Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting Pirates (OPEN)

What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
While sneaking through the halls she heard the sound of partial shield activating, "seems like there trying to keep me in but don't know where I am yet, that good, I think" her though process was interludes by the sound of several fast moving creatures, checking her motion sensor she found several smaller being coming straight for her, and fast.

"Ahh kirff there sending hounds after me, no amount of stealth can keep your scent hidden", for the time being she lowers her APAR and pulled out her two blaster pistols as well as her two vibro blades, one weapon in each hand. She then jumped up again onto the roof and awaited the creatures arrival, just because she was in their ship didn't mean she's couldn't get the drop on them.

"I wonder what the others are doing right now" she mused to herself while the motion tracker showed the creatures getting closer to her location.

[member="GM Opposition."]
"As you wish."

It was impossible to say from which direction the voice echoed through the corpse riddled corridor, a disembodied noise that was unchained from the boundaries that limited mortal men in their meaningless little actions. Darth Abyss was not flesh, not bones and not blood. He was the darkness in its most pure, and most wretched form, only haunting the plane of the living by untamed hunger, by an obsession to devour all knowledge and all minds until there would be nothing left but the dark entity himself. If [member="Nathan Sandusky"] truly believed that he stood a chance against a being that defied death and the laws of nature, a being that commanded ancient magic, wicked trickery and the shadows with equal mastery, then he would quickly learn that it was a quite deadly mistake to underestimate him.

The strange, twisted laugh followed his words, fading from the air the second in which the eldritch husk revealed himself from the darkness, now standing right where the fight had started. His staff rhythmically stomped on the ground, the sharp metal creating a unpleasant, almost painful screeching every time it meet the floor. Then the otherworldly voice began to recite an old spell that found its origin on Dathomir, known by very few besides the witches of the cursed forests and corrupted swamps. When sung by the Nightsisters the song had a odd, wild beauty to it, but Abyss version was an dissonant, incomprehensible and jarring storm of sound that blasted through the corpse filled pathway.

"Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!"

When the skull of his staff began to once more glow in an eery green, the dead that had gathered around them decided that it was time to rise again. First the movements were subtle, merely twitching and struggling to raise their shattered bodies of the ground. The undead weren't great warriors, and they didn't had to. Other than the living they felt no pain, no exhaustion and they served him with absolute dedication. Their only objective was not to kill but to divert focus, while also creating a walking shield to keep his armor from being damaged.

"Tu'iea akute gal buti gtukvi, chaosas buti visa anas valia buti imyeji" ("Your eyes can be deceived, chaos is all that will be perceived")

As the zombies rose from their not so final place of eternal rest, another object jumped into his left, a small pocket watch oscillating on a small chain that was vibrant with dark side energy. Many had failed to resist the draw of the arcane relic, falling into madness for seeing things not meant for insects. The longer his opponent would look upon the clock, the stronger the spell would grow until reality itself was shattered into a million little pieces. At least if he wouldn't manage to dispose of his undead servants and stop the spell as quickly as it had been summoned.
[member="Darth Abyss"]




Nathan was very unsure as the bodies began to glow green. Shades spiralled around him, nipping at his heels and arms and he choked on his own fear. for a moment his eyes went wide, which was his undoing, since they happened to catch a very flashy trinket. The trinket Abyss was holding.

From within deep in his psyche he felt his determination rise to the fore. Grit of a spacer, trying to shield him from the spell. The force, or what he knew of it stirred as well trying to fend of the fiendish atttack. His jaw began to drop ever lower as the visions seared into his mind, and reality began to shatter for the spacer.

Nathan took a step back and roared. Clawing at his eyes with one hand, pistol swishing and swashing with the other.

His trigger finger slipped inside the guard and he squeezed., letting loose a volley of double taps. some aimed for Abyss, some for the Watch and some for the fiendish reincarnated Pirates.

It was all so sudden.

Worms boring through brain matter was playing on repeat, then switching to reavers ripping apart a fellow crewman. It was a nightmare loop, a conjuration of his deepest fears.

The shots for the Watch he knew, just from the burp of the Revolver, and the angle of his swinging arms went wide, ricocheting off the bulkhead.

He tried to steady himself, drawing deeper into his resolve.

He failed again and reeled, shuffling back like a drunkard.

All options were lost to the Judge. The Judge Pistol went crashing to the deck as he fumbled for his Light Saber, concealed under his heavy plate carrier vest.

He failed again to grasp it, still reeling....

At least the two zombies were pinned to the deck, their corpses held fast by his spiked custom bullets...
The spiked bullets fired by [member="Nathan Sandusky"] danced through the air. Most of them were socked up by the undead servants Abyss wretched sorcery had summoned, but two found their target. The first one reached the chest plate of the metal husk, shredding through the steel and leaving the hollow figure on the back with a second hole. To a breathing being composed out of flesh such a hit would likely be a lethal injuries, but to the Mindeater it was merely a little bruise. From the two small holes inside his armor thin black smoke emerged, a physical manifestation of dark side energy that was stopped in its flow through the crystal network leading through his twisted body.

The second bullet reached his clock, but instead of hitting its target fully, it only grazed the arcane trinket. Yet the slight impact was enough to disrupt the rhythmic movement of the Everlasting Clockwork, and with it the spell that was only kept together by the fragile energy field created by performing the needed ritual with perfect precession.

"Worldly tools will not save your live. I am beyond this realm."

Slowly the husk moved towards his opponent, ramming his staff into the nearest zombie corpse on the ground and leaving the arcane tool there to keep at least his other spell active. Now with both hands free, the Mindeater could call upon even more of his wretched weapons to bring pain, fear and death to the insect that made the mistake to defy his eternal judgment. From his belt the hilt of his crimson saber jumped into his right, the blade coming to live once it touched his metal hand. In his left another weapon, a blue knife that mirrored a mix of shells and bones, was pulled from a secret compartment in his left boot. Famine's Taint, a symbol that marked him as one of the four heads of the Sith Assassins, at least to the few that were aware of the shadowy organization.

"Surrender or die. Your crew and ship are a small price compared to your life and that of your sister."

The left of the husk lifted, the knife only held by his thumb while the leftover fingers pointed at the pirate hunter who was still out of the reach of his weapons. There was another laugh of the twisted entity, while the dark side began to grow inside the empty creature. Then the abyss opened, revealing the unnatural hunger that was hidden inside of it. Like a million dark tendrils Abyss mind reached for that of his opponent, not to break it, but to consume it whole. Even those that could resist him often suffered from confusion once the might of his mind meet their meagre mental defenses, once their thoughts, emotions and memories were twisted, deformed and disordered as they were caught in the dark maelstrom that was the Mindeater.
[member="Darth Abyss"]

The display of awesome weaponry was lost on Nathan, though he held firm in his resolve to clutch the saber under his plated vest. When his fingers found it, his mind was all but shattered, as the images of worms eating flesh accelerated.

The feedback loop was beginning to drive him crazy, and his desire to end it led him to tap some of that agony. Darker forces stirred in his soul and he felt an inhuman need. something that he'd never felt before. A desire for pure vengeance. This was nothing to do with the right thing. this was anger, hatred and something else.

He managed to slip the saber free and ignite the orange blade.

His vision and other senses still sloppy he roared, and lunged blind, using his intuition to strike.

Something about surrender reached his ears, but it was lost in the defilade of madness and vertical saber strikes raining orange glory upon the mindeater....
"Wrong answer."

He felt the awakening, the raw, uncontrolled power of the dark side rising inside of [member="Nathan Sandusky"]. It gave him speed, strength and resilience but for a price. Not only was his soul now tainted after touching the seductive might that this path had to offer, but an untrained user of the dark side gave up traits like restraint and control. The saber strikes rained down on Abyss in a quick fury but they lacked finesse and skill. While the art of dueling was never something Abyss had truly mastered, he had still learned quite a lot in his years of carrying a lightsaber with him almost all the time. With the controlled footwork of Form II he moved backwards, using either his crimson blade in his right or the twisted knife in his left to block the incoming strikes.

It was clear that his opponent had not much training in using the weapon in his hands, and without the darkness burning within he would've died the second he raised his sword against the Mindeater. Still Abyss had both the right tools and the right skills to kill duellists that far overshadowed the dark entity when it came to pure bladework and he was not above using them against a little insect if it spared him to annoyance of a drawn out battle. All he needed was the right moment.

Once the orange blade of his adversary reached his knife another time he made a swift move. While the two weapons were still locked with echo other he pulled his right towards his belt, storing the suddenly turned off saber back from where it had come from. Using the short pause between the strikes he took another step backwards, keeping his right down.

Before the weapon of his enemy fell down another time, talons of inhuman length jumped out of the already claw like fingers of his right, each of them forged out of cortosis. The hand pushed upwards, to catch the saber to not only block, but temporarily disable the weapon should the pirate hunter not react quickly enough in his dark side frenzy. At the same time his knife pushed forward, aimed at the man's stomach, trying to pierce the cursed weapon into the Nathan's body and release the full power of the spell placed upon the weapon. Yet even a grace of Famine's Tainted was dangerous, the arcane power imbued into it designed to manipulate enemy blood into a virus that rapidly drained their energy reserves. It was up to him if he would die now with honor, or by a thousand cuts until nothing of him would be left but a crippled, crawling half corpse.
[member="Darth Abyss"]

And verily did the blade pierce his armor vest, but fell just short, lodged in the heavy plating. As for his lightsaber it still struck, Nathan being blinded by the vision of worms, which now switched to a vision of his sisters head rolling across the floor.

As the blade struck it went dull, flared twice and deactivated upon the Cortosis claws. Nathan roared, reaching for the monsters hand wrapped around the dagger to crush it. The other hand drew the lightsaber back, and reactivated it, this time raining blows with even more fury. He had to get him off of him. Had to get him back.

He could sense the vision came from somewhere close. Very close.

And he raised his glowing furious orange blade, and struck for it. All his determination went into the flurry.
Kill the locket. Break the spell....
Save Cait.....
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
As the Kath hound's approached she slowed her berating down focusing on the sound and not her motion sensor as they came closer, from her position on the ceiling she have a few moments of confusion to capitulate on before the Kath hound's were alerted to her presences. Her slightly fused hands tightened around their weapons as the sound got louder, taking in one last breath of air she waited for them to be right under her. Slowly the pack of Kath hound's came to a stop, sniffing around for her scent, initially confused to her location, the lead hound look up, only to see a shadow and a vibroblade plunge into its eye socket. Time seemed to stand still and Formorta put all her limbs to use, her blaster pointing left and right with her blade ready to cut down any beast that go two close, with her normal arms being used for stability. Glaring at the hounds for a final second she left loose a volley of blaster bolts before jumping in the air dodging on of the hound, sticking a blade in its back while continuing to shoot to her sides at anything entering her peripheral vision. One hound managed to get past her defenses and tried to bite down on her leg, her amour taking the bite but immobilizing her for the time being, seeing another one charging at her she fell to the ground using one free hand to support her fall and the other o to slam a blade into it chest. She kept the best near her and shot the other grabbing onto her leg before pulling out her last thermal detonator "hope this works". Using the bodies of the two beast as cover she threw the detonator towards the largest cluster of hounds, bracing herself for the explosion "this is going to hurt". The bast ripped through the Kath hounds killing most of them, herself sent flying though managing to avoid most of the blast, her tumble came a rest a bit down the hall way, pushing of one of the beast off she saw the last of them hesitating to attack, quickly she rolled over picking up her blaster killing the lasts three with precise shots to the head. For the next few seconds she lay on the ground, breathing heavily after the ordeal, "this is going to be harder than initially though", standing up a bit shaken she made her way over to her dropped equipment, making sure to double tap all Kath hound, now all she had to worry about was those massive, unknown creatures.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
Sometimes Abyss had regrets about not having eyebrows anymore, because right now he would've really liked to raise one in mockery of his opponent. [member="Nathan Sandusky"] was detriment to die today, and the Mindeater wouldn't be the one to deny him his wish. The hand around his left did nothing but amuse him. His cursed armor was forged out of highly alchemical altered durasteel, with cortosis to reinforce the joints. A lighsaber was still dangerous to him, but a common sword would struggle to even leave a mark on the tainted steel. A human hand, even that of a strong man, wouldn't be able to do anything at all to the armor, let alone crush it.

With another twisted laugh the eldritch horror encased in a husk of forbidden alchemy raised his claw once more, bringing his talons between himself and the orange blade raining down on him. Fury was no use against a skilled and experienced swordsman, a lesson that was painfully deep engraved his mind after his young apprentice self was obliterated and severely crippled by a sith lord.

While his right was occupied blocking the strike of his opponent another time, the Mindeater decided for one of the most dishonorable but also most effective tricks he had hidden below the various layers of lies and deception that shrouded him. With both hands of his opponent occupied, he allowed his head to push forward while using his left to pull himself closer towards Nathan. The mechanical jaw opened for a final, painful bite with his sharp, and quite toxic teeth aimed for the neck of his opponent. Each little metal piece that made up his grin of mockery was imbued with a mix of poisons, one to damage the body, one to damage the mind and most importantly a ingredient of spice that severely damped the victims connection to the force.


Usually a vessel this size would be very sturdy and secure. However, as with most pirates, corners were cut to save credits. That, or they were ignored. What kind of self respecting pirate crew kept their vessels up to safety code? The woman suppressed by well aimed pistol fire noticed this as those shots, which almost had her in enfilade, splattered and dented against her cover and sent sparks flying as ill-maintained electronics shorted and sputtered. Another explosion rocked the deck. And then another comprised the structural integrity of the floor.

One moment, she's standing, teeth clenched and grinding.

The next, falling darkness.

Pain flares up as she thumps against a vent or two.


She falls into something wet and warm. Tasting something unpleasant and cooked in her mouth. Looking around, the woman instinctively grabs up her antique rifle and prepares to move while ignoring any sudden pain, but she nearly trips on what appears to be guts. Kath hound guts. Extremely crispy kath hound guts. A bunch of them too.

Standing a few meters away from the fallen ceiling was another woman (though it was hard to tell in this poor lighting) in the midst of double tapping a fallen creature.

"Oooh?" She muttered, while adjusting her glasses with her free hand.

[member="GM Opposition."]
[member="Nathan Sandusky"]

[member="Darth Abyss"]

Somewhere on the Ship

"Stop! Stop!"

Nathan thumbed the button of his saber, releasing it to the floor. His savage lust for the mindeaters death was still there. He still sought to kill him, but it could not be this day. He was beaten and his sense were beginning to return as the lockets spell wore off on him. He was all too aware of the precarious position he was in.

"I yield."

He paused and then dropped to a knee, panting as Abyss towered over him. Both hands spread to stabilize him on the gooey slick deckplates.

"What we have here we can finish at a later date. Help me free my sister..."

And then vomit raced forth from his maw....

Then he recovered.

"And I will look the other way next time we encounter one another."

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