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Approved Location Hypergate Σ-Kresh | Hurikane's Warped Moon

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  • Astronomical Location Name: Hypergate Σ(Sigma)-Kresh
  • Classification: Moon, Hypergate
  • Location: Hurikane Hex
  • Rotational Period: 23.7 hours
  • Orbital Period: 425 days
  • Size: Insignifigant
  • Affiliation: Jedi Order, Tingel Arm Coalition, Gree Enclave
  • Population: Sparce
  • Demographics: Gree, Rancor, Exogorth, Oggdo, Human, Zabrak, Shard
  • Accessibility: Hypergate Σ-Kresh is easily accessed, being a small moon with a stable atmosphere and a decently maintained space port. Despite recieving little to no traffic, it maintains a primarily non-hostile environment thanks to the meddling of the Gree in times long past.
  • Description: A lush green moon with a stable atmosphere and swampy inland seas. A large hole has been grafted into the center of the planet, where the old Hypergate constructed by the Gree lie, a portal through which was brought countless species from across the galaxy a millenia ago.
  • Jedi Temple: An ancient monestary built by the old Jedi Order around 7,000 BBY, drawn to the moon by the warmth of the Nexus and the presence of the Hurrikane crystal. It's a complex of towers, resembling the capital of Ryloth in it's circular arrangement, though notably smaller and more castle-like. The old structure is maintained for small-scale spiritual retreats, protected by a small contingient of Temple Guards, but has otherwise been left to the elements. A friendly herd of Rancor that live next to the structure, believed to be a natural protection provided by the force. The Force seems to have increased the wisdom of the already intelligent beasts. A colony of Shards dwells within, propogated from an ancient Iron Knight.
  • Gree Enclave Base: A small lab in close proximity to the Jedi Temple, the remnants of the ancient superpower that made the hypergate lodged into the surface of the moon. Now it stands as a small outpost, manned by a reclusive but friendly sect of Gree who continue to create inventions and perform research on the local force anomalies. Visitors must be selected by their leadership, with contact being made through outdated protocol droids.
  • Spaceport: The gateway onto the planet, situated between the hypergate and the Jedi Temple. It is accomadated for small ships only, with only the smallest of corvettes being capable of landing. Larger vessels are asked to send smaller transports to the surface. Little trade occurs here, with the only major draw of the moon being spiritual in nature.
  • Swamplands: The vast majority of the planet. These lands are peaceful, a strange effect caused by the movement of the Force through the area. Even the typically hostile Oggdo are docile, perhaps even the slightest bit more intellegent. Those who seek silent meditation come here.
  • Exogorth Den: An invasive Exogorth has taken up residence on the moon, having lived there now for the last 200 years. The Nexus has made the creature far slower than is typical, enducing long periods of hybernation. Vessels flying over the den are still advised to proceed with caution near the maw.
  • Hypergate...
  • Nexus Name: Hypergate Σ-Kresh
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Location: Hypergate Σ-Kresh
  • Affiliation: Jedi Order, Tingel Arm Coalition, Gree Enclave
  • Size: Planetary (Moon)
  • Strength: Moderate
  • Accessibility: Easily accessed. The source of the nexus is the Hypergate, spilling out light and warmth to clear the minds of those who dwell around it.
  • Description: An ancient gateway from "the most ancient and forgotten days," which dwells at the heart of the moon. It's a large structure, composed of harsh geometry and accompanied by the ruined structures of the Gree from their earliest time. The Nexus was created by a reaction of mass quantities of the Hurrikane Crystal being transported through the ancient gate, as well as all of the lifeforms being brought back from across the galaxy. The high traffic of life energy clung to the gate, giving it a distinct presence in the Force.
The Nexus on Hypergate Σ-Kresh is a gentle, calming aura, known to decrease the aggretion of those who are on the moon. Beasts hunt only when they are hungry, intelligent creatures seem to have a higher wisdom, and those strong in the Force can maintain meditation here for prolonged periods of time without going hungry. It was the accidental creation of this Nexus that caused the Gree to bring more species to the moon, and would later be the draw of Jedi activity which resulted in the construction of a temple.

In the earliest days of civilization in the galaxy, an era that the Gree call "the most ancient and forgotten days," hypergates were constructed across the galaxy in one of the first instances of faster than light travel. One such gate, Hypergate Σ-Kresh, would be constructed into the moon of Hurikane itself, the ancient Gree being facinated by the Hurrikane Crystals found on the planet. In one of the earliest uses of Kyber in the galaxy, the Gree began experimenting with crystal based technology, transporting it on mass through the hypergate. The energy of the gate combined with the movement of the Force through the crystals gradually began to have an effect on the hypergate and the moon, creating a gentle and expansive Force Nexus with a light aura. When observed, the Gree found the aura to be calming, making beasts less aggressive and increasing the intelligence of creatures like the Rancor. The moon was populated for experimental purposes, intended upon documenting the effects of the Nexus. When the Gree suffered loss at the hands of the Rakata, the outpost was abandoned, the technology of hypergates forgotten to defend from the bloodthirsty intergalactic invaders.

Thousands of years later, in 7,000 BBY, Jedi explorers first found the moon, drawn in by the warmth of the Nexus. In this time both the planet of Hurikane and its moon would become a hotbed for Jedi activity. The Hurrikane Crystal would be the largest draw, with the stone becoming highly valued amongst those of the order. The Nexus itself would inspire the creation of a Jedi Temple, tucked away in the swamps of the moon and protected from the turmoil of the galaxy that would inevitably come. At some point, though it is unknown when, a Shard Jedi chose to dwell in and passed on within the structure, his crystaline form left to grow a colony of Shards that now inhabit the structure. Always a fringe temple, the structure would become a safe haven for Jedi fleeing the purge in the final days of the Republic, meditating for long periods of time to hide their presence from Imperial agents. When the Jedi returned to the galaxy, those who dwelled in the Hypergate Σ-Kresh temple made themselves known once more.

In the modern era, 900 ABY, the moon has come under the protection of the Tingel Arm Coalition, who have established themselves on the planet of Hurikane in an old Jedi Temple. Jedi and other Force users of the Outer Rim find themselves continuing to be drawn to the Nexus, meditating in the warmth of the hypergate's light to look through the lenses of enlightenment. The Gree have returned to the moon, arriving some 300 years ago, hoping to regain the knowledge they lost between the Rakata, Empire, and Gulag Plague. In a violent and turbulent rim, Hypergate Σ-Kresh stands as a sanctuary for those who may seek it out.

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Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Per the parameters of the contest here:

You may choose from any of the current Hypergates currently on the SWRP Map for your submissions.

This is a new hypergate and would not qualify.

As such I’m going to as you to change this submission. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to reach out to me.

You may place a moon around a planet in one of the current hypergates but you may not make a new gate.

Would you like to edit, or should I archive this and let you go back to the drawing board?
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Are hypergates banned? I've submitted an infinity gate to the codex in the past, which is functionally the same thing. I know that they are restricted in the factory, but I am not understanding your request to remove the hypergate mentions for the location. Would it be acceptable if I mention that it no longer functions?
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