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Approved Starship Hydra-class Battle Carrier

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  • Classification: Battle Carrier
  • Length: 1550 metres
  • Width: 600 metres
  • Height: 390 metres
  • Armament: Average
  • Defences: High
  • Hangar Space: Extreme | 15
  • Hangar Allocations: Fifteen squadrons of Starfighters, Support Craft, or more commonly a mixture thereof.
  • Manoeuvrability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive: Class 1.01 | Class 8 Backup
  • The Hydra-class is outfitted with all the features and facilities one would expect from a vessel of its size and purpose, among these:
  • Hydras are outfitted with a Subdrive for rapid in-system repositioning.
  • Hydras can be produced with a gravity well projector without unduly compromising its other systems, though the projector does represent a tempting target whose destruction might well cripple the ship. Alternatively, pseudointerdictors are able to do much the same with less risk of destruction but more risk of simply being ineffective; the pros and cons of smoke and mirrors compared to the real deal.
  • Heart of the Swarm: Cavernous hangars, above average long-range firepower, and powerful communications systems makes the Hydra a solid pick for backline support and coordination, if less so for close-quarters combat. It is well-suited for the role of flagship.
  • Slow and Steady: Hydras are built to hold a position at the rear of a battle, not engage in complex manoeuvres or brawls - they have the agility of ships several times their size and are mediocre in close-quarters combat due to a focus on long-range weaponry.
The Hydra-class is the largest and most powerful warship ever produced by the Globex Corporation, coming in at a mere fifty metres less than the iconic Imperial Star Destroyers of yore. Unlike the ISD, the Hydra is a carrier first and foremost, if still relatively formidable in a fight; it might well be capable of duking it out with an ISD at a significant distance, though it would surely lose in close quarters.

Of course, in a realistic scenario, only the most foolhardy of captains would face a dedicated carrier with a vessel with famously poor point defence.

This is reflected in its role on the battlefield; under optimal circumstances a Hydra should never get anywhere near the enemy, instead hovering at a significant distance to dish out more than it takes due to singular focus on long-range weaponry. That said, it should not be disregarded in a more up close and personal engagement, for its hefty shields can withstand lengthy bombardment even as it resupplies and repairs its starfighters.
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