Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Huang Min

Haung Min

Table Scrap Bandit
NAME: Haung Min
FACTION: My own!
RANK: I'm a street rat, so what?
SPECIES: Human duh.
AGE: Elven
SEX: Eww... I mean, uh male.
HEIGHT: Four six and a half.
WEIGHT: 80 some pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: This color *points to self*
FORCE SENSITIVE: What's the Force? (yes)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Scrappy: Living on the street, Huang Min never lets his situation stop him from trying to make the best of his life. Even if its just getting real food for dinner.

Poor attitude toward adults: Having raised himself, Huang Min generally distrusts anyone he sees as an "adult" and will distrust them until they prove otherwise.

Disrespectful of authority: Like the above, as far as Haung Min is concerned if someone thinks they can tell him what to do they are automatically an enemy.

Small, but in decent shape. Stealing food requires lots of running and climbing if he wants to outrun the adults.

Haung Min's family was originally from Atrisia, but were left homeless when the planet sealed itself during the plague. They survived, but remained bitterly poor during the entire four hundred years of darkness struggling to survive. Haung Min's father was killed in a work accident, and his mother died when he was six after a gang attacked and brutalized her.

Falling in with other orphans, Haung Min did what he had to for survival. He sees nothing wrong with stealing from those who look like they have more than they need, and he has a soft spot for other orphans like himself. His attitude has gotten him in trouble many times though, making adults who might otherwise have been willing to help him see him as nothing more than a pest.



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