THE Wookie Jedi
Ghrom Just accepted another Contract. One Dead Hssiss, Would be Easy. Right? Just stand out in the open and wait to be attacked no one would pas up Amani for Din-din! Ghrom stood in a Field Armed with his large Hunting Rifle, Scatter shot Blaster, His staff strapped to his back and some Durasteel Spears, custom made. Ambria was the same planet his Hunting job started on but last time he had the help of Big Kitty Boss. It was OK though Ghrom liked Working alone for the Most part.
Traveling to Lake Natth Ghrom waddled around and took out a chunk of Bantha Meat he has been saving for himself. It was time to cook it and Set up camp. He had the Fire Going and Night would settle soon but he was sooo Hungry! Ghrom Started Roasting the meat over the fire and drooled at it cooking slowly.
The Smell was attracting Hssiss, Something Ghrom knew but didnt care about much. Amani's gotta Eat!