Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Humble Beginnings (Iella)

So this was it?

The question wandered through Olaf's mind as he walked through the wondrous corridors of the Jedi Temple on Tython. The small green alien caught quite a few curious glances, some from master's who thought the now passed Tefri Efreet was back amongst their ranks. However they would quickly see that he was FAR younger than Tefri, and was but a padawan.

He found himself stopping to admire a certain statue erected to honor a member of his kind, one considered to be one the most powerful and wise Jedi of all time, Master Yoda of the old Jedi Order. A legend, and Olaf's idol.

Eventually he would break away his gaze and continue on down the halls, stepping out of the way of some younglings and so on, smiling at them kindly, which they responded with their own grins. Olaf loved this place, he'd been here all his life. And he planned to stay here for all of it which remained.

@Iella E`ron
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

The sound of children's laughter filtered down the halls as Iella walked toward the main area which housed all the statues of Masters Past. Most of the greats are there, even her personal favourite, Master Kenobi, the best as far as Iella was concerned. A man she looked up to as the blazing light of what a Jedi should be. Well, there is one other ...

She could see the children now, running about the place, playing some sort of game, which involved using the force, a great thing for them to do and practice skills for later. Although she noticed one of the children not play but walking away from the other toward her. She watch him as he approached, her head tilted to the side wondering if something had happened. But no, as he got closer, Iella soon realised this was no child, but ..... she shook her head as in disbelief. It was like one of the greats, one of the statues had come to life again. She smiled at herself.

No he is no child. "Hello", she said as he approached, "For a moment there I thought ... ", she broke off. "You are a Padawan I believe, I am Iella, pleased to meet you".
"Correct you are, Padawan Olaf Freesa I am. A pleasure it is meet you Iella." He stated in his broken galactic basic. He turned and looked up at @[member="Iella E`ron"], he had caught notice of her admiring the statue of Master Kenobi, an ideal Jedi, and a hero. He also had been inspired by him.

Freesa had been told that he needed to find a teacher eventually, so that he could become a Jedi Knight, so he could finally spread the knowledge of the Jedi across the universe. But the master-apprentice relationship offered a plethora of knowledge, and he was eager to learn.
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

"Now correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you have lived here on Tython all your life? .. this truely is a great planet and one I have come to love. From the moons of Ashla and Bogan to the Silent Desert, which I have been luck enough to see", she said. "Self training in the desert is something all should do at some point".

She looked at him for a moment, "You say you are Padawan, do you have someone to train with?, if not I would be delighted to train with you", she smiled. "I think that would be something that would benefit me also".

"Shall we take a walk? and talk some more? .. ". she turned in the direction he was heading, "Maybe we can wonder through the gardens".
"Yes, lived here all my life I have." He answered, listening to Iella intently, thinking about going to train in the deserts eventually, possibly better himself. When she offered to train him, a smile formed on his face, one made of excitement and joy.

He nodded his head, "Honored I would be, to train under you." Olaf's ears perked up. He may have just found his master, and because of that he was ecstatic, then of course she offered to walk in the gardens, perhaps his favorite pastime at the temple. "Yes, enjoy a walk in the gardens, I would." He responded.

@[member="Iella E`ron"]
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

The gardens around the Temple on Tython are unique to say the least. Apart from the differences in plant life on this planet to that of others, the pulsing of the force strong enough for the weakest of force sensitive to feel. The force dripping off everything in the garden like the drops of moisture gathering within a pool on a leaf, the very centre of droplet swirling in an endless motion, with the droplet .. the life. The force.

Iella could sense it all, the living force entered her and refreshed her. It satiated her body, like a swelling almost oozing from her pores on her skin. She took in a deep breath, let the fresh crisp air fill her lungs, she did this several times, allowing the oxygen to pump around her body within her blood stream, sending it's goodness, it life give goodness to the ones within.

She played occasionally with a leaf on one of the plants and they walked, stopping sometime to admire the beauty of a flower, taking in it's scent and just enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"Olaf, can you tell me what training you have had? There are many places I could start with you, but firstly I would like to see what your experience has been. Please tell me everything .. even the small amount will all be helpful and leave nothing out, considered everything important, as it is. Also... I would like you to consider your direction .. the Way in which you see yourself as a Jedi". She turned to smile at him. "All these answer will help guide me in your training", she considered him for a moment.

"Can you tell me something, what do you think of the Jedi Code?". She asked as she moved around one of the corners of the garden.
"Training in basic fore techniques and healing I have had, as well as animal lightsaber instruction." He replied, answering @[member="Iella E`ron"]'s first question as they walked. After questioning his thoughts on the code, he began to ponder his exact opinion on the code. He'd always followed it, they provided him peace and tranquility throughout his life, they were more than just guidelines to him, they were a way of life. "See it as rules to live by, for all beings, I do. Brings peace to all who follow it, it does." He responded.
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

Iella listened to Olaf as he spoke, she agreed with all he said, as she too, follows this code and believes them to a Way .. to live life, not just as Jedi. They finally came to a small pack of lawn, perfectly manicured. A small clearing if you will, with an outline tall trees around the circular area. Iella came to a stop in the centre and turned toward Olaf. She unclipped her lightsaber and check it over, making sure it is on the lowest setting for training, so it would not harm him, sting yes but no limbs will be lost today.

"Do you have your lightsaber yet? I don't mean your training saber", she asked. She ignited her saber and let it hum before her eyes for a moment. The white light pulsing as she and the white dragon connected. She started her warm up exercises, no need to get hurt with training. She indicated for Olaf to do that same, what ever he desired as his warm up.

"There is no emotion, there is peace", she paused, "Tell me what you think that means, then after that we will put it to the test". She smiled as she practice Shii-Cho movements.
"A training saber, I have, nothing more." He replied promptly, drawing the training shoto from his side and igniting it, taking it into both of his hands and warming up with a few quick slashes. The sky blue blade was perfect in his eyes, it brought him peace even in conflict, reminding him of flowing water and oceans.

Listening to the instructions of his master, he nodded, and took a moment to think. His brow furrowed as he mentally debated how to respond. "Emotions such as anger, hatred, sadness, greed, lead to the dark side they do. Expel them, and peace you will find."

@[member="Iella E`ron"]
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

Iella moved over and stood in front of Olaf, she looked at his training saber for a moment, they too can pack a punch. "The form I shall begin with .. like all Jedi .. will be form I, Shii-Cho. Primarily a defensive form, but ... it can be very effective against attackers, in the sense that you can conserve energy and wait, be patient for an opening for you to strike".

Iella began to demonstrate the movements of the form, bringing the blade into vertical and horizontal positions. "You will use this to block blaster bolts, and in time will be able to deflect them back onto the target, practice this form daily, use it as your building block to all other forms". She indicated for him to copy her movements, slowly at first and then much faster.

"Now telll me, the emotions you say that lead to the darkside, how do you expel them to find peace? And is not peace an emotion? after all it is a state of being, an emotion. Do you think that there might be more to this line of the code then just this?", she asked as she moved her feet now as she blade moved in a faster arcs around the small space. "Once you are warmed up and comfortable, we will engage in this form".
Copying his master's movements perfectly, Olaf allowed himself to flow through the motions, practicing them a few times, allowing them to become memory. He took her words to heart, this form would help him deflect blaster bolts and other attacks, the form suited him perfectly, he could stop his enemies attacks without having to harm them. I n the end this was his goal.

"A state of being, different than an emotion it is, a plant can be at peace, but feel emotion it does not." Olaf replied, disagreeing with his master's words. His tone was not harsh in any way, it remained kind as he spoke. Then he nodded to @[member="Iella E`ron"], ready for her to begin.
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

"Therefore, Olaf a plant would not know what peace was since it can not feel the emotion of it", she like the way he thought and she was pleased he was engaging in this line with her. Iella does like a philosophical debate. "I am not saying I am right or wrong or that you are, but I do enjoy this", she said with a smile.

She moved toward him more close and stood ready to engage. She would have to adjust to him because of his height, in a sense he had the advantage here, but she is aware of it. She positioned herself in Jedi Ready stance just as her Master had shown her. "Take this position always to begin, this position will center you to focus the force to you, the Jedi's first stance before combat", she remained in that position long enough her him to take note of it. She then moved out of that stance .. moving her right foot slightly forward out of stance, as for her, it is a much preferred and more comfortable stance.

"If you find yourself in a situation where you see an injustice being committed on another, tell me what you would do. Before you answer however, consider the first line of code". She said as she raised her blade in a two handed grip and swung it at a half pace toward Olaf on a horizonal plan. Aiming for his shoulder, one of the target zone of this form.
"Zelosians, an exception they would be? Or the other species of sentient plant?" Olaf questioned, stepping into a fighting stance as @[member="Iella E`ron"] began the duel. Lightning fast reflexes allowed Olaf to block the saber of his master. Following up he rolled under her saber and struck at her leg. As they began the training duel, she questioned him again, this one had an easy answer. "Try to intervene I would, non-violently, of course."
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

Oh he is fast, she thought with a smile, that is good. Quickly she raised the hilt of the blade upwardly as the blade pointed down and blocked his strike. She side stepped placing one foot behind the other and moved slightly to his side allowing her to be positioned enough the strike at his back. Her blade coming in at an angle to adjust for his height.

"What would you say to someone that would intervene in this mentioned situation, without find out the facts first? To simply react on the visual of the situation and with their initial instinctive reaction to that situation? Your immediate answer is to intervene with out knowing the facts, what if that situation was not one of injustice but appeared to you that way. The first line of the code for me, means to remove all emotions so to find peace or calm so that emotions do not get in the way of judgement of any situation, not just one of combat or situations like I have posed to you now. It might have been the reserve, but if you act to swiftly then an error will be made".
"Suppose you are correct, I do." He replied with a nod, twirling around and catching the strike with his blade. He didn't have the strength to hold her off forever at this point, but the little being was very strong. Leaping above her once more, he raised his saber above his head and brought it down towards @[member="Iella E`ron"] with a battle cry coming from his mouth. Falling Avalanche, to the best one of his stature could preform it.
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

Iella sensed his next move and prepared, as his blade came down, she bent her knees and crouched her arms bring up the saber hilt and the blade on a horizontal plan to block the strike, she adjusted her feet and place all her weight on one leg and stretched out the other for balance. As she came downward Iella took one hand of her blade and she reached out with one of her hands and gently tapped his chest to indicate, that she would have performed a force push on him.

She stood up and bowed to him, "We shall break for a while to catch our breath", she said. "Those moves are great and I enjoy seeing them and doing them myself, but just remember you will leave yourself open with them, have a second move in mind when you employ them or make sure that move is the last and that your opponent is spent".

"Come there is a fountain near by with clean drinking cool water, let's go for some", she started off for the fountain, which was only a short distance away. As they walked, she considered the next line of the code.

"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge .... this one I think is self explanatory but tell me your ideas on it".

(Just in case you miss it.)
Following behind @[member="Iella E`ron"] Olaf listened, silently absorbing all his master had to say so that he could use it to better himself as a Jedi and by extension the universe. As they reached the fountain and she asked her next question about the code of the Jedi, he supposed this line of questioning would continue for quite a time, not that he minded at all.

"Ignorance allows one to be manipulated, susceptible to the dark side it makes us, knowledge, the best defense against ignorance it is."
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

Simplistic in it's design, elegant and white, the fountain bubbles water from a nature spring from deep below the surface here on Tython. By the side of the fountain are several small wooden cups for the purpose of refreshing ones self. Iella walked to the side and takes up a cup and dips it into the fresh waters. She takes several sips and waits for Olaf.

His words are correct, ignorance will allow many things to twist ones purpose in life, may not necessarily lead all to the dark side but life most certainly be left unfulfilled.

"Your words I agree with, and I will add, that it also directs us to seek knowledge where ever and when ever we can, as long as that knowledge is fruitful and not allowed to become corrupted. The journey to find knowledge can also lead to the darkside, if we seek the kind of knowledge that will empower us, and not have the Path of Jedi in mind but one of a selfish nature. However a life filled with study .. a journey that will never be finished is one of a complete life. We study all the time as Jedi, it is what makes us stronger not only with knowledge but strengthens our Path".

She finds a place to rest for a short while, before they will begin training more.
Only nodding in response, Olaf hobbled over to the spot beside his master, listening to her wise words. @[member="Iella E`ron"] pointed out something that made him wonder, how far could one go to find knowledge? What was the limit? How would he know he was going to far? Shaking off the though the small being tried to focus on the task at hand, resting until they started up again, and the force knew he did love to rest.
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

@[member="Olaf Freesa"]

As they sat there in repose for a moment, Iella enjoying his company and the fresh water. "Soon you will go and construct your lightsaber, while we are here in a quiet time, show me your skills in Telekinesis, find something around this fountain as an example", she took another sip of the cool water.

"Of course you can build the saber with your hands as well, both methods are involved and tricky". she said. "Now come on I want to see some magic". She smiled at Olaf.

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