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Approved Location [Hypergate Contest | Byss] The Box

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  • Intent:
    • Participate in the Hypergate Contest
    • Pay homage to the ol' Mirrorverse event
    • Provide writers a viable Mcguffin/tool if they wish to explore "What If?" scenarios for their characters
  • Image Credit: Movieweb (Original: Dark Matter TV series)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: The Great Hypergate Contest

  • Structure Name: The Box
  • Classification: Interdimensional travel device in the shape of a cube
  • Location: Byss
  • Affiliation: Originally made in Galaxy-2 by the corporation Vector Labs; no one in Galaxy-1 (our current, official Chaos timeline)
  • Accessibility: Somewhat hidden. The Box is located in a long abandoned durasteel factory in the capital city of Byss. The is no security, the place is practically forsaken.
  • Description:
While the Box’s outward appearance seems reminiscent of a prefabricated supply depot usually found on battlefields across the galaxy, its strange location would immediately pique anyone’s curiosity and a touch of its phrik-durasteel alloy would indicate there is much more to it than it seems. And it is indeed so: the Box is an advanced interdimensional travel device powered by principles of quantum physics. By utilizing quantum superposition, entanglement, and tachyon radiation from Hypergate Byss, The Box enables those who step into its confines to traverse the multiverse and visit alternate dimensions.

Principles of Functionality:

Quantum Superposition

At the core of The Box's technology is the principle of quantum superposition. In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured. The Box uses quantum superposition to allow a user to exist in multiple dimensions at once. When a user enters The Box, they are not immediately transported to a single alternate dimension. Instead, they enter a state of superposition, existing in all possible dimensions simultaneously until they exit the Box.

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement is another critical principle, where two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other, no matter the distance between them. The Box uses entangled particles to establish a stable link between dimensions. When the device is activated, it entangles particles within the Box with particles in the target dimension. This entanglement ensures a coherent and stable transfer of matter, effectively allowing the user to traverse dimensions without physical disintegration or loss of information.

Hypergate Tachyon Radiation and Energy Source

The Box harnesses tachyon radiation from the Hypergate Byss. This radiation is crucial for generating the immense energy required to manipulate space-time and sustain the superposition and entanglement states needed for interdimensional travel. The tachyon radiation creates an invisible stabilization field around The Box, ensuring that the user remains in a coherent quantum state during the transition between dimensions. This field prevents decoherence, which would otherwise collapse the superposition and potentially result in catastrophic failure.

Operations Manual:

Although the information on using the Box does not exist in Galaxy-1 (Chaos’ dimension), for the purpose of posterity, the below steps describe the process of how to utilize the Box.

1. Initialization: The user enters The Box and initiates the travel sequence on a panel inside. The Box begins generating a tachyon field, placing the user in a superposition of an infinite dimensions.​
2. Dimension Selection: The trickiest step of all – selecting a dimension is based on the emotion and imagination of the user, even at subconscious level. Herein lies the biggest risk – raw, negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety may lead to opening the Box into an apocalyptic parallel dimension.​
3. Arrival: With the above in mind, the user opens the door of the Box into an alternate reality, a different dimension than his own.​

  • Infinite alternate dimensions, but only limited to any "What If?" scenarios that may have occurred since the Gulag Plague's end in 835ABY and not before.


None: An abandoned durasteel factory in the heart of Byss. Perhaps the inconspicuous location in itself makes it somewhat secure, but beyond that -- nothing is stopping anyone from finding it and using it. That's the point of this submission, as well.


In his bustling twenties, Jorus Hojkstra made a choice that would lead to the creation of the Box. A choice he would regret for the rest of his life.

A young man with a bright mind in physics, Jorus Hojkstra chose pursuing the path of fame and fortune of an acclaimed scientist over marrying the love of his life Helena. In time, sated by the void and superficial spotlight of wealth and stardom, he grew bitter over his decades old choice, often reminiscing what could have been.

His ambitions had always been high, his drive second to none. So Jorus burned that bitterness into fuel for his grandest of desires -- to live the life that could have been, to right an old wrong. He worked tirelessly for years on the Box but the project always failed to deliver as it missed a critical element - a power source that could generate enough energy to sustain the superposition and entanglement states within the Box.

And that is when the Hypergates across the galaxy went live. One right over his homeworld of Byss. The ancient, inexplicable phenomena of the Hypergate was the final piece to the jigsaw that was the Box. Harnessing the near unlimited tachyon radiation from the Hypergate, he was able to power the Box and fulfill his dream.

Jorus entered the Box and travelled to Galaxy-1 (Chaos' timeline) where he abducted his own version there and stole his life as a man married to the love of his life and with children. As Jorus of Galaxy-2 enjoys the life he had robbed, Jorus-1 seeks to find a way back to his own dimension and reclaim his family from this alternate version of himself.
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