Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"The ultimate prey is the great and mighty Hrothwûrm; huge dragon-like predators capable of burrowing, making a highly deadly and worthy foe."
- Excerpt from the Valkyri species submission.

Name: Hrothwûrm

Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Midvinter
Language: None
Average height of adults: 30-50 metres [males & females]
Skin color: Pale; tones ranging from green to white
Hair color: None
Breathes: Oxygen; type 1 atmophere

Strengths & Weaknesses:

+ Immense size: These serpentine creatures are gigantic and carry the strength one would associate with such a trait.
+ Diggers: Hrothwûrms make their homes underground, burying themselves deep under the ice and barren landscape found on Midvinter. They only come up from beneath the ice when looking for food or a chance to mate. This is also a shrewd tactic should they encounter any foolish natives looking to decorate their homes with their skulls or take their hides.
+ Fierce: Like all things native to Midvinter, sentient or non-sentient, Hrothwûrms are slow to anger. Once successful in enraging one, it will come charging with the fiercest of might.

- Thrives in freezing temperatures: The great earth serpent is native only to Midvinter, which is a planet ruled by perpetual winter with temperatures often times reaching far below 50 degrees celcius. Should they be exposed to anything above 0 degrees, it'd be like a human being exposed to 50 degrees celcius. Prolonged exposure will without a doubt kill them. Should you managed to capture one, it would require a controlled environment and would be a poor use in battles taking place in any temperatures above 0 degrees.
- Few in numbers: An awesome sight to behold first-hand to be sure, their numbers have never been great, and so they have never been in danger of exterminating the Valkyri species, who relish the chance of surviving an encounter with one of the fabled Hrothwûrms. That said, they are in no danger of extinction, themselves, as killing one is a rare thing.
- In-fighting: They say that the greatest threat to a Hrothwûrm is another Hrothwûrm, meaning that it only either mates or fights upon contact with another member of its species.
- Unknown: Like the planet itself, outsiders have little to no records of the beast, nor its capabilities. That said, these creatures have no resistance to lightsabers, although blaster-fire would be the equivalent of shooting needles at an elephant, and vibroswords would be like hitting it with sticks. Should you carry enough firepower you may be able to bring one down through continuous barrages. Even so, their digging capabilities would render most blasters useless in most cases.
- A Hassle: In the extreme case of someone capturing one for personal use, to transport one would require vast amounts of open space - the equivalent of a hollow Capital Ship. Should these demands not be met, the serpent would tear the ship apart from within while attempting to slither about.

Distinctions: They are huge snake-like creatures able to withstand the harshest winters of Midvinter, with their bodies covered in thick scales and equipped with a set of vicious teeth the size of a grown man's forearm.
Average Lifespan: 250-500 Standard Years
Races: None
Diet: Carnivorous; local fauna
Communication: None

Culture: The only records of the mighty wyrm hail from the Valkyri, who believe that Teign - God of Craftmanship - once awoke the beasts from their slumber with his constant hammering of metal and forgework which shook the planet's core so much that they spawned from the cold heart of Midvinter itself. With only animalistic wits at their behalf, Hrothwûrms themselves do not hold anything sacred moreso than a rabies-afflicted hound would.

Technology level: None

General behavior: Hrothwûrms dwell beneath the ice, and so they dig huge and far-reaching tunnels for them to transport themselves through, making the ground tremble as they move about underground. They breathe oxygen, yet they are able to hold their breath for days at a time should they run low from being underground, usually coming up for air whenever on the hunt for food. Upon returning to the depths from which they spawn from, they seal the passage behind them so that no-one is able to track them back to their nests.

History: These great serpents are as ancient as the world they live on, and as much part of its history as any native species, including the Valkyri. They believe the creatures are a test of their worthiness in battle, as felling one of the beasts is considered the utmost honour - and one blessed by the Gods, at that. Not much is recorded, and not much more could be said other than they are part of Valkyri culture just as any other wildlife on Midvinter.

Notable Player-Characters: None.

Intent: To create a new type of creature native to the planet Midvinter. This submission is made especially for the purpsose of an upcoming RP currently in the works.

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