Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Hunt for Artifacts 1|OF

Location: The Emperors meeting room aboard the Avenger, on route to Noquivsor.
Tags: Any member of the Order of the Force, and others.

The meeting room contained a table which had holographic projectors, and computers. Varloc sat at the head of the table, next to him sat Signal Signal , on his other side was commander Tryre Allastar, other officers took up some of the other seats.

Varloc looked at everyone seated We will soon arrive at Noquivsor. I dont like being so close to Galactic Alliance territory, but we have info on a crashed ship containing data of the location of Force artifacts. We will find the ship and take the data. Just then a message showed up on his computer, informing him that they had arrived at Noquivsor. Any questions?
Signal looks at all the data that has been presented on the table, being the aggressive type that he is he asks, “Will we be expecting any retaliation when we arrive at the crash site?” Secretly hoping that the emperor would inform them that there would be action happening as he’s been yearning for some ever since before he left the Sith order.

While waiting for a response from the Emperor, he decides to make sure that his double sided lightsaber and blaster are both properly holstered, showing that he’s ready for anything to happen.

Varloc Varloc
Tags: anyone
Varloc looked at Signal Signal . Most likely, the ship was guarded and locals will probably be near the site too, we are not sure if they will be aggressive. He then stood. Make your way to shuttle and transports, Tryre get to the bridge and wait, we may need you. Dismissed. He then left.

Varloc made his way to the Officers hanger bay, and then he boarded one of the Starseer shuttles, and then waited for signal before heading to the surface.
People: Varloc Varloc

Signal watches as the Emperor walks out of the room and decides to take this opportunity to clear his mind to get ready for the mission. Remembering everything that he has learnt with the Jedi and sith. Signal gets up from his seat and makes his way to the hanger tomake Their way to the crashed ship is.

Once ready, Signal nodded at the emperor signifying that he’s ready to go.
Tags: Signal Signal

Varloc then moves towards the cockpit. Pilot take us to sector 7 north east hemisphere.

The ship then left the hanger bay followed by multiple fighters and Transports.

We do not know the ships exact location. He activates a hologram showing the planet, he then points at a spot in the north east hemisphere. We know it somewhere around here.

The ship entered the atmosphere and approached sector 7. An officer then said. Sir scanners show no ships. Varloc then looked into the Force, ne sensed somthing. Head 20 degrees west. The ship turned and then went lower, revealing massive golden plains of grass. But in the distance there was a large grey shape, it looked like a small mountain. We are here, set us down.

The ship began to quicken its descent. Then they came under blaster fire. Tell the other ships to land and attack, we will fly as close as we can. Varloc waited till they were almost onto the guards that were firing on them. He than opened door and jumped out. It wasnt too high about 60 feet.

He then used the force to slow himself down, he landed in the middle of a company soilders, that were unkown to Varloc. He didn't have time to ask who they were. He ignited his saber and cut down a half a dozen of them, then he used lightning to take out another half a dozen.
Tags: Varloc Varloc

After watching the emperor jump out of the ship, Signal decides to follow suit. First igniting his double sided light saber, he jumps out of the ship and lands on a few of the attacks and beheads them while they're on the ground. Remembering his time at the jedi academy and training under the sith lord, he masterfully deflects all of the blaster shots directed at him and aggressively pushes towards the attackers, cutting every single one he sees and gets close to.

Signal decides to fall back a little to where the allied ships are landing to help cover the heavy fire towards the now landed ships. Being able to protect most of the troops and noticing that the once heavy fire was depleting, he was able to locate the Emperor and catch up to him and fight alongside him. What's the next order once we're done with these scum?
Tags: Signal Signal

Varloc cut down more soilders till he had cleared out an area. He quickly ran to signal and to the troops who were moving in. Troopers take care of the rest of the guards, signal and I will make our way into the ship. Once you have defeated all of the guards on the outside I want you block any means of escape for them. He then nodded to signal, and made his way to the ship.

Varloc arrived at the ship where to gaurds stood. Varloc cut them down, he then looked up, trying to find an entrance point. He saw a air lock a little bit above them, he then jumped up to the side of the ship, clinging the side. He ignited his saber, the purple blade's light reflected off of the ship. He then cut open a hole, and climbed through.

On the inside of the ship was a hallway, their were bent metal and pieces of electrical parts all over the floor. He then made his way to where he believed the artifact files were, most likely near the bridge, he knew that signal would catch up.
Signal watched as the Emperor cuts down the two guards and quickly enters the ship, trusting in the Emperor and the force, he closely follows behind and keeps an eye on the Emperor's back. Signal hears guards coming from behind and tells the Emperor to go on up to find the artifact.

As Signal watches the Emperor continuing through the seemingly endless hall, he sensed that the guards were just about there and ignites his saber. The red crystal illuminates the hall and reveals dozens of guards running towards him and taking aim. Then shots starts getting fired, Signal starts slowly moving towards the guards as he deflects all the laser bolts and taking them down one by one both with the force and his saber wielding skills. There is only one goal Signal had in his mind: Get that artifact.

As the number of guards dwindle, so did the amount of backup he could see with the limited light source coming from his lightsaber. He decides to put away his light saber and uses the force to push all the guards back. While the guards are still reorganizing after being pushed farther back, Signal takes this opportunity to catch up with Varloc Varloc
They walked through the halls to a large blast door. Varloc walked up to it and studied it. Alarms, we can't cut it will go on lockdown. He then reached out with Force, trying to open the door, then a light went on and the door opened.

Varloc walked in, the room was obviously the right place, for it was a data vault. Varloc walked up to a computer in the center of the room, he looked through the files, he found it. He activated a map, it showed a planet called Absit, and then it showed an asteroid that circled around the planet, it was quite abnormal the asteroid should have been pulled into the planet.
That is our target. Let's go back to the ship.

He returned to his know parked shuttle with Signal and went to the cockpit. Get all forces out of here and call in bombers to destroy the ship. The ship then lifted off and returned to the Avenger.

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