Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hunting Beyond Reason

Hunting Beyond Reason
Aris Noble Aris Noble


A plateau far below where the treeline ended held the village of Toparesh. From below, it was hard to spot due to the thick forestry but from the high paths running along the nearby mountains, it could easily be spotted from afar. A peaceful creek ran along the valleys below and a well walked path could be found between it and Toparesh. Children ran between the simple buildings as they played elders watched from afar whist discussing and doing menial tasks. A few adults moved from place to place but a good number of them weren't there. What was there, however, was a luxurious yacht of a ship belonging to the Crown of Onderon. Among the humble abodes and green pines, it stood out like a sore thumb - a reminder of a galaxy beyond the beauty and closeness of Toparesh.

Sound of laughter and the wind peacefully flowing through the forest intertwined with the beautiful song of a local Shili bird. But the noise from a speeder grew increasingly loud, causing heads to turn. A few eager faces lit up among the locals - but more of them seemed concerned. They were expecting this.

Finally, an elegant speeder matching the appearance of the yacht pierced through the woodwork and halted by the doctor's home. The four doors to the vehicle's side quickly opened. Two able bodied Togruta hopped out from the passenger's seat and moved to help a heavily wounded man out from the third seat. A fourth hunter followed out whilst helping to carry the third. "She caught him! She caught Orosh! Call for-..." the woman spoke with urgency but trailed off as the doctor opened the front door to his home and waved them in. By the time they were moving in, a crowd had formed to see what was going on. The children got there first but the elders were ushering them away. Concerned and horrified faces clad those who lingered.

Finally, Vince stepped out of the vehicle from the driver's seat. His eyes were moved - blank almost. The outfit he wore did not match that of the locals. But it did not quite match what one might expect from someone landing on a yacht too. Instead, was clad to be practical with an unbuttoned light military jacket on top of a black tank top with camouflaged military grade pants and sturdy boots. With gentle steps, he moved past the crowd to the door, letting his eyes linger on what was going on inside. It was likely the last moments of poor Orosh after he got caught by the powerful bite of an Akul.

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