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Approved Melee Weapon Hrajlmak Blade

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Vaydralen | Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Very Large





  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Heavy

  • Through lessons learned in the creation of the Agragost Kukri, the Hrajlmak was created utilizing Verikast a highly durable, but lighter material. This ensured a Draelvasier wielder could make swift, powerful strikes.
  • Throughout the forging process the material was reinforced, as well as an infusion with Barricas oil. This significantly hardened the metal ensuring it was extremely strong, and fully resistant against lightsabers and all manner of damage.
  • Each Hrajlmak carries within it a Draemidus Finis Crystal this generates the electro-plasma edge. The strength of this blade is far greater than the Mistral Blade by a magnitude of ten.
  • Once this infusion process was completed a complex ratio of Radesh Oil was added. This gave the weapon the power of electronic disruption, able to cut through most shields, barriers, and other electronic systems. In order to achieve this and maintain the complex energy system, an entirely new system was created exclusively through Draelvasier Technology. This bio construct would ensure the weapon functioned without experiencing the disruption of the oil during the process.

  • Extreme Durability & Lightsaber Proof
  • Exceptional Cutting Power, Slices Through Hardest Metals
  • Electronic Disruption. Cuts Through Most Shields & Barriers

  • Heavy
  • Time Intensive to Forge

Any misgivings the Draelvasier had in uplifting the Vaydralen into the Bryn'adul Empire quickly disappeared, when they watched them fight. They were a powerful, intelligent species that significantly augmented the combat effectiveness of all forces. Along with their introduction came the famous Mistral Blades, a revolutionary technology developed on their homeworld of Caerdar. Its cutting power earned it a major place on the frontlines of nearly every battlefield during their war against the galaxy.

Through it the next generation of blade was born.

Rakvul the Darkener, High Warlord of the Bryn'adul Remnant and renowned genius intellect carefully analyzed the blade. It was essential for the Draelvasier to evolve if they were to survive, thrive, and return to destroy all of their foes and carve out a new empire. To this end Rakvul brought in Vaydralen Smiths to carefully reverse engineer and witness the entire creation process for himself. Through this he analyzed how the weapon was forged and made several realizations. If the lessons learned from this weapons creation could be combined with the process devised in the Agragost Kukri, a whole new weapon could be created, with the addition of one special material.

So, he went to work. Rakvul started with the forging process adding the Draemidus Finis Crystals for the new power source of the weapons energy blade. However, the new material he brought was the Radesh Oil, designed for electronic disruption. This would ensure the weapon could pierce through most, if not all shields, barriers, and other systems powered by modern technology. There was an issue by utilizing this new material in the infusion process, first the ratio had to be just right. Second, the weapons internal components needed to be changed entirely to eliminate all forms of modern technology.

It was because of this that the ultrasonic vibration generator utilized in the kukris was eliminated. The addition of the new crystal power would generate an edge so strong; the weapon wouldn't need it. The internal components were replaced through all new Draelvasier Technology. Once biotech replaced every component the crystal was added. The weapon finally functioned generating its edge. Next came the testing process. Through this it far exceeded any expectations the Darkener had. It effortlessly cut through shielding and the toughest, lightsaber resistant materials such as beskar or impervium. The weapon was named the Hrajlmak Blade after a renowned Aeravalin beast master. It was approved for mass production and use by all elite forces of the Draelvasier such as the Zealot Order, Juggernaut Corps, and many others. Once they unified with all other Draelvasier under Chieftain Tathra Khaeus and joined what would become the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate, Rakvul shared the technology with the unified Drael.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new and improved blade for the Draelvasier.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Hrajlmak Blade
Modular: Yes
Material: Barricas Oil Draelvasier Technology Draemidus Finis Crystal Electro-Plasma Filament Edge Enhanced Radesh Oil Coating Reinforced Verikast Metal
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