Location: Desert, Tatooine
Tag: [member="Valencia Hadley"]
Eons ago, when the religions of the Galaxy were yet infants, those who groveled before the Light embraced suffering. They came to believe that agonies endured in the name of their repressive ways was a sign of growth. And thus, Trials became engrained into their culture evermore. To suffer was to mature. To survive was to emerge greater than before. Cayde was no Jedi. But even a creature as black as he could understand and appreciate the Lightbearer mindset. And, while he would never subject himself to their teachings, there was one truth he would borrow and instill within his newfound pupil. There was value in suffering. Strength to be found in moments of utmost toil. Thus, as the exposition to their tale, Cayde had bidden the former politician to Tatooine.
When the assignment fell into his lap - to elevate the Steward of Manda into a weapon - Cayde was given the opportunity to research the student who would be learning at his feet. The woman was certainly suited for the realm of scheming and bureaucracy. Her resume was several miles long and was riddled with every sort of posh achievement and well-to-do-accolade. Yet, only in recent history had there been any public evidence of [member="Valencia Hadley"] getting her hands dirty. And even then, the former Viceroy's presence on Eshan was the furthest thing from Frontline combat. In fact, if the reports were accurate, hers were efforts more humanitarian in nature.
Therefore, Cayde aspired to begin by stripping away the seeming foundation of her life. Comfort. Here, underneath the unrelenting heat of the sun, Valencia would find no relief. She would suffer, and in doing so emerge from the desert a being mighty enough to grit through any sort of Hell. Or. She would succumb and the Galaxy would be down one politician. If the Sin of Pride was being honest with himself, he would much prefer the former outcome. Though he did not have much faith in the grit of the woman, he did see the writing on the wall. Of all the vessels at the disposal of the Vicelord, he was chosen to undertake this task. His talents were seen as fitting, above so many others, to undertake this task.
He would not suffer a blemish upon his name for failure.
Thus, as the hour struck high noon, Pride awaited in the shadow of a monolithic rock formation. After miles upon miles of trekking through the shifting sands, this would be the sole source of "relief" from the suns' wrath. But even resting underneath the shadow was fleeting, for it did next to nothing against the sweltering sunshine. Nonetheless, it would be here that Valencia would find a reward for making it thus far - a fresh cantine of water - awaiting her upon a stone. Moreover, she would also find the mouth of a cavern cut directly into the formation. In the present, those responsible for the man-made entrance had long since abandoned their mine. Yet that which they hunted for was still in short supply within their mineshafts.
And this is how the first chapter would begin. Together, the politician and the warrior would descend into the bowels of the desert. Valencia would die. Wrath would Live.