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Hutt Nights | Nya & Safira

Isran Varad

Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Tag: [member="Safira Varad"], [member=Nya]


Although quite some time had passed...there was still much to get used to.

For one thing, the overall lack of support was something that was daunting to the Mandalorian. As far back as he could remember, he always had a fellow clansman within arm's reach to undertake a mission...or five. There was never a moment where he had to worry about a blaster in the spine, because there was always someone of blood to have his back. And in the very same manner, he would always have theirs. However, since emerging from the Cularin System, Isley Verd found that the Galaxy had become even colder and emptier than before.

As far the eye could see, there was no Clan Verd. There was no blood. Isley was on his own.

That was not to say that the Mandalorian did not know how to fend for himself. His clan had raised him well enough that solo operations were a breeze for the former Field Marshal. However, there was no better feeling in the world than diving into hell with someone you could trust at your back. And so, while Isley settled into his stack of gigs within the Southern Systems, he set about putting together a team. For the most part, this was a slow going process - given how the word honor and cantina went together like oil and water.

And to date, the sole measure of success the Mandalorian had was in [member="Safira Varad"]. The young woman had a mighty fine chip on her shoulder and had much to learn about the old ways. However, the fire of Manda'yaim burned so bright within her that it was blinding. It was a chance encounter that had brought them together: a job had begun to spin out of control for the young woman. But, the gods were certainly watching over her battle - for the second Isley recognized the T-Visor upon her face, his blasters joined the fray. In the aftermath, he took Safira under his wing, pledging to show her how to not end up with numerous holes in her person. And, in return, she would watch his back. So far so good.

But one ally was not remotely close to the thriving community of a Clan. And thus, the duo found themselves in the underbelly of Nar Shaddaa. The slimy, stench-ridden world was foul to the Mandalorian, so much so that he wore a disgusted scowl underneath his buy'ce. Nonetheless, their mission today was to investigate a promising lead. There was a bounty out on a woman who had been seen this side of the Hydian Way. A bounty that stated she was extremely dangerous - but the details read as if she were more on the run than anything. She wasn't a vod, but given how the track record was going, beggars couldn't be choosers. So, the day found Safira and Isley occupying a booth in one of the Hutt Moon's numerous cantinas.

And whilst the bass of tacky music thudded into his ears, the Mandalorian looked over the datapad which laid between them. The description listed on the bounty was of a young woman with blonde hair. That...would certainly be easy to spot in this particular locale - what with its catering to xenos. And, in time, Isley managed to make out what appeared to be a match. He snapped his fingers at once, calling over one of the scantily-clad servers to their booth. "Firewhiskey for us." he began, before motioning to their mark. "And top off whatever she's drinking. Ask if she's willing to chat for a moment." He made the extra effort worth the server's time with an extra couple credits and sent her on her way.

In short order, the duo were served their shots and the server would make her way over to @Nya. With a small smile, she'd immediately refresh her beverage and motion over to the table where the Mandalorians were seated. "He's asking for you - I think he likes you or sumthin."



Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Tags: [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Safira Varad"]

It was hard to remember exactly how long she'd been out. There was no way it hadn't been weeks, but the days were beginning to blend together, especially since she'd landed herself on Nar Shaddaa. The planet loaned itself to the blurring of limits, be it time or the expenditure of personal dignity. Nya had fit right in.

The first few days and been spent scoping out possible targets, and the third day had been all about action. The escapee had tracked what appeared to be a wealthy but ill-loved spice merchant from this very cantina, following him several blocks before she'd slid a knife between his ribs and taken everything but his ID. Things would be much easier for her if she had none on her at all... No one in the city, and most especially in the cantina, had blinked an eye when the spice merchant had stopped making appearances, and even less so when the blonde started stopping in every evening.

It had been tempting as all feth to just blow all those credits at once, but there was a good chance that those psychos back at the prison would have put a bounty on her head, and drawing attention to herself would be foolish. So instead she'd been careful to keep a low profile... Or as low as anyone could be on Nar Shaddaa. The next few days had been uneventful, and she'd spent the time looking for her next mark - up until one evening she'd wandered into the cantina and completely managed to miss the pair of beskar'gam clad, bucket heads sitting in the corner. Nya had taken up her usual spot along the bar and ordered her usual, a short tumbler of dark amber fluid sloshing around ice coming her way... Along with a second.

Tension as visible along every line of the woman as the waitress leaned against the bar beside her, offering up a winning smile and the second drink. Icy blue eyes shot to where the woman motioned... Mandalorians. Perfect. She nodded a quick thank you to the waitress in dismissal and once the woman was gone she collected up both drinks and slid herself out of her stool. With a drink in each hand and a smirk in place that could melt the coldest of hearts, the blonde strode towards the seated pair, putting a sway into her hips that suggested she'd done this before.

Both drinks were deposited onto the table top as she gripped the back of one of the low chairs the pair were seated in and rotated it, straddling the seat and resting her arms, folded neatly, along the back. One hand reached and plucked up the drink she had barely started before downing it completely and sliding the empty back onto the table between the three of them.

"So. I don't suppose I could just ask you both very nicely to buy me one more round and leave, hm?"

Safira Haran

Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
[member=Isley Verd] | [member=Nya]

Nar Shaddaa. The whole place was a retched hive of scum and villainy. Nothing about the planet wide city was appealing to the young Mandalorian. The smells made her nose crinkle even through the thick helmet covering her face, the blinding lights were irritating to no end and even the people seemed to have something about them that set her teeth on edge. For the first time since Safira had put on the thick plated armour typical of her people she didn't feel like it would be enough. Safira had even commented on it as they traipsed the street looking for the cantina. 'Do we really need cash this bad? I wouldn't wish this kriff-hole on my worst enemy...' Sharp words did not suit the caramel coloured woman, but her tone was filled to the brim with disgust. Isley had mentioned they were here for a reason, for a bounty on a dangerous woman. Of course a cash reward was always appealing, but there were plenty of other contracts on worlds far more appealing than Nar Shadddaa. She couldn't wrap her mind around why they'd had to pick this specific one.

Their final destination was no better than the planet itself. It was unbearably hot in cantina. Hotter than the surface of a planet made entirely from fire, which Safi had had the unfortunate luck to experience herself. Vibrations ricocheted around her head causing high pitched screeches to blast through her hearing device. Safira mumbled something under her breath, likely a series of aggressive curse words that were immediately lost in the heavy beat of the so called music. Nimble fingers reached up to pull the buy'ce away from her head, something she had been loathed to do from the start, but needs must. As they drank in the details of the bounty, not for the first time that day, Safira adjusted the metal ring that sat neatly atop the ridge of her caramel ear. She swore again as the device adjusted to the blasting sounds attacking her from every angle. She hated clubs, she hated loud noises. She hated Nar Shaddaa.

As she placed the heavy metal helmet down a loud clunk sounded out even over the din of the cantina. A solumn gaze crossed her obsidian pearls as she turned her attention to her partner. 'I hope this woman is worth it, Isley.' The man she had called a friend and a brother for some time now wasn't without his faults, but she trusted him. When Safira had first left the comfort and safety of home she had expected her journey to be mostly solo, in fact, she had almost counted on it. However the more bounties she collected the more she realised that some jobs you just couldn't do alone. She was fortunate to have found him, and as far as she could tell he was fortunate to have found her. He was the only reason she was on this stinking planet in the first place was because he had insisted, and like a fool, she had willingly followed. At least he was buying her a drink.

Safi was all too quick to down the amber liquid in the crystalline glass, eager to feel the burn as it trickled down her throat. Despite the torrent of people who streamed by her vision Safira never let her eyes shift from their target. All she could make out for the meanwhile was a shimmering waterfall of golden hair, but that was enough. She allowed herself a quick glance toward Isley as the willowy, pale skinned woman stood from her chair. The bait had done it's job. One hand ran through the thick tumble of curls that sat in a pile on top of Safira's head, mostly as a distraction from the way their target swayed over to them. If that wasn't enough to tell her why the bounty had been placed on her, then her voice certainly confirmed it. It was smooth and sugary, like sweet berry wine on a summer morning.

A bubbling laugh trickled from Safi's throat as the woman spoke. She had guts, Safira would afford her that at least. 'That all depends.' Safi lent forward, deep onyx eyes filled with amusement, searching for the crystal clear pools of the blonde woman in front of her. In such close proximity she had to admit to herself that the blonde was more beautiful than the description on the bounty made her out to be. Perhaps one of the reasons why she was considered so dangerous. Safira liked that in a woman. A smirk that told a tale of the hidden meaning behind her words formed on Safi's face as she replied in a sultry tone. 'Are you leaving with us?'

Isran Varad

Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa​
Tag: [member=Nya], [member="Safira Varad"]​
Do we really need the cash?

In many respects, the young woman who had become nearly inseparable from the Mandalorian was useful beyond her years. She was resourceful. Tenacious. She never backed down from a challenge, even when the odds were horrendously stacked against them. At least, when it came to plying the trade of their people: Battle. When it came to other, mundane realities - such as stomaching the horrendous stench of Nar Shaddaa - Safira Varad had much room to grow. It was true that Isley was just as disgusted as the caramel woman who stuck close to his side, and that he too would have preferred to do anything else. But. When it came to survival - or fulfilling his end goal - certain comforts had to be set aside.

That meant swimming through a soup of foul stenches that could make even the most steeled man woosy for a moment or two. Nonetheless, he did not come down on the warrioress too hard, for he completely understood in the moment. To go from any civilized environment to this hell hole was the definition of jarring - and thus the Mandalorian made a mental note to make it worth the young woman's while. Perhaps they'd swing by an arm's dealer on the way out and see about outfitting her with a disruptor or something. Anything to put a positive spin on this particular, acrid scenario. However, in the here and now, the Mandalorian simply raised his helm ever so slightly. "It will be. Just trust me." he reassured, before placing his lips on the rim of the glass.

As the beverage burned its way down his innards, the gambit they played seemed to have a positive affect. Safira no sooner remarked that she hoped it was all worth it when a rather tasty sight entered his peripheral vision. Swaying hips. A smile that could melt steel beams. The mark certainly had cahones the size of the Hutt Moon for walking up to the Mandalorians so graciously. She casually slid her empty glass between them and joined them at the table, eliciting a small smirk from underneath Isley's helm. He then reached up and removed the armament whilst Safira greeted her with a sultry tone. If not for this being on the job, Isley might have felt jealous - for that particular voice was usually reserved for him exclusively. Past times aside, his glas gingerly clattered as it settled upon the table.

The man leaned back in his seat ever so slightly and raised his dominant arm up onto the headrest. Casual. Relaxed. But very much so aware of the blaster upon his hip. He knew that the woman was dangerous - but how dangerous remained to be seen. Yet, despite the awareness, Isley played along with the game started by the blonde. "Why stop at one round?" he remarked, before indicating Safira with a motion of his chin. "And afterwards...Well, sounds like a good day to make some...bad decisions." A low chuckle escaped him as his offhand reached and found his half-emptied glass, raising it back to his lips. In one fluid motion, he killed the shot and exhaled, returning the drained vessel to the table.

"We'll make it worth your while."



Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Tag: [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Safira Varad"]

The pair were... Not what she'd expected from bounty hunters. Nya was well aware that Mandolorians were renowned for being some of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, but these two were very laid back - especially if they'd received any sort of dossier about what it was that the blonde could do. Lithe fingers reached forward to curl around the still full glass she'd perched near her on the table, taking another sip as she listened to their propositions. Both brows raised in a sentiment of surprise when the curl-haired beauty mentioned that leaving with them was an option - suddenly finding herself wondering whether that was an offer or a threat. The near human rested both of her arms against the back of the chair she'd commandeered and swirled the contents of her own drink slowly, eyes moving first from the woman to the man.

Curious indeed.

She lifted the glass to her lips once more before setting it along the edge of the table where she'd originally had it, moving her right hand to drag fingers through her tumble of blonde waves, setting them to fall along her left should and frame her face. The hand then moved to gently curl into a fist, leaning against the back of the chair as she propped her chin on the coiled fingers.

"Well - I'm not sure what to say. First you buy a girl a drink, then you follow it up with an offer of a second and an evening following you two out of here... Very forward - not that I'm complaining. However, I don't normally make a habit of leaving cantinas with strangers." Her tone changed a touch at the end, that sweet as candy lilt going a little darker, a bit more serious. "I assume that you know who I am, strangers. It would be immeasurably rude for you two not to at least tell me your names."

This wasn't the first time someone had tried to call in her bounty... She suspected it also wouldn't be the last. Nya sure as hell wasn't about to just wander out of here with the pair in hopes that all they were suggesting was some company for the evening if it meant her head on a platter for someone who'd been reckless enough to but a bounty on her head. There was a trail of corpses piling up in her wake - and despite how delicious the pair appeared to be, they could rot on the pile if they thought she was going to make it easy for them.

Isran Varad


Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Tag: [member=Nya] | [member="Safira Varad"]

When it came to warfare, Mandalorians were very much "shock and awe."

They were described as walking armories and always lived up to the moniker. By blaster, wrist rocket, jetpack, and everything in-between, they lit fire to the battlefield and left none standing. In essence, one could always tell when a Mandalorian had entered the fray, for the body count was typically staggering. In this instance, the battle was one that required a little extra ordnance. The woman before them was dangerous. A succulent take on a mark, that was sure, but a mark nonetheless. But, as Isley had eluded to his lover prior to entering the cantina...he wasn't after the credits on this one.

He was after the woman who broke out of a supermax without being a Mandalorian. After the creature who could manage to wrack up a body count that screamed Mandalorian without so much as donning a T-visor. In this turbulent Galaxy, he assumed that she had very little in the way of allies. And in a sense, all three sitting at the table were alike in that regard. The sole exception was, Isley had Safira. But the Mandalorian doubted the blonde mark had anyone looking out for her. Thus, as the woman spoke her piece and took a shot of her beverage, Isley marked the change in her voice.

The flirting was drawing to a close, and thus the Mandalorian tapped upon his datapad's screen twice before sliding it over. On one window was her bounty - a document she was certain to have memorized by now. But on the other was a credits transfer, headed to the exact sod who had taken out the bounty in the first place. All it needed was one tap. One push of the button to wipe clean her slate. At least on this side of the Hydian Way. "You assume correctly." Isley began, gingerly tapping his knuckles upon the table top. "We know who you are - and frankly, we're interested."

"Rumor has it you've done some things that would leave a man like me...breathless. Things that even a supermax station couldn't keep a handle on." He reached out, gingerly giving Safira's chin an affectionate touch with his fingertips. "I like 'em like that. Dangerous. And with the potential to put me down if I look at them wrong." His gaze returned to the woman of the hour and his chin jutted towards the datapad. "You can call me Isley. And this is Safira."

"And the way I see it, we'd be damn fools not to offer you a drink and a night you'll never forget. Because only fools cash in a woman like you for a couple months' worth of fuel and grub. Nah...I'd rather all three of us go broke together. And as a sign of good faith? Free yourself sister."

Shock and awe meant fighting with such bombs that the enemy was left reeling. And in this, Isley intended to do just that. The blonde one could verify, re-verify, and verify again if she wanted - it'd all check out. From messages two apps away from the sorry lot who posted the bounty, agreeing to a pay off to the balance being realistic. "So, what do you say to a round three?"

Safira Haran

Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
[member=Isley Verd] | [member=Nya]

Isley never needed to ask Safira to trust him. It happened without question now, so much so that she would have described it as an instinct. He was perhaps the only person who had garnered her trust so deeply and over such a short amount of time it had practically blinded her. Now it was like second nature. Safira narrowed the deep onyx pearls as they took in his shielded face. He was a difficult man to read, she wasn't ashamed to admit that when they had first met she struggled to truly see him. But now? He was like an open book. Safira didn't need to see his expression to know, she only needed to hear the soothing, if muted, sound of his voice through the buy'ce. There was something he wasn't telling her.

Despite the slow-to-arrive realisation that something was up, Safira kept her expression relatively plain as Isley addressed the blonde. An ebony brow lofted at her response, and the darker tone it was delivered in, but apart from that Safira paid it no mind. It was hard to imagine the pale skinned beauty was anything other than the sweet, naive woman she presented herself to be. Safira wouldn't have even believed her to be a danger by looks alone, but the bounty on her was proof enough. With the knowledge that Isley had a another plan in mind, Safira made herself useful by ordering more drinks. As the waitress slipped by them two gloved fingers shot into the air to motion her over. 'Just bring us the bottle.' When she drew her eyes back from the shadow of the serving girl they were met with a blinding square of blue light.

Before she could make out what was written on the second window Isley's words stole her attention. We're interested. Feeling more surprised than anything, Safira wished more than ever that her face was embraced by the comforting grip of her helmet. All she could do to keep herself from giving the game away was take a mouthful of the sour amber liquid. The burn in her throat was a good excuse to draw in a sharp breathe of stale air and furrow her brows softly. By the time her expression relaxed again, and with the lingering feeling of his touch on her chin, her mind was made up. Even without the rather convincing evidence staring Safira in the face, if Isley thought Nya was a good fit, so did Safira. After all, she trusted him, but that didn't mean she wouldn't chew him out later for keeping her in the dark.

'I think she's going to need a round three, even if her answer is no.' Safira smirked as she lent forward to pour a hearty amount of the bottled liquid into each glass. 'I'm sure an offer like that is enough to make anyone want to lose their sensibilities for a night. Bad decisions or no.' She slid the glasses back toward their owners and drew her own close to her chest. Once she nursed the replenished drink, the metal clad woman lent back into her chair, with movements as casual as she could make them. Isley was persuasive enough and had left nothing else to say, so Safira didn't speak. She simply offered Nya an encouraging expression.


Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Tag: [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Safira Varad"]

Oh they were interested, hm?...

As the datapad slid around to face her and came across the table to rest before her, she caught sight of something familiar to her. The bounty. Or at least, one of them... She'd give it to the pair though, this one was certainly the largest. One or two had been put out if she came back a corpse - but the big one? This one? They'd need to convince her to come a fair bit further than just home to their place for the evening. This bounty called for the blonde to be returned to Iol, alive and well, 'unharmed.' Hah... Like that was an option.

It was the document on the second half of the screen that drew her attention, however; shining up at her was a simple enough form - and one that offered to pay off this and all other bounties, in full. Both brows raised in mock surprise as she looked from the datapad back to the pair seated on either side of her. In the back of her head she could hear them starting... The was a stirring in the air around her as she mulled over what this could mean - what this could truly represent if it was no hoax.

Slightly wide grey-blue eyes dragged themselves away from the datapad to glance between the pair, seemingly thoughtful as Isley continued on. This was too good to be true. These two hadn't known her for more than an instant and the amount of credits that would be needed to pay off the people who were after her was... Staggering. There was a catch, and she knew it. They were bait.

Well, if they were bait - then she was about to bite.

The blonde slowly lowered her drink back to the table as the curly-haired siren to her left began to pour out another round of drinks from the fresh bottle that had made its way to their group. A wicked smile curled at the edges of her lips as she slowly placed both her hands against the edge of the table and leaned forward, pressing her chest to the backrest of the chair and speaking low. "Well it must be my lucky night then..."

There wasn't much about her that looked it, but Nya had some Zeltron heritage - and that afforded her a few... Tricks. The blonde could use the pheromones that she naturally produced to help influence those foolish enough not to use respirators around her. And with these two beauties having removed their buy'ce to try and sweeten the deal with their smiling faces... Well. Easy targets.

Gently the woman reached, plying the Mandolorians with a sense of calm and familiarity that they did not yet have. She did her best to make them both feel at ease as she offered a low, throaty chuckle. "Why don't you go ahead and pull the trigger and we can get out of here then?"

Isran Varad

Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa​
Tag: [member="Safira Varad"] | [member="Nya"]​


Isley was many things, but he was only stupid on occasion.

The Mandalorian certainly had something in mind for the atomic blonde seated before him. And as he spoke his honeyed words, his intentions were all but laid bare. Where he had began? In the place beyond the lights of Cularin? He had something. A place. A people. Home. To reclaim that meant to rebuild. To start from nothing. At times, would require investing a small fortune of credits. At others, it would require standing alongside a spirited vod as she battled against her adversaries. No matter what the case was, Isley Verd had ambition burning behind those brown eyes.

He watched as the woman inspected the datapad. He was not daft enough to think that she believed him in its entirety just at a glance. After all - any offer that seemed too good to be true, usually was. And as a result, he had a "catch" in mind. Something to make it seem as though the Mandalorians were after something, but that something wasn't her head on a pike. Safira played her part well, despite not knowing the intimate details of his plan. She trusted him, and he her, for that was the relationship that they had cultivated over the months. Frankly, the Mandalorian couldn't imagine a world without her at his side.

And in this moment, her ordering the drinks was exactly what he needed to do. She had his back, even on "battlefields" such as this.

When the datapad lowered and the woman's gaze found his again, her calm remark reached his ears. It seemed as though she was accepting the bait that he had cast - but just as he parted his lips to speak again...he felt...odd? It certainly wasn't the liquor, and he had fought enough Sith to know what a mind intrusion felt like...No this was...Did they lace his drink? A strong blink punctuated his thoughts before he looked upon the woman once more. His shoulders seemed to relax, almost instinctively. His next words moved forth was a casual air, as if he was discussing them with a friend.

But even under this "spell," the catch had a nugget of truth in it. "Now...I'll be upfront. I'm honest when I say I want us to go broke together. But, there's not a sod in the 'verse who's going to ask a supermax escapee to sleep under the same roof indefinitely - not unless he's crazy, or there's an understanding." He smirked, motioning to the datapad once more. "If you move to the next tab, you'll see a familiar face."

Should she do so, she'd see the face of an inmate that would be all too familiar. Her cellmate. The one who had "helped" her escape from that supermax, but disappeared shortly thereafter. "That one did me dirty. Real dirty. I've got to let her know just how much I'm not a fan of being cut. I'm not asking for you to help me kill her. I'm not asking for a thing except good intel, because the trail's gone cold."

"And the last one to see that particular witch was you. So. You set yourself free, clear your bounties in one fell swoop. Let us give you many...many nights you won't ever forget...and in exchange, you let me know where that backstabber is."

He then nodded his chin in the direction of the datapad. "Free yourself."


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