Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting Ships

Falleen System

Bounties on ships. That was new. Usually, a contractor would post a Bounty on some major figure or just someone for Bounty Hunters to swarm and bring the fugitive to the front doorsteps of the contractor. But, this was something new to the Mandalorian. It seemed somewhat similar to pirates raiding a spaceship just to obtain goodies and other items that could benefit them. This, however, was to try capture a ship, park it at the nearest station, and collect the credits that's equal to the value of the captured ship. While it did seem easy to track down because of how big these spaceships were, it was going to be way much harder in trying to capture it since there was going to be hostiles to deal with. Unlike a normal bounty on a fugitive it was harder to track down, but either easier or harder depending on the person of interest to capture. But, to the mind of the Mandalorian it seemed that capturing a space ship was going to get him a huge score rather than trying to hunt down fugitives.

Now, with the factions of the Omega Protectorate and the Systems Authority going to war against each other that meant that their borders were now strict and being more patrolled than it was when there was peace between these two states. And the border was exactly where the Rally Master would be heading. More targets, yet more tougher it was going to be to try to hijack a spaceship from the Systems Authority or however they call themselves now these days.

On a single Tegaanalir ship that was produced by a well trusted Mandalorian Company, Mandal Hypernautics, contained a motorcycle, weapons, supplies, and sixteen living beings, all were Mandalorian Bounty Hunters that invested their spare time in missions and contracts like this. All of these Hunters were after one goal: a ASA spaceship. They didn't care if it was a frigate, a star destroyer, or whatever it was. They just needed a spaceship and drop it off in Protectorate Territory. And there were plenty of them here since Falleen was one of the few ASA planets that was close to the border of the Omega Protectorate.

"Alright, y'all. Pretty simple: we go in and try to capture a fething ship and bring it back to Protectorate turf. That's all. Now fly this thing to one, Lardo," the Warrior ordered to a vod who knew more piloting than Vilaz. He was extremely confident that he and his party could pull out such a heist with some casualties of they could board a spaceship.

Now, all was left was a ship to pass along their trail.
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

The Underground, such as it was, had sent Jorus and the Bullet Time, a speedy little assault ship not unlike the Tegaanalir. Bigger, yeah, but faster, with some odd Mandalorian and Silk-made armament. Whoever this Munin fellow was -- a friend of a friend -- serious people took him seriously, and they'd hooked Jorus up with the job. The Bullet Time flew alongside the Mandalorians' Tegaanalir, silent, just waiting for something worth the take. And ready to run if it wound up being more than they could handle.
Typically along the borders of Omega Protectorate space were two flavours of patrol fleet. The first was larger, designed to stop significant ingress into ACA space whilst reinforcements arrived. These were comprised of:

  • 1 Contention Class cruiser
  • 1 Pillar Class cruiser
  • 1 Krell Class cruiser
  • 1 Thrawn Class interdictor
  • 2 Sev'rance Class carriers
  • 1 Monitor Class corvette
  • 2 Sickle Class frigates
  • 2 Dirk Class frigates

The smaller patrol groups were primarily to deal with border control against civilian activity. These featured:

  • 1 Scintel Class cruiser
  • 2 Dirk Class frigates
  • 1 Squadron TIE Rapiers
  • 2 TIE Hounds
The space patrolled between the ACA and Omega borders was vast. Inconceivably vast. That ensured ACA patrols were frequent, and constantly hopping between likely approach vectors through hyperspace. To try and cover the border and catch any ships crossing also meant the ACA patrols were easy enough to find.
Acknowledge was the fact of [member="Jorus Merrill"] and his help on this heist. The more, the merrier. The Warrior wasn't that stupid of going out by himself to try to hijack a ship of a much greater size than his Tegaanalir ship. It wasn't the size of the ship he worried about, it was how many people were inside of the ships. A variety there was. Soldiers, pilots, engineers, etc. Many ships were present for Vilaz, the rest of the Mandalorians on his ship, and Merrill and whatever crew hr had with him.

"Cin'ciri talyc," the Rally Master said as it was the name of his ship communicating to Merrill, "we're gonna hit that funny vertical lookin' ship." He was mentioning about the Contention class cruiser. Couple thousands of credits if they could hail this thing to the Protectorate. After picking up a target the Tegaanalir ship would set a course to the cruiser and hope they could pull of this heist. No doubt the Speedy Bullet would follow Vilaz's lead to their primary objective.

[member="Irys Arist'lar"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"]

Vassara had also heard of the mission. Her long arm of connections through seedy spaceports had brought her to this point. Her ship was not well armed by any means, being a simple L19 freighter. But it was cheap, and so far had done the job. The spacer woman brushed back a lock of black hair as she lit a cigarette and guided her vessel to flank Munins opposite side.

"we're gonna hit that funny vertical lookin' ship." Munin voice crackled over the comms.

Vassara reached up, bringing down a holo display of controls and tapped her frequency into the teams.

"Roger that, any preference on where to board?"

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