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Hunting the Biggest Game. (Terentatek, Ask to Join)

Elam Vos


He had not been home for some time. It's greenish glow from space given of by the reflection of the great forest was incredible. Rorwarr walked the bridge between trees as he made his way to the lift that qould take him into the shadowlands, into the perpetual night below the canopy, to his home.

His two rifles hung from his shoulder and several other tools of the trade hung about his huge arboreal from. Old eyes looked into the darkness below over the edge of the walkway. Was it down there in the darkness waiting, the beast he had seen and fled from his his youth, the Great predator.

Rorwarr walked to the lift and the guard gave a respectful bow to the Wrrushi master then opened the lift hate and let Rorwarr in. Slowly the lift began to descend and the hunt began.

Elam Vos

[member="Sciith Markorn"] [member="Kasawwa"]

The shadowlands drew closer as he descended into the darkness until he finally touched down and opened the gate. Rorwarr stepped out and began quickly jogging from the lift to the deeper parts of the forest floor. He had spent more time in the shadowlands than he had in the canopy during his life and he knew them well. He unslung the tranquilizer rifle and ducked through a huge fern and moved toward his old home that was dug out of a huge log. He had seen the Terentatek 3 kilometers south of his home nearly twenty years ago now and he was confident he could pick up a trail there if not the creature. He also had many things to keep the thing out when he found it.

He moved like a shadow along the forest floor his big feet making not a sound and leaving barely a stirred leaf. He had missed this the trill of the hunt the search for the prey and the knowledge that it was him against the beast. He would once more test his skill and cunning against a creature that lived to take lives. He would be near his home soon, and from there south to where the thing had a lair, once many years ago.
Kasawwa wandered through the dark forests where he'd spent his entire life, moving quickly and quietly to avoid detection of the many monsters of the forest. Movement above caught the young Wookiee's attention, and he quickly froze, slinging the miniature bowcaster his father had made him off his back. He pointed the little weapon up into the lower canopy above him, and waited. Nothing happened. The young Wookiee sniffed several times, before he was satisfied that whatever it was was gone, and moved on. Usually, he had had his father with him. His father would have protected him from anything that came. He didn't have that anymore. He had to be careful. So Kasawwa continued on, keeping his miniature bowcaster raised in case any threats came his way. He had no idea that he wasn't the only Wookiee in the area.

Since joining the Jedi Order, Tugoro rarely had time to visit what he considered his home planet. Wearing his beige padawan uniform, the brown haired boy would walk beneath the many canopies, making his way across the high up bridges of Kashyyyk. Having already somehow spoken to several other Wookiees, Tugoro would continue is trek through the tree tops, until he stood on the edge of his own platform. It had been many months since he had visited his house, it was just as he had left it. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, the padawan would leap off of the wooden flooring, falling quickly towards the grassy surface. Extending his arm, Tugoro would begin to focus, opening his palm as he concentrated on the force energy within a hanging vine nearby.

The green rope-like plant would heed to the boy's call, moving through the air and towards his hand. Tugoro's fingers would grip the vine tightly, before pulling and kicking his legs forward. His body would swing through the air, passing by many tall trees and plants alike. If there was one thing that interested the Wookiee boy, it was "the hunt." When he was little, Tugoro would use his small and agile body to aid his Wookiee friends, baiting creatures into traps and such. Closing his eyes briefly, the boy would begin to open his mind to the force, giving his senses a feel of the many sentient beings in the area. Loosening his grip, Tugoro would let go of the vine, sending his body flying through the air in order to catch another. Eventually his path would lead him to one of the wooden platforms, that led into the Shadowlands. Tugoro's long sleeves would billow in the air as he moved with the elevator, the sun eventually becoming blotted out.

Leaping forward, the young padawan's form would begin to descend, before lightly impacting with the ground. Lifting his gaze, Tugoro would peer into the darkness, before once again closing his eyes. His mind would sense out @Rowarr's energy signature, allowing him to head towards the Wookiee's general direction. Wrapping his arms around a tree trunk, the boy would begin to shimmy his way up, before leaping forward through the thick groupings of leaves. Landing on another sturdy branch, Tugoro would continue on his way, travelling through the tree tops, until he spotted the Wookiee nearby. Many of the Wookiees knew of the young human's presence amongst them, some being fine with it, and some not. Leaning backwards, Tugoro's torso would barely miss a branch as his arms lifted, allowing him to swing off of it in order to slow his descent. His leather booted feet would thud against the ground as he landed, relatively close to the tall, white colored Wookiee. A rare sight.

Elam Vos

[member="Kasawwa"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

A single glance at his old home told him it had been relatively untouched by hand or claw since his leaving and only time had left its mark. He looked about and sniffed the air for a moment as he stood at his old door. He could smell him before he could do much else as the boy moved through the shadowlands. He had been with humans among other things lately and their scent was on the air. He hadn't met the boy but Rorwarr had heard of his presence among the Wookies. A large hand turned the lock on his front door as the feet of the boy thudded near by.

<<wrrran oorawuuura raaaaahn.>> He said inviting the boy in since he was there already anyway.

Rorwarr wasted no time in searching for his old tranquilizers made for Krayt Dragons and bigger.

He turned to the boy.

<<Wurrushyyr rahhh warrrrh?>> he said asking what the boy was doing to deep in the shadowlands today.
Kasawwa stepped in to the small clearing in which a small house sat under the layered canopies above. Kasawwa stared at the building for a moment, suprised, and rose his head to sniff the air. The scent of another Wookiee, and something else that he couldn't place, hung around the building. The young Wookiee hestiantly stepped forwards, glancing to the back of the small house that someone had built in the middle of the Shadowlands, of all places. Why would someone choose to live down here? The Wookiee frowned, and slowly stepped around the building, sniffing the air every few seconds. There was definitly someone inside. Two someones. A wookiee... and something else. He couldn't tell. Not a Wookiee... Not a Wyyshokk, or Katarn, or anything else from the forest. Something he'd never smelled before. What was it? Kasawwa slowly stepped forwards towards the door, holding his miniature bowcaster out in front of him... He knocked the front of the door with the tip of his small bowcaster, three times, before quickly stepping back with the little weapon raised. He just hoped that whatever that other scent was wasn't dangerous... and that the Wookiee was friendly.

[member="Rorwarr"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Rorwarr"] (Re-tagging because Tugoro's tag failed)
Chenlacca inhaled the forest hair, placing a large hand on a Wroshyr tree, taking out his lightsaber from his belt, holding it to his paw. He let out a few roars in Shryiiwook, then went silent, his brown hair disturbed by the breeze.
The Wookiee shifted uncomfortably and began to climb. He hadn't climbed these trees since he was a wee little Wookiee cub, and didn't know whether he had the same head of heights as he did. Once.
Lifting his fist to his mouth, the boy would begin to clear his throat, feeling rather nervous. He had learned to understand the Wookiee language, though almost every time he attempted it the Wookiees laughed at him. It was not because his attempts failed, it was simply the fact that it sounded quite funny to hear from a human. Opening his mouth, the boy would begin to mimic the language to the best of his abilities, beginning to converse with his new friend. The young padawan would speak of catching wind of a hunt going on, for one of the dangerous Terentateks that lived within the shadowlands. He had left his home in search of the party that would try and take it down.

Slowly pivoting on his heel, the boy would look towards @Rowarr's door, upon hearing the knocking sound. It seemed that there was a new arrival, though Tugoro did not know who it was.


Elam Vos

[member="Kasawwa"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Chenlacca"]

Rorwarr looked at the boy and offered a smile at his effort. Human vocal cords were not quite what wookie vocal cords were and no matter how they tried the language always sounded like the right words from a foreign throat. His heavy hands began filling a sack full of needed gear including a case of extra tranquilizers.

<<I am the party hunting the terentatek.>> he said in his native language, <<But I am going to take it alive.>>

He turned as he was going to offer tat the boy come along when a knock came at his old door. It was not common for so many to be in the shadowlands but then the forest had been known to draw many beings together when destiny was involved. To Rorwarr's knowledge no one had ever caught a terentetek and only a very few had killed one and live to speak of it. what he was attempting was crazy by most standards and without a trail it could take years to find one.

Rorwarr walked to the door and opened it to see a black furred Wookie looking back at him. Rorwarr was the heir to the black wroshyrr tribe and knew many Wookies but this one had had not met before. However, he was not the sort to turn away a being at his door and in his typical way stepped aside and asked him in.

<<Since you are guest,>> he began, <<and you have come to my home, I must feed you before I hunt.>>

Rorwarr didn't allow room for refusals and simply walked out the door to his overgrown former garden and gathered some mushrooms and other forest foods to make a small stew for the pair....
Kasawwa stared up to the large Wookiee for a moment, and blinked. Someone else lived in the Shadowlands? As they had food? Before the young Wookiee responded, he glanced past [member="Rorwarr"] as he walked out to his garden, and stared at the odd pinkish monkey-like thing in the other Wookiee's house. Becoming extremely curious, Kasawwa slowly stepped in to Rorwarr's house, and stared, rather rudely, at the human. He'd never seen a human before, and had absaloutely no idea what it was.... Eventually, he turned from [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] and glanced at Rorwarr, speaking in Shiirywook. <<"That's the biggest Tach i've ever seen.... why'd you shave it?">>

Elam Vos

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kasawwa"]

Rorwarr laughed loudly as he set the meal out and began checking his gear one more time.

<<Its a sky Tach that is just how they look.>> Rorwarr said calmly. <<but I can not stay long I have a predator to hunt.>>
Kasawwa glanced at the human, and sniffed a few times, lowering his miniature bowcaster finally. A sky tach? He wondered if it was good to eat... After a moment of staring at the human, the young Wookiee turned back to Rorwarr. He'd been wandering the shadowlands for days, weeks, he didn't know how long, alone. Even if he had just stumbled on this Wookiee... it was a godsend. Finally, someone other then him! A living thing that wasn't trying to kill him, eat him, or pee on him. ... Like that one Tach. Not a very nice Tach. Tasted good though. The Wookiee galnced once more at the 'sky tach', before looking to Kasawwa. <<" What kind of Predator...?">>

[member="Rorwarr"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
A sky tach. Lifting his hand, the boy could not help but rest his face in it, embarrassed at the explanation that [member="Rorwarr"] had given. What was even more embarrassing, was the Wookiee [member="Kasawwa"] believing his story. Once more clearing his throat, Tugoro would attempt his shryiiwook, though it sounded funny. <<Come on, I don't even have pointy ears.>> He would say, shaking his head back and forth. Approaching the large wooden table, the human would take a seat, examining the stew that had been made. He would breathe in deeply, enjoying it's aroma. He would begin to eat, placing the bowl wherever it had came from afterwards.

<<I'm Tugoro, I grew up here. I'm also a Jedi, so with some planning this hunt will be easy.>>
Kassawa had no idea what a Jedi was, but he was extremely suprised to hear what he thought was a Tach, talk! The young wookiee beamed a huge smile, before turning to @Rorwarr. <<"You taught your Tach to talk! How long did that take?">>
Chenlacca observed, seating himself on a table, taking a bowl of stew. Letting out a deep grumble as the hot stew soothed his aching throat, the Wookiee turned his head to the human. "Jedi, yes, I know Jedi." he growled in Shyriiwook, sprinkling some ground Wroshyr Tree bark on his stew.
The boy would remain in his seat at the two Wookiees conversed, struggling to hold back laughter of his own. Even though [member="Kasawwa"] was rather clueless, it was still pretty funny. Tugoro did not usually get mad at others, and seeing as the young Wookiee didn't know any better he figured he might as well go along with. With his high pitched growls of shryiiwook, the young human would speak again, <<Well, learning your language was difficult, it took about seven years, I think.>> The young Padawan would estimate, not exactly sure as to how long it had taken him. It had been a struggle, seeing as almost every other Wookiee laughed at his attempts. Grinning widely, Tugoro would scratch the back of his head sheepishly, enjoying his time back on Kashyyykk.

"Sith? No, Young one." he pulled out a Blaster. "Bounty Hunter." his weapon wasn't loaded, obviously, he wasn't going to kill someone with no price on their head. He stood, ticking his blaster into his belt, innocently taking another spoonful of Stew. "Excellent, stew." he slurped, in quite a good mood.

(I'm finding it hard to RP a Wookiee Sith, so I'm changing him.)

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