the weaknesses of materials. Due to the design, the material can be very resistant or even flexible, thick or incredibly thin, transparent or solid in colour.
  • Wide-use: It is basically a transparent material, so it is perfect for places where a material that is more reliable than glass or glass-like materials is needed. It can be used for monitors, screens, holowalls, focusing laser beams, binoculars, medicine, and other scientific uses, but it can also be used for microscopes or even for bone replacement. But it can also be a raw material for droids, weapons, armour, vehicles, buildings, but it is also perfect for making cables and satellites. It can be used in all areas of life, it can be easily shaped and coloured.
  • Smart: Thanks to Enviroweave, it is able to react to effects in its environment in a transparent form. If it gets too much light, it will be darker, if it is too little, it will be lighter. These are especially important when used on glasses, contact lenses, or graphical surfaces. Note: This function can be deactivated during the manufacture if the material is used in an area where it is not required.
  • Better than the Competition : Theadian, unlike transparisteel and and glasteel, is not made of metal or ore. For this reason, its tensile strength is also better, otherwise it reacts more stably to heat, pressure, etc.. Due to its design, it is both flexible and hard enough, so it can conduct even more vibrations and energies caused by possible attacks and external influences.

  • Versatility: Thanks to its design, it can be the perfect raw material for really anything. Sufficiently flexible, or solid, thick, or thin. Great for making chips, special glasses, skeletons etc. (see above). But really, the way it is used is so wide that the user’s imagination can figure it out. Even a perfect imitation of stained glass is made of it.
  • High Resistance: Both the molecular structure and the material have been formed from different materials, deliberately because of its versatility and to make it as resistant as possible. It is for this and its usability that it protects against environmental impacts/effects, EMP / Ion attacks, as well as kinetic and energy-based attacks. After all, who knows where they will be used, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for everything.

  • It's Hard to Change: Without knowledge of the manufacturing processes, it is difficult to modify the already finished material. The HPI Consortium did not disclose manufacturing processes, so if someone wants to make changes in size (magnification), texture, or appearance on a previously used material; well it is better to buy a new one than to try it.
  • Sonic Attacks: The Theadian is protected against many things, but cannot be resistant to everything. One such effect is sonic-based attacks. The material has very little resistance to this.
  • Exotic Weapons: The material has no protection against non-average but rare or exotic weapons. Such as the lightsabers or disruptor weapons. Protection against these is minimal and negligible.

If someone, or a company, does a lot of things and makes a lot of different things, you may need a myriad of different materials to produce everything that can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly to obtain. This is why there is a need in the market for materials that can be widely used.

In many cases, on vehicles, armour, houses, buildings, the most vulnerable part is where the window is. That is why it is important that they be made of a material that is resistant to most impacts and provides a high degree of protection against both environmental impacts and other attacks.

Theadian may be transparent, but it can also be coloured, and after that it no longer looks like a glassy material, but a traditional "solid" material. This is why it can be a perfect choice, not only to replace glasses, but also for any other use. It was developed at the same time as Druetium to be the perfect complement to that substance. But it can still be used perfectly as a stand alone material.

Theadian just like the Druetium was created from several versatile materials that also occur in nature, and some artificial ones. Directly designed to include as many advantages as possible and only a few disadvantages. After all, it managed to create a way that could really be used for anything.

Thus, thanks to all this, it can be said that after many useful product the HPI Consortium has created a new material again for the open market that can be used in any area of life and is also very economical.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a widely used relatively cheap artificially created transparent glasslike material to the Open Market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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