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Approved Tech Hringur Lífsins | Ring of Life

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  • Intent: To create an IC gift that fits Geiseric Geiseric 's and Eina's plot.
  • Image Source: Ring (Original picture is deleted from etsy) | Headers, divider: me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • The ring is made with Force Alchemy, making it more resistant than regular rings, much harder to destroy.
  • The ring is surrounded by a continuous Light Side aura, as Eina created it with the Light Side of the Force.
  • There are various Valkyrja runes on the ring (these were inspired by the Sith runes, only these would be Light side runes because of Eina, otherwise they would be neutral because of the Valkyrja) and now these are the ones that reinforce and unique the abilities received by Alchemy.
  • The ring gives Geiseric three abilities under the influence of runes, sorcery and Force Alchemy:
    • The first ability is why the ring was actually made. The ring is connected to Eina and is in constant contact with it through the Force. The ring shares the woman’s vitality with Geiseric, so the man also uses the Valkyrja’s life force through their Force-dyad and the ring, meaning he prevents the man from ageing. He stays as young as he was the day he started wearing the ring, provided he wears it. He will only age at the right natural rate if he takes it off.
    • The second ability, which will be unnecessary over time, will help Geiseric and Eina be able to feel each other, communicate and use the Force-dyad even if one of them is in the Netherworld and the other is in Realspace. It eliminates the boundary between dimensions.
    • The third ability is, the ring is able to provide a slow but steady and passive, not very strong regeneration for the man while he wears the ring.
      • Minor injuries heal in a matter of minutes, and more serious injuries can take hours or days if the man is able to rest. It cannot regrow a severed limb and does not protect the wearer from fatal injuries.

  • Bonding: The ring helps make the Force dyad even closer between Eina and Geiseric, which means they can feel each other and communicate with each other even if one of them is in Realspace and the other is in the Netherworld (This will probably work between the two of them over time even without any help.).
  • Ageless: As long as Geiseric wears this ring, whether at Netherworld or Realspace, he essentially uses Eina’s vitality and life force as the woman is ageless, so for the Valkyrja, it’s not stressful, she won’t get older, but the crusader doesn’t grow old either. All of this is especially useful, as time passes completely differently in the Netherworld.
  • Healing: Able to give Gei a weak regeneration so small and not serious injuries can heal quickly.

  • Force Nullification: The ring is fully bound to the Force. In a place where there is no Force, it is only a beautiful jewel and loses all of its abilities.
  • Sensible: The ring is made with Force Alchemy, so unless Gei not try to hid it in the Force, others can feel the jewel, which has Light side aura.
  • Physical Contact: The abilities can only be used or lasted as long as the man has a physical connection to the ring.
  • Eina's Death: In the event Eina dies in any way, the ring loses its powers and abilities and is just an ordinary piece of jewellery.

After the events in Ession, Geiseric offered to Eina, meaning he asked her to go to the Netherworld with her while the woman was recovering. And it was actually quite a tempting thought to be able to spend months together there, while only days pass in Realspace. So, they can be in both places. Together, at the Sanctuary, and they can also help rebuild Ession with the Ashlan Crusade's members.

However, in the Netherworld the time passes almost always differently. Sometimes it is slower, but very many times faster. That’s why there was a danger that Geiseric could age decades at the Netherworld while only days, weeks, or months would pass in Realspace. And Eina didn’t want the man’s life’s disappear so quickly and their mutual friends to have to watch her beloved crusader’s life end because he spent so much time in another world.

The Valkyrja has always used runes for ornaments, objects, just like the Sith runes, only here not necessarily (almost never) with malicious intent, but for protection and help. Eina also knew the method, but hadn't used it before, but now she did for the subject because she felt it was important. Last but not least, beautiful decorations on the ring.

Minimal regeneration was simple Force alchemy; however, she used the runes to tie herself to the ring and the ring was able to use her vitality and life force to keep her beloved crusader young. The Valkyrja is ageless, so for her it's not a problem. However, the second ability of the ring has become a random and pleasant gift, so they are now able to use their Force-dyad no matter what world they are in, they can be in two different dimensions as well.

The ring is almost weightless and one can’t even notice that someone is wearing it, it doesn’t hinder the crusader in anything. However, with the help of the ring, he can live a very long and happy life with Eina, if they are lucky, they can spend much more time together than would be natural between a mortal and a Force entity. Hopefully they will achieve this with Ashla's blessing.

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