Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Hyacinth

    • Name: Hyacinth Thire
      • Current Nicknames:
        • Achlys.
        • Perennial.
    • Age: Wouldn’t you like to know?
    • Gender: Male.
    • Species: Teevan.
    • Occupation: Sith Apprentice.

    • Force Sensitive: Duh.
      • Alignment: Dark.
      • Order: The Sith Order & Haxion Brood (sikrit)
      • Proficiency: Adept/Apprentice.

    • Homeworld: Unknown.
    • Known Residences: Formerly The Acerbitas | Currently Ordo Eris & Nomadic
    • Known Languages:
      • Galactic Basic: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
      • Binary: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native
    • Primary Allegiance: The Sith Order
    • Current Status: Active - Alive

    • Sexuality: Yes [Pansexual].
    • Marital Status: Single as a Pringle.
    • Family:
    • Children: Ew.
    • Friends: If you’re brave enough.
    • Masters: Formerly Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Currently Jonah Jonah
    • Apprentices: Nope.
    • Enemies: All of them.
    • Color Code: #72b62f

    • Height: 2.1 meters [~6’9”]
    • Weight: How rude of you!
    • Physique: Mesomorph - Lithe, Toned
    • Voice: Like honey.
    • Eyes: Neon Green.
    • Hair: Midnight Black.
    • Complexion: Silver / Ivory.
    • Implants: Nearly his entire body is comprised of cybernetics.
    • Distinguishing Marks: Glowing green eyes and face markings. Collar of metal spikes that fan up and out from the base of his neck [see avatar].
    • Usual Apparel: Flowing black robes.


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    • Seeing Double: Hyacinth is a twin, looking pretty similar to his brother, Asphodel. Especially prior to their need for cybernetics for functioning. At times, the twins may mimic movements, mannerisms, and even voices to seem all the more similar. Works wonders for confusing people if they’re together… or, even when they aren’t.

    • Oysters and All: A hedonist at heart, Hyacinth is never one to stray from the pleasures and fun that life has to offer. He’ll actively pursue it, if he’s able to, in one form or another.

    • Float Like a Butterfly, Sting like Bulb: Light on his feet, quick moving, and equally as quick in wit, Hyacinth is literally a honed machine. Slight build, genetics, and continuous training allow him to be graceful and stealthy and capable of dealing devastating blows when necessary.

    • Self-assured: He’s confident, and only sometimes cocky about it.


    • Overindulgence: Life’s pleasures ebb and flow, and with them so does Hyacinth. If unchecked, he has a tendency to overdo it and to lose himself entirely in whatever his current project or muse is.

    • Electrical Hazard: Though technology is advanced, his cybernetics don’t do well with “outages”, excessive shock, water submersion, or excessive heat. His system regulation will only do so much.

    • Hard Head: Soft behind.

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    • Sith Teachings and History.
    • Interest in artifacts and sorcery.
    • Lightsaber combat.
    • Budding Underworld Enthusiast™.
    • Budding scientist.
    • Street smarts.


      Shii-Cho │ None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Makashi │None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      SoresuNone - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Ataru │None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Shien │None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Niman None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Juyo | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist


      Telepathy | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Telekinesis | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Force Sense | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Mechu-deru | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

      Electronic Manipulation | None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist

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