Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Huh, that's something you don't see everyday.

"Class dismissed."

Randall sat in a seat at the back of the church, listening as the priest dismissed the children's class. Children of all ages tumbled out of the small room, rushing towards the exit. "Hello, Mr. Zork!" One of the boys said happily, who did not stay long enough to see Randall nod and release a small grin. Randall listened to the loud drops of rain pound against the window aggressively.

"I suppose your leaving, brother Randall?" The bald priest asked. "Yes, I apologize for causing a delay. I'll see you next week!" Randall said joyfully, climbing out of his seat. Taking slow steps over to the door, he turned to the priest one last time and gave a slight wave before pushing the door open and heading down the metallic stairs.

Rain instantly collided with his trench coat, drenching him rather quickly. However, Randall headed over to a nearby tree, leaning up against it and removing a cigarette as well as a match. Quickly igniting the cigarette, he blew out the flame on the match and tossed it on the road and quickly inhaled the blue smoke. He then stood there for a moment and just continued to lock his gaze onto the road, obviously carried away.

[member="The Cyborg"].

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg was bored. He hadn't been around for awhile; a long while. His body took awhile to re-build, and then there was that stone-mite infestation... Now he was ready to do something. And he had nothing to do. So, he did what he always did when he had nothing else to occupy his mind with; he did what resulted in entire skyscrapers on Corusaunt collapsing centuries ago. He strolled down the streets of the first planet he pointed to on the starmap.

The metallic form simply walked down one of the wide streets of Corellia, one of his Chimera blaster rifles in each hand, readied. Crowds parted to flee, to get away from the armed man. Civilians ran and hid, children stopped their games and ran to their parents. But no one was fast enough. With the first scream of a young child, blaster bolts filled the air. It wasn't long before there was no one left to scream.

The only person left in sight was a man in front of a tree, smoking a cigarette.

[member="Randall Zork"]
His gaze turned to the madness, absolute disbelief on his face. Now, Randall was not a man to curse but...but this was an exception. "YOU MOTHERFETHER!" He barked, allowing his cigarette to fall to the ground. However, Randall's priest had managed to somehow hear him and open the front door to the church, staring outside at him. "BROTHER RANDALL?" The priest shouted. "FATHER, GET BACK IN THE CHURCH! I'LL HANDLE THIS!" Randall yelped, watching as the priest only nodded and shut the door quickly.

Randall quickly placed his hand over his holster, unlatching it which allowed the Vibro-Whip inside to partially touch the ground. Gripping the handle of his whip, he quickly pulled it out of his holster and began to drag it across the ground. "LOWER YOUR WEAPONS, DEMON!" Randall shouted, prepared to be hit with a blaster bolt at any moment.

However, he had planned to take cover behind the large tree only a few feet away from him. "You feel the need to end the lives of innocent children and civilians. You deserve to be punished. Though, authorities will be arriving any moment, I do not wish to attack you but this sin you have commited is great", The man said in a cold and soft tone.

[member="The Cyborg"]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg head slowly swiveled to the side, staring directly at [member="Randall Zork"]. And he laughed. Shrill metallic laughter rang out in the silence that came after the priest yelled, ehocing off the low buildings that bordered the street. The rest of the cyborg's body swiveled suddenly as he raised both rifles. And he pulled the triggers. Beams of superheated Tibanna gas flew from the barrels, burning scorch marks in the grass, on the tree, and everywhere else around Randall. The laughter continued.
He watched in silence as [member="The Cyborg"] raised the weapons. "You son of a-" However, he was interrupted as a bolt pierced his right shoulder, sending him stumbling forward in an attempt to avoid the barrage. He slid behind the tree, watching as the grass was scorched. He cursed once more under his breath, feeling the sweat pour from his forehead. His jaw was set tightly as he attempted to numb the pain in his shoulder.

"HEY, WHY DON'T YOU FETH YOURSELF!" He screamed angrily. "WHY YA DOING THIS?" He shouted again, slowly considering his possibilities. He muttered a short prayer, before looking back to his wound and releasing a grunt. He then slowly removed another cigarette, managing to ignite it with another match. He watched as the dark smoke slowly lifted into the air. "You just want a cigarette and we can talk this out, yeah?"

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
While [member="Randall Zork"]'s view of The Cyborg was obscured by the tree, he made no noise. No evidence to even show that he was still there. The wind blew heavily through the streets of Corellia, driving away the smell of burnt flesh and blaster fumes that hung in the air from the massacre. Sirens sounded far off, but they weren't there yet. And they weren't close enough to help.

Then there was a loud pop, coming from where The Cyborg stood. And a thermal detonator, fired from the cyborg's Mantiore launcher, landed next to Randall. Shrill metallic laughter filled the air again.
He slowly looked over to the thermal detonator after hearing something land in the grass. He just stood there frozen for a second or two before managing to smile. He then jumped to his feet, limp/running over to the church, the pain in his shoulder increasing. Then suddenly, BAM! The power of the device swept him off of his feet, hurling him several feet. Landing on his wounded shoulder, he howled in agony, looking over to the destruction which had done it's deal of damage. He just lay there, staring up at the sky before slowly going silent. His head then shot up, anger on his face. He managed to pull himself up and with all of his strength, lurched forward and shot his arm out, attempting to strike the cyborg with the Vibro-Whip.

[member="The Cyborg"]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
While [member="Randall Zork"] was on the ground, The Cyborg stepped over towards him- only a few feet away when his vibrowhip wrapped around the durasteel apendage that served as his left arm. Then the arm dropped off. Like a lizard. A split second after the arm fell from his torso, tangled in the whip, The Cyborg whipped up his other arm- which held his manticore grenade launcher- and slammed it into the man's face.

"Ooooh! Someone's trying to fight back! How fun."
Falling to his knees as the launcher crashed into his face, he looked up to [member="The Cyborg"], pushing both hands out in front of him. "N-now, if y-your gonna kill me, at least let me finish another cigarette", Randall pleaded, slowly reaching into his trench coat. He then removed a cigarette and a match, quickly igniting it.

He coughed slightly, still keeping his gaze upon the cyborg. "Why don't you have a cigarette, as well?", The former priest said before standing up. The man then pointed to the cyborg, a grin now appearing on his face. "I forgot to tell you something. I'm gonna kill you, motherfether", He said, quickly throwing an open palm towards the cyborg, attempting to use the force in order to push the weapons out of the cyborg's hands.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg's head swiveled around quickly to to watch the manticore grenade launcher fly ff into the distance, before it slowly turned back to face [member="Randall Zork"].

"OoOOoOooooh.... You wouldn't hurt an unarmed man, would you....?"

That's when a small tube appeared, sliding out of his throat to position itself between his teeth.

"Oh wait...."

And superheated tibanna gas burst out of the tube, firing at Randall's face.
He screamed in agony, dropping his whip on the ground to place his hands over his face. He continued to scream, falling to his knees in front of his opponent, [member="The Cyborg"]. "M-MOTHERFETHER!" He screamed, groaning in agony as lay there, his vision seeming to fade as the pain seemed to increase. He really didn't feel like he had the strength to do anything more, he just fell to the ground, continuing to shout.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg leaned down casually, and plucked his detached arm from the ground while [member="Randall Zork"] screamed in agony.

"Something smells like bacon...." He murmured, placing the limb back into the shoulder joint. There was a few seconds of whirring, until The Cyborg flexed the fingers on his left arm, grinning.

"Now..... What to do with you? Hmm?"
He fell to his back, still gripping his face in agony. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" He managed to scream, slowly reaching over to his whip with his left hand. This would be a perfect opportunity for [member="The Cyborg"] to step on his hand and stop him from reaching it but even if he did not do this, he still would probably not be able to physically make it.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg simply stepped over, and snatched the whip off the ground, his head slowly roatating on his shoulder to face [member="Randall Zork"] where he lay screaming on the ground. The shrill metallic laughter rang out again, drowning out the sound of sirens that got closer and closer....

"Why? Why?"

The Cyborg raised his head to the sky, laughing all the louder.

"For fun!"
"You. Sick. Son. Of. A. Shutta!" He screamed loudly, attempting to send his boot flying into the Cyborg's right leg. He'd rather fight and possibly save himself or lay there and allow himself to be killed. If the first kick connected, he'd slowly attempt to pull himself up and send a haymaker flying into [member="The Cyborg"]'s jaw. Yes, he'd probably break his hand but it was better than nothing.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The kick connected with The Cyborg's leg, but he didn't even seem to notice. His metallic teeth bared in a grin as [member="Randall Zork"] got to his feet, his shrill laughter continuing. And then the priest tried to punch him in the jaw. It was like punching a durasteel blast door. The Cyborg glanced down at Randall's hand, then back up to his face, then to his hand again. And burst out laughing even louder.
He barked in pain, staggering backwards and gritting his teeth. He glared up at the cyborg, snarling angrily. His hand felt broken, and it probably was. Randall lurched forward once again, this time attempting to send a strong and powerful kick shooting into [member="The Cyborg"]'s gut.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
In a human, a powerful kick to the gut would send them relling back, vomiting. Prehaps knock the wind out of them. .. The Cyborg's durasteel plates were strongest on his chest and stomach. He stumbled a little.

Then the sirens saved [member="Randall Zork"]'s life.

The sirens from the Coruscanti officers got closer, as green hovercrafts appeared over the rooftops.


The Cyborg slowly turned around to look up at the hovercrafts, grinning. "Oooooh.... loooky heeeere."

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