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Approved Location Hurikane Jedi Temple | Home of the Tingel Arm Coalition

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  • Structure Name: Hurikane Jedi Temple
  • Classification: Temple
  • Location: Hurikane
  • Affiliation: Tingel Arm Coalition
  • Accessibility: The Jedi Temple on Hurikane is a private structure situated on a lone cliff top of the mountainous planet. It's well guarded, protected by both remnants of the Lothal Protectorate Riflemen and a small detachment of Jedi Temple Guards. Access is only allowed to invited guests, Jedi, and members of the Tingel Arm Coalition.
  • Description: A large domed structure perched on a cliff side. Smaller than more promenant Jedi Temples, but stands at around the sixe of the average corvette. Refurbished from an attack on the temple many years ago, the bottom half has been restored to continue functioning as a Jedi Temple, while the top levels now serve as the base of opperations for the newly founded Tingel Arm Coalition.
  • Bottom Layer:
    • Halls of Healing: Wing dedicated to the healing of wounded. Serves as a medical hospital for wounded TAC personell.
    • Hanging Gardens: A greenhouse room for meditation and growing crops. Maintained by local Jedi.
    • Training Halls: Open space for training.
    • Hangar: A landing bay for starfighters.
    • Temple Guard Barracks
    • Standard Jedi Barracks
    • Temple Archives
  • Top Layer:
    • Chamber of Planets: A meeting space for the leadership of the TAC, situated in the room where a Jedi Council once met.
    • Communications and Logistics Room: A space that has been transitioned to maintain communications with TAC sympathizers, listen in on Imperial broadcasts, and feed false information to Imperial intellegence. The war room is located here.
    • Rifleman Remnant Garrison
    • Commander Fynch's Office

High: The Hurikane Jedi Temple exists in a descrete location, it's cliff side nature making it more difficult to get to. While not a proper military structure, as the base of initial opperations for the Tingel Arm Coalition it has a detachment of Riflemen, formerly of the Lothal Protectorate. As a Jedi Temple, Temple Guards have come to protect points of sacred value. The structure was cleared out, but did survive an attack by the Bryn'adûl's bloody campaign across the Outer Rim. As such, the structure has a higher tollerance to bombardment, but has no weaponry to fend off attackers. While temporarily the base of opperations of the TAC it is first and foremost a Jedi Temple.

The Hurikane Jedi Temple was, for most if it's history, a structure of little signifigance. It was founded in 200 ABY, centered around the Hurrikane Crystals and their use in Lightsabers and other Jedi rituals. Around 860 ABY, however, the temple would come under fire, attacked by the forces of the Bryn'adûl. Those who inhabited the temple were slaughtered, the structure barely surviving the encounter due to a well-constructed foundation and a robust exterior. Following the fall of the Bryn, however, the Hurikane Jedi Temple would be quickly made home to a local band of pirates who transformed the structure into a base of opperations. For an uncontested twenty years the pirates launched raids across the undefended Outer Rim from Hurikane, their location so remote it was thought to be completely under the radar. This time out of the spotlight was not to last.

Around 900 ABY the temple was sieged again, this time by the young Tingel Arm Coalition and sympathetic Jedi allies. Lead by Jedi Knight Shem Spinner, a group of wayward force users and remnants of the fallen Lothal Protectorate stormed the temple, wiping out the occupying pirates and establishing it as their base of opperation. The TAC commited resources to reinforcing the structure, allowing Jedi to come and re-establish the structure's previous opperations. Finding spiritual value in the temple, a small detachment of Temple Guards have come to maintain its defense. Now it is the home of a new movement, one to establish an independant Outer Rim free of Imperial tyranny.

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