Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting Sand Burrowers


A rickety old freighter pierced the atmosphere of Blenjeel, swiveling and turning every which way in the air. Inside the cockpit of the freighter, Xavier sat on the pilot's chair, his head barely cleraing the controls, humming loudly to himself as he swerved every which way in the air. Out of nowhere, he pushed the controls forwards, sending the ship into a deep nosedive. The astrodroid near him quickly attached it's scomp link, and righted the course, beeping frantically. The old man quickly swerved the ship to the right again, turning the controls back and forth with the rhythym of the song in his head. Meanwhile, the little astrodroid screamed and beeped, trying desperatly to right the course. The mostly blind man peeked over the controls, smiling.

"Are we near Blenjeel's orbit yet?!"

The astrodroid made a low beep, much like a sigh, and righted the course once more as Xavier swerved the ship.
The Wookiee let out a roar of dismay at the old pilot. "Are we going to get off this ship alive or what?" he growled to himself in Shyriiwook, before turning to the archive he was reading. His heart sunk. The description seemed alright, until he began studying the pictures. 'Huge mouths... Detects... Movement? Who would want these...Things?' he thought to himself.

But, he was a Wookiee. He would not show weakness. The two blades strapped on his back were sharpened, rifle loaded, set to stun at maximum power. It better be worth it.
(Sorry for the late reply, 1.) I didn't get a notifcaiton, 2.) my computer died.)


Xavier didn't seem to take notice of the Wookiee, rather he continued to swerve around in the atmosphere until the astrodroid let loose a high pitched scream, and began to lower the ship towards the sandy surface. Xavier, however, took no notice of this and continued to attempt to swerve the ship left and righht as if they were still flying.
The Wookiee's large furred head turned toward the cockpit, and let out a sarcastic like roar. Taking note of his surroundings, and the information recorded on the Hologram, he quickly came to a decision.

"I think it'd be wiser if you just dropped us off here, without landing." he piped up in Shyriiwook, mainly for the reason that if this pilot tried to land he'd most likely crash and kill them all, or get them all stuck on a desert planet with thousands of huge man-eating worms, who detect movement. Chenlacca proceded to the door, unsheathing his dual blades from a leather sheath on his back, he got ready to leap down onto the sand.
Sadly for [member="Chenlacca"], Xavier didn't understand Shiirywook. Moments after the Wookiee got towards the rampway. a combination of the droid's manuvers and Xavier';s hectic steering caused the ship to jerk forwards with suprising speed. Directing into a rather large sand dune. The entire ship shook as it crashed through the dune, flinging sand into every crevice of tghe vessel as it crushed through it.

Once the amazing noise of the crash setttled, and it became clear that the ship had hit the ground without exploding, Xavier's voice rang through the ship.

"We're here!"
From his seat at the back, the Wookiee found himself flying through the air and toward the pilot. His nose met the windscreen with some force. "Excellent landing" he growled sarcastically, pressing his nose off of the glass.

One problem. The landing had practically told all the worms in the area of their location. Even worse, Chenlacca locked eyes with one. He, thinking ahead at the time of the trip, had hired some speeder bikes, in-case of emergency getaways. The hunter figured this would be a good time to use them.


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