A rickety old freighter pierced the atmosphere of Blenjeel, swiveling and turning every which way in the air. Inside the cockpit of the freighter, Xavier sat on the pilot's chair, his head barely cleraing the controls, humming loudly to himself as he swerved every which way in the air. Out of nowhere, he pushed the controls forwards, sending the ship into a deep nosedive. The astrodroid near him quickly attached it's scomp link, and righted the course, beeping frantically. The old man quickly swerved the ship to the right again, turning the controls back and forth with the rhythym of the song in his head. Meanwhile, the little astrodroid screamed and beeped, trying desperatly to right the course. The mostly blind man peeked over the controls, smiling.
"Are we near Blenjeel's orbit yet?!"
The astrodroid made a low beep, much like a sigh, and righted the course once more as Xavier swerved the ship.