Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting on Yavin IV


An oldd aand weathered freighter pierced the skies over Yavin IV, drivinngg haphazardly every which way through the skies. Once again, Xavier was piloting tthe ship. The difference was; this time, the little astrodroid that had always prevented the ship from crashing wasn't present. So the freighter ducked and dived at seemingly random intervals, only to suddenly raise to the sky seconds before hitting the treeline of the jungle planet.

Meanwhile, Xavier did his best to see over the bashboard, depsite the fact of his near blindness, and sang at the top of his lungs.

"Fifty bottles of Ardess on the wall! Fifty bottles of Ardees! Take one down, and pass it around, 49 bottle of Ardees on the wall!"

This was going to be a long trip.
Meanwhile, Charlie sat in the back of the ship, getting the traps ready. They'd bought a bunch of traps, and some dead rats to bait them with, when they left Correllia... now he just had to figure out how they worked. Each one was a small metal cage, with a little pressure sensor in the center of it. Now I just put the bait behind the sensor... Charlie placed the dead rat- he wasn't very sqeamish about these things- in the back of the cage, and slowly placed the cage on his bed- where he sat-, careful not to apply pressure onto the trap. The cage stayed open.


That was, that is, until the ship jerked downwards again, triggering the trap and causing the door to slide shut quickly over the opening of the cage.
Xavier twitched the controls of the ship to the side, suddenly, causing the freighter to almost preform a barrel roll, before pushing teh controls quiclky, shoving the nose of the ship towards the ground. This time, however, the old man accidently brushed the autopilot button. While Xavier still though he was steering the ship, the freighter quickly righted itself, and slowly began the descent to Yavin IV.

"Fourty four bottles of Ardees on the wall! Fourty-four bottles of Ardees! Take one down, and pass it around! Forty three bottles of Ardees on the wall!"
In the back room, Charlie had given up trying to set the traps on the ship, and set the sack of dead rats on the crate of traps, grumbling to himself. The young human barged out of his room, and quickly made his way to the bridge, annoyed at his grandfather for insisiting to pilot the ship. He was extremely suprised, however, when the shiop suddenly righted itself, and he coudl feel it descening to the ground. Charlie stepped in to the bridge slowly, where his grandfather was still singign at teh top of his lungs.

"Are we landing?"

In response, his grandfather only kept singing.

"Thirty-four bottle sof Ardees on the wall! Thirty-four bottle sof Ardees!"

Charlie took this as a yes, and quickly spun around to go get the crate of traps.
While the ship landed gracefully, You've got ot love autopilot, in a small clearing of the jungle moon, Charlie carried the small crate of traps towards the rampway. The sack of dead rats on top of it was starting to stink... he coudln't wait to get the traps set. If they were lucky, he'd trap the snakes they needed and be out of here by sunset on Corellia. Charlie smiled as he inhaled the forest air, and stepped out onto the clearing. He'd insisted with his grandfather that he coudl set the traps himself. It couldn't be hard, right? He had twenty traps and only needed a dozen snakes... Even if he missed half a dozen of them up, they'd still get enough! So Cherlie walked off into the forest, whistling one of his grandfather's songs to himself.
Meanwhile, once Charlie was out in the woods, Xavier got himself ready to follow his grandson. He raised his comically large slugthrower, it was as large as he was, into the air, stumbling somewhat as he did, and stepped off the ramp. He had to protect his grandson- make sure nothing got to him. Of course, he would find it hard tto follow Charlie's trail without seeing... but he didn't seemt ot hink of that. Rather, Xavier walked off into the woods- the same general direction as Charlie- stumbling over plant matter and vines as he went...
Charlie waded throught eh dense underbrush of Yavin IV, placing a trap every few meters, and being careful not to trigger them as he baited each one with a dead rat. He could hear something moving through the brush, far behind him, but he wasn't much worried. It was probably some small creature looking into the dead rats- or maybe it was even the crystal snakes! Either way, he didn't deem it a danger. So The boy finished with the traps, placing the last one in a small patch of bristly plants, before turning back the way he came.
Something fairly large, about the same size he was, was trampling through the thick foliage and terrain. And it was moving towards Charlie. The young human quiclky moved into cover, hiding in a narrow place inbetween two tree trunks that grew so close together they almost seemed to be of the same tree. Whatever it was moved closer. A twig snapped. Charlie grabbed a rock. Another twig snapped. He got the rock ready in his hand. The branches were pushed apart by something.... And Charlie lunged forwards, clubbing whatever it was in the head with his rock.
Five minutes later, Charlie was dragging his unconcious grandfather through the brush. He made a mental note to be more careful who he attacks, thinking they're monsters.... He frowned. Grandpa's going to be mad.... I could always say a rancor or something did it... Sure, that's it. A rancor jumped out of the brush, and knocked him into a tree, and he hit his head... Yeah, and I hit it with a rock! That's right... I hit it with a rock, and it ran away!

Charlie continued to plot how to get away with accidently knocking out his grandfather as he dragged him up the ramp, telling the protocol droid to go collect the traps as he went....
An hour later, the droid was stacking cages in a corner of the ship- each containing a blue snake. A few of the snakes were hissing and snapping at the droid when he got close, but most of them sat coiled in their metal prisons, staring at Charlie, Xavier, and the droid as they were stacked in the corner. Meanwhile, Xavier had begun to wake up... Sort of.

"M- Mommy....? My head hearts...."

Charlie frowned at Xavier, but didn't do anything that might wake him up fully. He didn't want him to wake up until they were far from Yavin IV.... that meant, of course, that he'd have to contact Pharmatech himself.

The Beast Hunter's Guild had given them orders to contact the client directly when the animals were captured; they wanted to pick them up themselves,a pperantly. Now he just had to find wherever Xavier wrote down the comlink number...
Eventually, Charlie managed to find a scrap of paper in his grandfather's pocket, with a number scrawled and overlapping itself scribbled on it.

A call went in to Pharmatech's front desk.

"Erm... We've got the snakes you ordered... On Yavin IV... erm.... bye."

Charlie hung up, frowning at the comlink for a second, before setting it aside. A moment later, another call came into the help desk.

"Oh yeah, this is the Beast Hunter's Guild!"

Charlie quickly hung up again, and ran over to the rampway of the ship. He had no idea how quickly they'd come to pick up the animals, if at all, but he wanted to make sure they got them...

( [member="Valik"] I apologize for taking so long to fufill the order, orders got backed up. )

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