Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting a hunter [Bounty on Darth Odium]

Nomad was determined to hand in a contract, his target this time was Darth Odium. Thankfully his target had given instructions to find him saving a log a boring chase.

Nomad travelled through mandalorian space, his location was Taris. Landing down he had pay a landing free. Cheekily he used the force to allow him free access. Moving straight for the address given he followed the road.

Sitting down he tried to make his force signature as large as possible, this wasn't all that great, but hopefully it would be enough.

[member="Darth Odium"]

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Odium sat on a highrise is black eyes scanning the pages of a One Sith weekly tribune. This issue was regarding [member="Reverance"] and rumors of opiate abuse but as with all things it was merely rumor. A brief article about a dispute between Balaya and Silara over one calling the other Darth Vitamins typical mildness as was often the case. An image of [member="Darth Vornskr"] holding a coloring book containing a picture of a rainbow pony wearing battle armor had nearly all of the colors within the lines. The caption said "Never let go of your dreams."

Odium looked out over the landscape as he felt a breif presence but thought only of whether he should continue his plan for this building and kill the occupants or wait until night when it would be more full.
[member="Darth Odium"]

... nothing, no reaction. oh well Nomad thought to himself, standing up he looked at the holonet page once more: "Please go to 11643426 S. Poulsbo Lane, on Taris in the cheapside district and ask for Little Annie. I'll wait." Looking around he wasn't even on Poulsbo Lane however he was close: Street, avenue, another street, Poulsbo Lane. The door swung open to the desired house "I'm looking for little Annie" he said to the greeter.

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

The protocol droid would usher Nomad in and direct him to have a seat in what appeared like an old fashioned sitting room where guest were often recieved. It was an average sized room with expensive furnishings but as it was in the center of the highrise flat there was only one door and no windows. Vents in the ceiling gave a pleasant supply of cool air and mist as the owner was Nautolan and liked a little moisture.

"The Master will be with you in a moment sir. " the droid said.

Meanwhile a beep would inform Odium the safe word was used by someone and they were in the guest room. His cold black eyes looked at his chrono and he went to change into his armor just in case.
[member="Darth Odium"]

Nomad didn't sit down, instead he leant against the wall with the door, he didn't like the design of the room but he couldn't help but feel slightly a peace there. A droid came into the room wan walked to Nomad, informing him that Odiuum, (Or at least he thought it would be) would be with him shortly. Taking his E-11 blaster rife he prepared for the battle that would soon follow.

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Suddenly the door thunked and the inner walls became covered in blueish luminescent shields. The room wad actually a cell where innocents like poor little annie had been kept until Odium could experiment on them. The vents in the ceiling began spewing smokey white gas as a section of wall slid open to reveal a heavy ship grade transparisteel window. On the other side sat Odium the one that was sought. His happy black eyes met the eyes of Mr. Crimson. He lifted a droid vocabulator to his neck and hit a button for the inter comm.

"You wanted to see me?" He said as the gases slowly began to fill the room. "That gas is weaponized Nerve agent it will slowly fill the room and as soon as you take a breath you will fall unconscious. After that I will probably kill you. If I decide to let you live i can only say you would have been happier using your weapon on yourself. "
[member="Darth Odium"]

Nomad jumped when the shields appeared, great it's a cell, I probably should've waited for some help. Nomad thought. Gas then started venting through the ceiling he covered his nose and mouth, this would give him a little more time, yes but not save him. "This is rather clever" he said, Nomad's eyes never left the gaze of his target's "I should have known that something like this would happen" he muttered to himself, looking around he saw the vents them selves weren't as well shielded as the walls. Taking that chance he drew his blaster and pointed it to the vents and fired one shot, just to see what would happen.

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

The vent blew open revealing a small 10 inch durasteel pipe . The gas began to come out of the hole less in a wave and more in a billowing cloud. Luckily the gas was denser than air and it was filling the room from the ground up. Odium wrote the recation on his datapad with a small sytlus then rested his chin on his palms.

<<Carry on.>> the mute sith lord said directly to the hunter's mind.
okay so that didn't help- "Stay out of my mind!" he yelled to the sith, Nomad couldn't stand people doing that, it was creepy. Thinking -and starting to panic- he threw everything off the coffee table, then gathering his strength he tried to use the force the throw the table at the door. However while doing so he did let his face cover slip a little, allowing more gas to get into his system

[member="Darth Odium"]

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

The door was durasteel as most doors in the galaxy tended to be. Odium was. Amused by the attempts to escape. He made a few more notes and waited as the Nautolan hunter let in some of the gas.

<<Stop me. Keep me out of your mind if you can>> he said again to the hunters mind. <<or would you like to see what else I can do first? >>
[member="Darth Odium"]

Forgetting about his mask Nomad tried to reach out past the wall to the sith himself "Fine, I will" he then used the force to try and injure Odium in the form of a force pull. Things were getting even more out of hand the more time Nomad wasted on stopping Odium the less time he would probably have to live.

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Nomad would indeed pull Odium from his seat and tobthe transparisteel window. Odium's face pressed against thr glass and he gave the other Nautolan a pleased smile.

<<Ok.>> Odium said again to his mind as he reached out with his specialist power, force drain. Odium would send invisible tendrils of force drain shooting at Nomad and what would have been unconsciousness was now life or death.
[member="Darth Odium"]

Feeling his connection to the force drain Nomad stumbled slightly, not only that he was getting slower, the nerve gas was starting to take effect. Without the force he could think of anything else to do apart from one thing, Nomad looked through he bag and took out one carbonite grenade. He set it to detonate in five seconds, 5...4..3.. he threw it into the pipe 2.. 1.. detonation.

Darth Odium

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

The grenade exploded freezing everything within thirty meters or ninety eight feet with carbonite. The room a typical sitting room was only perhaps 20 feet square. The gas and everything else in the room would stop but unless a very different carbonite grenade it wouldn't pierce walls. Odium would be left to look on at the potentially temporarily frozen hunter before he would. Turn to leave.
[member="Darth Odium"]

After several days the carbonite melted leaving Nomad worse for wear. His lungs were screaming at him and he could barely see. Gasping for clean air, he was leaning against the couch. Nomad was just barely keeping consciousness.

This didn't last long, shadows began dancing all over his vision and he was unable to move once more but this time he wasn't frozen in a block of ice.

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