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Approved Species { Hypergate Contest | Chandaar } Portanati, The Gateborn

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  • Intent: 2024 Hypergate Contest. And to create a cool species with a cool gimmick.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Chandaar

  • Name: Portanati or simply known as Gateborn (Port-uh-nah-tee)
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Chandaar, Hypergate Mutation
  • Average Lifespan: Average Life Expectancy for given species.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary While it is safe to assume that planets near other hypergates have Portanati, the largest reported population of them have been on Chandaar.
  • Description: Pale blue skin that is almost see-through, hair/fur that is darker blue but nearly crystalline, or shell that looks like it's made from pale blue ice, but retains its strength. Eyes that have no clear pupil but look as if it is a hypergate itself; pale blue with a darker blue wibbly, wobbly circle in the center of the eye.

  • Breathes: Type I and II atmospheres with ease.
  • Average Height of Adults: Species dependent.
  • Average Length of Adults: Species dependent.
  • Skin color: Pale Blue, almost ice like. Slightly see-through.
  • Hair color: Darker blue, but looks nearly crystalline when in any source of light.
  • Distinctions: Can randomly teleport. With age and training, some can learn to forcefully activate this teleportation/microjumping ability.
  • Races: See all species
  • Force Sensitivity: High (Many of its members are sensitive to the Force. Ex Humans, Twi'leks, etc). Not in the traditional sense, they can reach out and feel the force like it's a web, with training of course. Some are born with traditional force talents, but most are not.
  • Microjump: Can 'teleport' distances depending on age and ability. (Novice: max of 3 meters, Adept: max of 6 meters, Master (with traditional force connection): max of 9 meters)
  • Better Lungs: Can breathe type I and II atmospheres even if base species could not.
  • Special Connection: Portanati's have a special connection to the force, seeing/feeling it like a spiderweb.
  • Limited Microjump Ability: Only people with training can forcefully activate their ability and can only do it a few times in a short period before it becomes an issue. Additionally, they can only microjump along the lines they have.
  • Shine Bright Like a Diamond: In any large source of light, due to the crystalline nature of hair/fur, Portanati's shine.

  • Diet: Depends on the species they originate from.
  • Communication: Species dependent, but share a telepathic bond with other Portanati.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Species Dependent, but most Portanati believe that the Hypergates are sacred. (No cult yet.)
  • General behavior: Normally, albeit with a huge obstacle. Early in life, with no training, their ability to teleport seems almost random which can be a struggle during their developmental years.


The Portanari are a new species caused by the harmless cosmic radiation the hypergates give off. People who live nearer to hypergates absorb more of this radiation with no ill effects; it isn't until a child is born through the union of two adults with large amounts of this absorbed radiation to cause a Portanati. Even then, a Portanati is not guaranteed, a non-Portanati can be birthed, although they will be carrying radiation with them to then potentially make a Portanati, but the chances get slimer with every passing non-Portanati generation. If a Portanati has children, at least one will be a full Portanati, usually the firstborn, with others sharing similar characteristics, but no ability.

Looking like a portal personified isn't the only difference the Portanati have to their non-Portanati counterparts. They can 'teleport' small distances from centimeters to an average distance of 3 meters; however, very few adults have shown to be able to microjump to 6 meters, and even fewer can reach distances of 9 meters (these fewer have been Portanati with a traditional connection to the force). Though "teleport" is not exactly right; studies by Empire of the Lost scientists on Chandaar have revealed that when a Portanati "teleports" they are, in fact, microjumping, similar to the hyperdrive technique. This however does not put a strain on the body as they first thought, it seems that a mutation caused by cosmic radiation that turns them to Portanati makes their cells, and ultimately their body resistant to their microjumping. NOTE: Studies also show they don't get seasick. At first, their microjumping was thought to be a random occurrence, but studies have shown the opposite.
  • 1.) Portanati's do not gain the ability to microjump until around age 3.
  • 2.) The cause seems to be random (dependent from person to person): from sneezing, coughing, and funnily enough, flatulating, to saying a word in a specific tone or octave. NOTE: Microjumping while singing only causes a nanosecond of pause (during the jump) before continuing.
  • 3.) Depending on a Portanati's "force" sensitivity causes either an increase or decrease in microjumping incidents.

The microjumping also seems to have a self-preservation 'feature' not allowing for a Portanati to phase into furniture or the outside of a starship. More testing needs to be done to solidify these facts.

Portanati are not force-sensitive in a traditional sense, they are not able to manipulate it like regular force-sensitives. Although few Portanati's have shown traditional force-sensitivity and their non-traditional way. Portanati feel the force like a spiderweb with them as the center of it all, it's these lines that they microjump on. Their spiderweb also grows with them both in how many lines and how long the lines are. We interviewed a five-year-old named, Linus, this is how he described it:

"Ummmm, it fweels loike I have thweeeee, no fwour lines."

"And their length?"

"Like dis"proceeds to hold up his arm, pointing to his elbow"From my hand to hewer (here)"
We then interviewed him again at age eight:
"I have seven lines that are about this big."Holds out complete arm, pointing at shoulder

Additionally, older Portanati are able to forcefully activate their teleportation ability, with training, through their strange connection to the force, microjumping along the lines of their spiderweb. However, it gets harder and harder to concentrate on their web and forcefully activate this ability in a short period. On average a trained Portanati can forcefully activate this ability 5-7 times before it causes a strain on their bodies; the strain first noticed was tears of blood, then a bloody nose, then coughing up blood. This was the extent of the EOTL's testing, not wanting to harm their tester. This is what the 28-year old, Kiera had to say about forcefully activating:

"You have to be able to concentrate and feel the web before you're able to do it. Then you almost have to reach out and pluck where you want to go. It took me a while, but through training with my dad (also a Portanati) I'm able to constantly feel my web. He's even better than I am. He doesn't even need to pluck anymore like I do. I once saw him jump three times in quick succession while making dinner once."

Through a meeting with Kiera's father, Korrigan, we learned that he was one of the few Portanati that were traditionally force-sensitive. He stated that he was always able to feel his web from age three to his age now. He gave us more insight on the line aspect of things. At first, you gain lines to your left and right, then forward and backward. As you develop, you will gain more in the spaces between your cardinal directions.

Portanati are also able, through their unique mutation to breathe type I and II atmospheres with ease. Scientists believe it to be similar to the cellular change associated with their ability to be resistant to microjumps but within their lungs and their ability to process nitrogen and oxygen. Portanati's are also able to hold their breath, if they have no underlying medical issues, on average for three minutes.

In short, Portanati are the result of a mutation from cosmic radiation produced by the hypergates. Portanati's can be any species, with the mutation changing their look, to be a hypergate portal personified, and cellular structure to be resistant to their microjumping ability. This ability can be activated at random through various ways that are different from person to person, and those who train are able to forcefully activate this ability only a few times before it becomes a health issue. They also interact with the force differently, being the center of a spider web that they are able to move along with their ability.

////CLASSIFIED\\\\ From The Desk of The Head Scientist, Empire of The Lost Military Application. ////CLASSIFIED\\\\

Given their innate ability to microjump, the Portanati could be used in elite units for objectives such as subterfuge, assassination, and the traditionally force-sensitive ones, domination in close-quarters combat on the battlefield. I will be moving this upward to Director Drey of the NISB. If anyone could train them further for subterfuge, it would be her and the NISB. I will also be attaching Moff Teckla and her Imperial Crusaders when we find suitable candidates with traditional force sensitivity. The Portanati have the potential to be extremely dangerous combatants with proper training. However, I will make it known that if other powers find out about the existence and abilities of the Portanati they will be quick to use them as well.

Signed, Chief Scientist
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