Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
[SIZE=9pt] Weeks had passed – she had trained, suffered, bent, and built herself back in to something she had never expected. Matsu Xiangu had been born a girl with something wrong to no true purpose. That had translated in to violence without inhibition, the flaring of a power with the potential to devastate entire planets were it not held in check. While magnificent it was unrefined, animalistic. That kind of power threatened to take root in her brainstem and take away all ability to reason, the fruition of base instinct driving nothing better than a shell – and what was unlimited power without the ability to think clearly enough to direct it to its best use?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Matsu that had left that bar at Jared Ovmar’s side was dead.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Matsu that trailed to his office on 244Core now was a creature, though equally as formidable in her potential, much like a diamond he’d plucked from the rough. She was no longer unhinged and willing to let her power consume her – control was the name of the game, and she’d become very good at it. She was the viper he’d seen she could be, quiet and hidden in the grass until her prey got too close and she sank her fangs in. But not before – never before they were close enough to catch. She kept her true power, the things she could do, hidden so far up her sleeve that it was too late once it had begun. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The power to destroy was still in her. But now it came with a deadly precision of thought.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] His secretary buzzed her in without a word, perhaps hesitant to break the silence that seemed to hang around Matsu like a pall, punctuated by a face that seemed to have gotten more delicately angular as she had delved in to her training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] A comment was already on her lips, some remark on how hard it must be to find good help (because Matsu can never let Jared, her master ovmar friend promise teach me everything and i’ll give you everything go without giving him a hard time) when she saw the man behind the desk. She stopped in her tracks, her face expressionless save for a slight narrowing of her eyes. Wrong, wrong, wrong… She reached out, searching for the fold of inattention she’d gotten rather adept at finding, the slight distraction that would let her slip in to the man’s mind while he wasn’t looking to find some answers. But she met resistance, pushing her fingers up against some wall that seemed to surround his mind – practically shoving after a moment before taking a step forward.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] “I’m sure you have a good reason for sitting in my Master’s chair,” she said quietly, the low husk of her voice filled with the promise that if he was unable to procure said reason, she would remove him herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Matsu that had left that bar at Jared Ovmar’s side was dead.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Matsu that trailed to his office on 244Core now was a creature, though equally as formidable in her potential, much like a diamond he’d plucked from the rough. She was no longer unhinged and willing to let her power consume her – control was the name of the game, and she’d become very good at it. She was the viper he’d seen she could be, quiet and hidden in the grass until her prey got too close and she sank her fangs in. But not before – never before they were close enough to catch. She kept her true power, the things she could do, hidden so far up her sleeve that it was too late once it had begun. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The power to destroy was still in her. But now it came with a deadly precision of thought.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] His secretary buzzed her in without a word, perhaps hesitant to break the silence that seemed to hang around Matsu like a pall, punctuated by a face that seemed to have gotten more delicately angular as she had delved in to her training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] A comment was already on her lips, some remark on how hard it must be to find good help (because Matsu can never let Jared, her master ovmar friend promise teach me everything and i’ll give you everything go without giving him a hard time) when she saw the man behind the desk. She stopped in her tracks, her face expressionless save for a slight narrowing of her eyes. Wrong, wrong, wrong… She reached out, searching for the fold of inattention she’d gotten rather adept at finding, the slight distraction that would let her slip in to the man’s mind while he wasn’t looking to find some answers. But she met resistance, pushing her fingers up against some wall that seemed to surround his mind – practically shoving after a moment before taking a step forward.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] “I’m sure you have a good reason for sitting in my Master’s chair,” she said quietly, the low husk of her voice filled with the promise that if he was unable to procure said reason, she would remove him herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt][member="Darth Carach"][/SIZE]