Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Hunting Season || Haxion Brood



The hunt for a competitive edge never ceased.

Khorm found itself in a rather advantageous position over the years. A rare resource called Agrocite resided just beneath the surface - and this literal gem could take a good turbolaser and make it great. Naturally, it led to a lucrative source of income for the world. It didn't matter which war was being fought, everyone could benefit from their weapons hitting a bit harder. By the current year, Khorm was sending out ships full of Agrocite to practically every military force in the Galaxy.

Naturally, the Haxion Brood wanted in on the action.

So it was that two ships in particular found themselves on the syndicate's radar. The star of the show, known as The Halberd, was a gargantuan cargo hauler filled to the brim with Agrocite. Its escort, The Red Nap, was a nimble assault craft meant to serve as an escort. Together, they were bound for the Outer Rim, where they'd supposedly be dropping their goods off in Hutt Space. But that certainly wouldn't do! The Brood could put the Agrocite to so much better use than the Hutt could, by far.

Thus, the captain of The Halberd found it very surprising when the view from the bridge changed. Typically, there would be an azure blur of stars. Yet suddenly, there was a lurch that almost unseated the man. "What th-" he stammered, whipping his head around. "What's going on?" The Droid serving as Navigator beeped nervously before responding. "We've been pulled out of Hyperspace!" The captain's heart sank as a single word fell from his lips.

Almost like a death sentence.


The ships responsible were an old, refurbished pair of Agave-class Picket Ships who had set their gravity well projectors to the feth you setting. But of course, the duo was not alone. A gaggle of corvettes and other nimble craft descended upon their prey like vultures. The captain cried out "Red alert! Red alert!", prompting the paltry amount of cannons they had aboard to start firing. All while its escort soared into action, attempting to defy the odds in its defense.

The table was set and the Brood's main course had been laid out before them.

It was time to eat.



ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Kaila sat in the boarding pod, Legs crossed in a meditative position. The cybernetically enhanced mercenaries and thugs behind her all looked on in confusion, but their cloaked benefactor had promised her skills would aid them today and as off-putting as it may be to have a Sith on board, all those tales of dark sorcery and barbarism painted an even worse picture for the enemy.


None could see behind the cortosis mask she wore, but her eyes were closed to limit stimuli while she focused on the force. The Dark Side had it's tendrils here in the vacuum of space, between the violent intent of the Haxion Brood pirates aboard Agave-class ships circling the Halberd and The Red Nap like vultures, and the fear she could sense aboard their target vessels as their fate was realized, Kaila found enough energy to empower herself through this meditation.

She looked calm and at harmony, but she could only do so amidst chaos.


The light went red and the pod suddenly lurched as it was flung through the cold void toward The Red Nap, An escort vessel whose guns needed to be silenced so that The Brood could board the larger cargo hauler in relative peace.

To that end, the pod latched onto the escort ship with a metallic thud that shook the pod and those in it, save for Kaila who seemed oddly level unlike the others, almost floating there. A few seconds went by as the plasma cutters outside carved away a circular door for the boarders, and when it dropped, The meditating Sith was suddenly leaping out, Violet saber in hand as she rapidly bat away blaster bolts shot by The Red Nap's mercenary marines.

Her choice to focus on the defense allowed Haxion Brood boarders to sally out behind her little to no issue, already returning fire by the time they left the safety of her one woman wall against the enemy's blasters.

The defenders were quickly being cut down until only a desperate few remained in this chamber, one throwing a thermal detonator until Kaila, an experienced user of telekinesis, caught it with an unseen force and threw it back shortly before it could detonate.

When the smoke settled, the boarders found themselves alone in the room.

"How close are we to the bridge?" Kaila inquired, her voice modulated by the war mask.

"Not far, a few more rooms maybe"

"Very good, proceed as planned" She marched with them as if she were a commander leading soldiers to war, saber in hand as they began to scour the ship. This is where she belonged. Not in some training room with a Former-Emperor, not managing some political scheme on a world she would never set foot on again, but here fighting, Taking what she wanted for herself and not her master.

The Brotherhood and the Haxion Brood had allowed Kaila to discover a part of herself that she never knew existed. And for that they had her eternal gratitude, and her saber.




In the deep reaches of space between systems, a hidden threat awaited the convoy from Khorm. A sleek vessel sat in low power mode, poised to strike. According to the timetable provided by their informant at the mining station, the ships should have arrived by now. On the bridge, the crew worked feverishly, trying to determine what had gone wrong.

"I'm picking up a distress signal. Looks like someone else beat us to our targets."

"Dank farrik! Somebody get the captain!"

One of the senior officers bolted off the bridge, sprinting to the captain's quarters. Knowing better than to approach unannounced, he hit the comm panel beside the door. "Captain, we've got a problem. The cargo is late, and we've just picked up a distress signal."

Inside the dimly lit room, a pair of striking lavender eyes glanced up from the datapad she was reviewing. With a soft sigh, she stood. Though she wasn't particularly tall, her presence was commanding. Her long, blonde hair cascaded over the shoulders of a sharp red jacket, contrasting against the crisp white pants she wore. A long black cape billowed slightly as she moved, and her black boots clicked rhythmically on the cold metal floor.

She stepped out of her quarters with an air of calm authority, the officer quickly falling in line behind her without hesitation. The corridor was silent, save for the echo of her boots as they made their way to the bridge. As she arrived, she reached up with a gloved hand and smoothly opened the door, striding confidently to the center of the room where she took her seat, eyes fixed on the viewport ahead.

"Have we triangulated the distress signal?"

"Yes, ma'am. Coordinates are locked in."

She gave a single, resolute nod before speaking again. "All systems to normal power. Sound battle stations, and get the fighters ready. Let's go be heroes," she commanded with a wry grin, prompting a round of laughter from the crew. The Cumulus-class starship then lurched into hyperspace, prepared to face whatever awaited them.

---- Minutes Later ----

The trip to the besieged transports was swift. Just like the freighters they were targeting, her ship lurched violently as it was ripped from hyperspace. Unlike the unfortunate transports, however, they were ready. A squadron of fighters launched from the starship's internal bay, advancing swiftly toward the attacking vessels. The captain sat resolute, her gaze locked on the viewport.

"All gunners, engage targets at will. Do not destroy the transports anything else is fair game." Her commands were promptly relayed to the gun crews, and a salvo of fire rippled from the dorsal turbolaser batteries. The shots spread across the battlespace, several slamming into one of the picket ships, completely overwhelming its defenses. In short order, it exploded, sending debris flying in every direction and damaging anything nearby.

A volley from the ventral guns followed, with ion rounds targeting systems on the transports and blaster fire targeting enemy ships scattered across the void. She raised a hand, signaling for a communication channel to be opened.

"Pirate vessels, this is Captain Kaar of the pirate ship Tempest. These are my targets withdraw or be destroyed."

1 x Cumulus Class Corsair
Launching 12 fighters, firing from all guns. Only ion rounds are hitting transports

Tags: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons @everyone else

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Klavatora was finishing up pre-trip on the Kom'rk-class fighter within the corvette’s bay. Everything had to be as close to perfect as possible. She wasn’t too trusting on letting anyone else work on the fighter. This operation was too important to let anything be missed. It would be good while she continued to test the motor function and the computer over and over again. Each nook and cranny seemed in her eyes to be in working perfection. Taking gambles with her life wasn’t something she was willing to do. Fighting on the battlefield was one thing. Going out in space combat wasn’t too ideal.

The Hunt!...

The fighter would join with its fellow ambushing ships awaiting for the core of the plan to commence. Her hands were a bit sweaty. She wasn’t the best of fighters. Klavatora was sufficient enough to get through a few dog fights. Unfortunately, this wasn’t an everyday practice run. Trusting her gut and the plan was all she had. Her fingers tightly gripped the controls of the ship. Deep down she was hoping that things would go accordingly. Though, what was the fun in that?

Their target finally pulled out of hyperspace. A faint smile pulled at the corner of her lips. Klavatora started up the ship's engines. Without a word, she charged headlong, nosediving the ship underneath the targeting escort vessel’s underside. The front facing lasers lighting firing underneath before strafing to her right. Pulling off her target for just a moment trying to cause as much damage as possible without compromising the boarding team’s objective.

Didn’t take much longer before she noticed another ship. By that time, a few enemy fighters were already gaining on her rear. Klavatora attempted to distance herself before she heard Captain Kaar’s voice over the communication channel. It wasn’t the young Mandalorian’s plan to die out here, but she wasn’t about to make this easy. She heavily throttled the fighter forward before attempting to turn around to face her oncoming enemies. It wasn't for her to respond, but she started to have a taste for blood.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons / Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar


The Corvette was alive with chanting.

Such was the way of ApeX and its warriors. When boldly stepping onto the battlefield, they gave honor to themselves and glorified the coming slaughter by voice before blade. Many ape-men, kindred people of Malok, poured into boarding craft intent on piercing the hull of their prey. The Behemoth himself stood upon the bridge of the Raider-class Corvette, intent on providing fire support for his subordinates until they safely landed.

Upon arrival at the battlefield, the first salvo of pods were launched. Malok's comm was alive with the chaotic chorus of his men - a sound which brought a smile to his lips. Though there was retaliatory fire on the part of their target's escort, they managed to breach the transport successfully. "Commander, we've landed!" came the confirmation across the bridge. The Behemoth nodded. "Good. Priority one is connecting with the other Brood forces that have landed. Together, take the Bridge." There was a roar of affirmation before the comm channel erupted with blaster fire.

Soon, Kaila Irons Kaila Irons would be greeted with a rather "friendly" sight. As her forces advanced, those they contested would be flanked from an adjacent hall. Massive, armored ape-men would break their paltry resistance before roaring in her subordinates' direction. "Together! For the Brood!" was their rallying cry. It seemed, on paper at least, that the operation would go off without a hitch. However, no good plan occurred perfectly, no matter how well the initial moments panned out. So it was that the Behemoth's eyebrow raised when the radar blared.

"That one of our-" he began, attempting to question if the newcomer was allied. However, the destruction of one of the picket ships serving as an interdictor quickly confirmed that this was an adversary. Malok's face contorted into a scowl. "Our brothers won't die this day. Turn us about! Hail all allied fighters and alert them, now!" Malok's orders were affirmed with a wicked series of roars and soon the Raider was no longer headed towards the transport and its escort. Rather, all weapons were aimed at the newcomer who dared to throw a wrench in their operation. Beyond this, the squadron which now threatened their space superiority would be met head-on in kind.

"Boarding parties, new target - prepare for launch. All weapons, break them!" he roared. The Raider complied and soon a wicked salvo of concussion missiles and laser fire contested their assailant. Meanwhile, the comm channel opened, playing a missive from the vessel which dared intrude upon their kill. "Connect us." he said to the communications officer. Once confirmed, Malok sent a missive to the Tempest.

"Greetings Captain Kaar, I am Malok and we are the Haxion Brood. You've slain our men without warning and demand withdrawal - I commend your ferocity. Therefore, I give you this one opportunity. Join us in this glory. Let us share this bounty and the many more which will come. But if you seek blood, it is blood you will have."

  • Boarding party has landed on The Halberd and is linking up with Kaila Irons' forces.
  • Raider is now flying towards Captain Kaar's ship, firing missiles and lasers.
  • Fighters (12) are moving to engage Captain Kaar's squadron.




She didn’t have to wait long for a response violent bursts of turbolaser fire usually prompted quick reactions. As the holo of Malok appeared, she leaned forward slightly, folding her hands in front of her, elbows resting on the arms of her chair. An amused smile grew on her lips, her eyes sharp as they pierced the holo.

"Greetings Captain Kaar, I am Malok and we are the Haxion Brood. You've slain our men without warning and demand withdrawal - I commend your ferocity. Therefore, I give you this one opportunity. Join us in this glory. Let us share this bounty and the many more which will come. But if you seek blood, it is blood you will have."

All the while, the gun batteries continued firing as she assessed him. Her mind was already calculating the situation: two ships, forces evenly dispersed, with the raider now closing in on their position, though a few escorts still remained. A prolonged battle wouldn’t serve either side, especially if another party decided to jump in and complicate matters further.

The decision was swift. With a quick motion of her hand, she commanded, "Cease fire, all guns." Her crew promptly complied relaying the orders to the gunners as she shifted her attention to Malok. "Neither of us wants a prolonged fight," she said, her tone measured and decisive. "The way I see it, there's a ship for each of us. If these terms are agreeable, then we have a deal." from the next command a roar came up from her crew "Bring is in close to the nearest transport and prepare to board." the smile gave way to a grin as she looked back at Malok on the holo. "I'll see you aboard Malok."

True to her word, the guns fell silent, and the ship adjusted course, heading for the nearest transport. The fighters veered back, forming a protective screen around the corsair. "Needless to say," she added, her voice carrying a sharp edge, "if you cross me, Malok, I will respond in kind."

Tags: Malok Malok Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd



As the azure projection of the Behemoth entered the Captain's bridge, Malok took measure of his would-be opponent. She smiled, despite the fury that was quickly rising against her. Ah, she would make for a worthy adversary. His ship would tear hers asunder. His men would pummel hers into submission. What a gloriou-


The Captain made a swift decision just as the Raider was preparing another volley. Her words were, admittedly, surprising - but nonetheless were welcome. Malok had to shelve his growing bloodlust. Thus, he rendered a firm nod. "I accept these terms." he began. He then looked to his communications officer and thrust his chin towards the direction of the screen. "Our forces are being alerted now - we simply had a friend who was late to the party."

As Kaar's weapons silenced, so too did the retaliation of Malok and his forces. A missive played across the Brood comm, alerting their midst to the update. That was practically the end of it, save for the Captain's closing remark. The Behemoth's nostrils flared at this, alongside a chuckle. "On that, we agree. Happy hunting."

From thence, the Raider's heading resumed its original course, bearing down upon the transport which ferried Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and his men. The remaining ship was Kaar's to pilfer.​

  • The Raider has ceased firing on Captain Kaar and is heading towards the Halberd
  • A message is being broadcast to Brood forces: The Red Nap has been designated as Captain Kaar's to loot.




The Captain of the Halberd's stomach was alive with terror. However, the man had seen and survived much in his day. He had served a military force a lifetime ago. He had put his life on the line and knew how to think on the fly. Therefore, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. Once the initial shock of the pirate assault wore off, the man steeled himself. "We need help - any friendlies nearby?" he called to one of the droids upon the bridge. The automaton beeped inquisitively and looked at its screen for a moment before responding.

"Picking up a response from Khorm, patrol craft are on the way." This made the Captain breathe a sigh of relief. The situation wasn't just a matter of survival, it was a matter of holding out until help arrived. "Good. In the meantime, we've got to dig in. I don't feel like dying today. All living personnel need to hunker down in their quarters. Everything else? Pick up a rifle and do what you can." Was it a little messed up to send only droid personnel into the blender? Maybe. But they could be replaced. People couldn't.

There was a mechanical beep from the communications officer as his order was relayed throughout the ship. Soon, the forces loyal to Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Malok Malok would be met with some semblance of resistance. All manner of maintenance droid would pop out panels and corridors, wielding blaster weaponry. They weren't military-minded by any means, but they could point and shoot. Where once there was the sound of ape-men chanting and mercenaries breaching, there would now be the sound of bonafide combat. But the Captain wasn't done yet.

The scene which unfolded between the newcomer and the initial pirate forces had been frustrating. For but a second he believed that help had arrived. However, that belief died only a few moments after its conception. Thus, the Halberd and the Red Nap were both on the defensive again. The captain barked his orders, and their escort arrived at the transport's flank. It unleashed its full squadron of starfighters and, together, both vessels fired their lasers at the largest ship of the bunch: Captain Kaar's personal abode.

If nothing else, they would contest the biggest ship until help arrived.

  • Living personnel aboard the Halberd are attempting to hide.
  • Droid personnel aboard the Halberd are engaging Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Malok Malok boarding parties.
  • The Red Nap's squadron is engaging the field ( Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd )
  • The Red Nap and The Halberd are firing on Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar
  • Additional Support will arrive in Two Posts



Klavatora found that her new found buddies have retreated. She quickly activated her reverse thrusters before spinning her ship around to face the direction of their retreat. There was a hard pull for her to follow in pursuit, but there was no need. The voice of Malok dominating her communications brought a smile to her face. Her ship coming to a slight pause before resuming movement. She would take a pass in front of the bridge of Malok’s corvette. Making the pass quick enough where it wouldn’t affect the crew's line of sight for too long.

She entered into a closed communication line to the Raider-class Corvette, “Al'verde!* Good to see you." (*trans. Commander). The mandalorian stated ecstatically before raising her ship upward above the corvette. Wasn’t every day that she got to experience a massive show of force. It was welcoming. Even more welcoming for what showed up before her. Guess it wasn’t too unexpected. Nothing tended to go her way from the start.

“Hmm…?” a low low hum would emerge from her throat. She didn’t get enough time to analyze what was completely going on. There was already a squadron of fighters starting to engage her in the field. Wasn’t much of her to say about the starfighters besides that they were ugly. Looks like something that was built in a chop shop. Nonetheless, she would go forth to engage them. Taking them for granted could cost her dearly if she wasn’t careful.

Her speed was greatly increased as she practically moved headlong toward them. The forward facing laser cannons blared with shots toward one of the incoming fighters. First couple of volleys missed, but the third hit head on. Klavatora forced the ship downward trying to break away from her opponent's line of sight. The Kom’rk-class fighter was a larger vessel, but its speed would be able to keep out of taking too much fire. Seemed like fate was really about to test her true capabilities as a warrior

Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons / Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar / Malok Malok



As soon as her guns stopped firing, a fresh volley of weapons fire struck the Tempest from the transports, causing a smirk to curl across her lips. "How cute, the transports have a bit of bite. I want their weapons destroyed."

Her command was met with swift execution. A barrage of fire erupted from the Tempest both turbolaser and ion rounds arcing through space with deadly precision. The energy bolts slammed into the transports' weapon mounts, targeting their defensive turrets and cannons with surgical precision.

Meanwhile, the crew of the Tempest was in a flurry of motion, moving with practiced efficiency. In the hangar, squads of boarding parties suited up, donning black combat armor with breathing masks for the inevitable vacuum of space. Each member of the crew checked their gear, weapons slung over their shoulders, some holding plasma torches for cutting through hulls, others gripping blaster rifles, prepared for whatever resistance awaited them on the other side.

The atmosphere was tense but disciplined. These were seasoned fighters, no strangers to hostile boardings. A lieutenant barked orders, directing the crew to their assigned breaching pods. As the alarms blared, the cold metal doors of the pods slid open, revealing the cramped interiors. One by one, the boarding teams climbed inside, securing themselves into the harnesses as the pods locked shut with a hiss. Inside, the lights dimmed to a dark red, casting an eerie glow as the anticipation built.

The captain's voice crackled over their comms. “You know your orders. Neutralize any opposition, and take control of the ship."

At the same time, dozens of breaching pods launched from the Tempest like metallic bullets, streaking across the void between ships. In seconds, they slammed into The Red Nap at various points along its hull, each pod's magnetic clamps securing it in place. Explosive charges detonated as the pods began cutting through the outer hull, sending showers of sparks into the void. In areas where they couldn’t breach through the armor, the pods targeted airlocks, forcing their way in.

1 x Cumulus Class Corsair
12 x Fighters flying CAP around the Tempest
6 x Breaching pods: Crew boarding breaching pods and launching toward the target.

Tags: Malok Malok Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

A lot had happened on the march toward the bridge of The Red Nap. They had joined forces with the colossus Malok Malok whose ravenous ape-men easily secured their flank, turning the odds increasingly in the brood's favor. The loud hum of starfighters resounded from outside the ship as both sides engaged, and Kaila felt the abrupt loss of life through the force, heralding the arrival of Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar and the departure of an entire crew from this mortal coil. And yet the brood found themselves allying with the pirate almost as quickly as they had been enemies, as necessary if uneasy move, she thought.

Nevertheless, their relentless march continued.

Because if it didn't, they would never silence the escort's guns. The lives that Kaar had forcibly sacrificed would be spent for nothing, and the cargo hauler might escape.

And so Kaila fought relentlessly as the as the captain deployed droids to stop their advance, beams of hot plasma being slung by both sides, a number of incoming shots being flung harmlessly into the ceiling or even being returned to the droids who fired them as Kaila led the first boarding party deeper and deeper into the vessel, even if their assault had slowed compared to it's sudden beginning. Yet with each droid gunned down or cut down by the renegade sith and her mercenaries, they came closer and closer to the bridge.

"Malok," She contacted the fearsome ape-man through a commlink embedded into her vambrace

"I have visual on the door but the droids are coming from all angles, can you buy me time to cut through?"

She inquired while crushing securities cameras with the force as she passed buy, only to turn around as more blaster fire stole her attention away, forcing her reignite a lightsaber and continue deflecting bolts away from herself and what remained of her boarding team.

"You there, do any of you carry ionic weapons?"

"We're not Imps, Wizard! Why can't you just magic us out of this?" One of the mercenaries called out, only to be shot in the back by one of the droids. Kaila would have to ensure her men were better equipped when the time came to build her own cell.

"I'll take this side, the rest of you watch my back!"

Malok Malok Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | EL53-Max Knife | Miscellaneous Grenades
Tags | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar | Malok Malok | Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd

OOC Note: Hello! I was invited to join the fun, and hope it's okay that I'm here. If there's any problems with what I write don't hesitate to reach out so I can fix it.

Tod sat as the pod shook violently, shooting through space toward the enemy's corvette. He was surrounded by other mercenaries, all waiting in tense silence. Some were fiddling with their weapons, while others seemed to be either praying or psyching themselves up for what was to come. They were part of the second wave of infiltrators. Word had come through that their allies' were being afflicted by enemy forces, so the pods had been launched to provide reinforcement.

A voice from Tod's right muttered, "Apparently, some droids have taken up arms."

"Having a droid rebellion in there?" joked a random mercenary.

A few men chuckled, but the laughter quickly died as the pod lurched with a heavy jolt. Silence fell, broken only by the vibrations of the plasma cutters beginning to carve an entry hole. Everyone stood at attention, eyes fixed on the pod's exit.

The hatch slid open.

Blaster fire rained through the hallway, crossing in front of the opening. The mercenaries in the front were shoved forward by the press of bodies behind them, only to be ripped apart by the enemy fire. Some made it to cover, others collapsed, smoke rising off their lifeless bodies.

Tod was pushed into the fray, spotting droids down the hall firing in their direction. He dashed for cover, a blaster bolt landing on his chest plate, leaving a black mark, but dealing no damage. As he crouched, he spotted another group of mercenaries exiting a different pod, also pinned down by the same relentless barrage.

He pulled his revolver from its cross-draw holster and let off a few shots, trying to suppress the advancing droids. Just then, a few mercenaries emerged from the pod, carrying riot shields that provided the group extra cover. More men stacked up behind them, ready to push forward.

"START MOVING TO THE OBJECTIVE!" someone shouted as more mercenaries huddled behind the shields. The formation turned into a moving wall, inching toward the bridge. Tod moved to the front, just behind the shields, firing at droids as they pushed deeper into the ship.


Two pods have entered The Red Nap to render aid to forces. (Feel free to start killing my npcs)
A shield wall has been made and is being used to push towards the forces they're to reinforce (to the bridge!)

Again if there are any problems with these, inform me.

Location: The Red Nap
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Malok Malok Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Klavatora Verd Klavatora Verd Leldra Kaar Leldra Kaar

Tarasynora grimaced as a nearby mercenary was shot in the back by a stray blaster bolt. Unlike the Sith Knight and the Haxion Brood-affiliated mercenaries with her, she was not a competent fighter. It was all the short-statured Elzeri could do to keep herself stable and alert as cacophonous melodies of violence filled the passageway. She glanced up just as a beam of searing tibanna plasma raced overhead, the radiating heat briefly causing her skin to warm up beneath the protective armorweave of her bodysuit. Fortunately, the masked Sith Knight was not far. The black-clad Force-wielder moved with blistering alacrity, violet-hued sabers a dizzying blur as they deflected incoming blaster fire, shielding Tarasynora and the mercenaries in the process.

Still, even with her lack of combat skills, there was a reason that Tarasynora had been asked to join the boarding teams, rather than staying back on the ship.

“I can help us get through the doors!” Tarasynora called out, in response to the Sith’s question. “But I need a living crewmember to influence! Preferably one with good security clearances! I can’t do anything with these droids!” She added.

A shame then, that droids were seemingly all that they had run into thus far!

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