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Approved Tech Hyena IMDR Cannon

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Intent: To create a starship component for future submissions and role-playing.
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Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Model: Hyena IMDR Cannon
Modularity: Yes
Production: Semi-Unique
Material(s): Alusteel, Dallorian Alloy, Hadrium, Agrinium, Absorbital, Mechanical and Electronic Components

Classification: Ion Mass Driver Railgun
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Ammunition Type: Ionized Projectiles
Ammunition Capacity: 100
Reload Speed: Very Low
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Average
Stopping Power: Very High
Recoil: Low

  • Automatic ammunition feed system allows continuous fire, although ordinance magazines require several minutes to change out.
  • Plasma-driven munitions offer terrific penetration and kinetic damage, supplemented by powerful ion attacks able to disable / degrade / weaken enemy ship’s shields, weapons, engines, sensors, or other electronics.
  • Hadrium and Dallorian alloy used in system design prevents overheating and counters internal damage.
  • Exceptional range and stopping power combine to make an excellent ‘break-contact’ or ‘first punch’ weapon.
  • Agriumium and absorbital used in turret housing offer some protection against EMP/Ion, radiation, and blaster-type attacks.
  • Hyena’s low power requirements make it well-suited for ships that need a potent weapon system but can’t afford the space or power allotment of larger, heavier weapons; able to fire continuously (30 rounds per minute) without overtaxing the vessel or risking overheating.
  • Combines powerful kinetic damage and extreme long-range effectiveness of mass driver weapons with the disruptive capability of ion weapons to field a potent weapon system able to hit hard from a distance and send the enemy reeling, particularly as it has the potential to degrade or even disable their shields, sensors, communications, weapons, or engines with a well-placed shot against an undefended target, or else land several hits to weaken shields and open an enemy up to greater vulnerability to secondary strikes.
  • Anti-recoil mitigation system means the turret lacks the range of movement and turning speed to be an effective point-defense weapon; better suited for anti-capital ship actions than countering swarms of starfighters or incoming missile volleys.
  • Low rate of fire and lengthy reload times make it a poor choice for main batteries, or use without secondary weapons, as it could result in lulls in firing leaving ships without offensive weapons in the heat of battle and making them vulnerable to enemy guns.

How does a smaller ship, with limited space and resources, have any hope of standing up to a larger vessel bristling with guns and launchers? This was the question asked nine centuries ago when repurposed freighters and transports of the Rebel Alliance faced down the massive Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy. In most cases, with all things being equal, those brave Rebels died by the score fighting battles they couldn’t win. It was only when the Alliance began to get creative that they started to turn the tide. This same dilemma remains today, as a galaxy filled with fleets of dreadnaughts and capital ships, armed to the teeth and armored and shielded to the hilt, slug it out toe-to-toe every day. How does the little guy have even a chance?

The Hyena was the answer that Visanj came up with: A powerful cannon, able to fire and hit targets with precision accuracy long before bringing one’s own ship into the range of enemy guns. Combining the hard-hitting potency of mass drivers with the lingering disruptive capabilities of ion cannons, a well-placed shot against an unprotected or unsuspecting foe, or else a barrage of hits concentrated on a larger ship might well be the means to gain advantage. Visanj theorized that if you could take your enemy down a peg or two, weaken or degrade their ability to fight or resist, take out their comms or sensors to leave them muffled and blind, or kick out their legs by knocking out engines or taking a hyperdrive offline, a smaller ship could then stand a chance: A chance to get away or a chance to kill a giant, either way, it was a chance.

The Hyena isn’t a turbolaser turret, able to throw thousands of rounds into the air and turn quickly to rid the sky of swarms of starfighters or incoming projectiles, and it isn’t a main battery meant to stand tough in a slugging match. This is the sucker punch, the sniper’s bullet, that big hit that leaves your opponent staggering and dazed just long enough for you to get in close and finish him off or else to run like hell and give yourself a few seconds’ head start. Hyena takes a few minutes to reload, as the limitations of the recoil-mitigating system used in the turret forced the technicians to spend a little extra time to change out the ordinance magazines than usual. But Captains of smaller ships couldn’t refuse the low power draw, and heavy-hitting, far-reaching benefits of the Hyena, and so the time to reload, the lowered rate of fire, and the limited range of movement were all trades they were willing to make.
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