Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress [ Hypergate Contest | Ontani, The Last ]




  • | Name | H'adessuria, The Hunger From Beyond
  • | Designation | Non-Sentient
  • | Origins | Unknown, Presumed to be of a species native to Otherspace.
  • | Average Lifespan | Unknown, it is presumed to be kept alive indefinitely by the Dovin Basal.
  • | Estimated Population | Unique
  • | Description |
    • H'adessuria is a massive moon-sized monstrosity with an equally massive Dovin Basal at its core. It is characterized by its multiple clawed appendages, and its massive gaping maw that can tear through planetary crusts. It has no eyes to speak of, and is instead relies on gravitational pulls to locate large planetoids to consume.

  • | Breathes | Type IV
  • | Average Height of Adults | TBD
  • | Average Length of Adults | TBD
  • | Skin Color | N/A
  • | Hair Color | N/A
  • | Distinctions |
    • There is no distinctions to be made as H'adessuria is the only known member of its kind.
  • | Races |
    • There is no known sub-species/variants as H'adessuria is the only known member of its kind.
  • | Force Sensitivity | Force Dead , Non-Sensitive


  • | Hunger From Beyond | H'adessuria is unique in that it seems to have the ability to continuously grow and become larger the more it feeds. It has the rare potential for seemingly unlimited growth, allowing it to consume even larger planetoids.
  • | You Are What You Eat | H'adessuria has a unique property in its biology to convert consumed matter into a chitinous exoskeletal shell, inheriting physical properties of what it consumes in extreme quantities. This allows it to effectively evolve its defensive carapace to endure extreme damage from virtually anything not capable of cracking through planetary crusts.

  • | Blind Hunger | H'adessuria is driven only by hunger and its primal need to sate itself, there is no
  • | TBA |


  • | Diet | Omnivore
  • | Communication |
    • Telepathy, with an extremely limited ability to comprehensively communicate.
  • | Technology Level | N/A
  • | Religion/Beliefs | N/A
  • | General Behavior |
    • There is no rhyme or reason when it comes to H'adessuria, only pure primal instinct like that of a feral beast. It exists only to consume and devour all that enters its path, leaving naught but the emptiness of the void in its wake. It lives only to satiate its neverending hunger, and has no regard for life.


There are many oddities among the Galaxy, both known and unknown, but few as horrifying or fascinating as the entity known as H'adessuria. H'adessuria's existence by all measures of logic should not exist, yet this terrifying creature does and had existed millenia ago, roaming the vast emptiness of space.​
H'adessuria is the product of a parasitic relationship between a Dovin Basal and an unknown species, the Dovin Basal using its host as a protective shell, while simultaneously leaving it in a perpetual state of hunger due to consuming everything that H'adessuria attempts to eat. The Dovin Basal provides it just enough sustenance to live and be able to fight so that it can protect itself, but this also has driven the entity known as H'adessuria into a perpetual state of frenzied hunger. H'adessuria was not always the massive creature that it was, having been only large enough to feed off of small spacecraft at first; but as it consumed and the Dovin Basal grew, so did H'adessuria. Eventually, it grew to become large enough to hunt and consume larger, space-faring species and starships before becoming the monstrosity capable of tearing apart planets.​
By this time, the only thing that inhibited H'adessuria from consuming everything was its inability to move beyond lightspeed, forcing it to slowly traverse the Galaxy in search of sustenance. It is drawn to the gravitational pulls of planets, its primary way of navigation, with the Dovin Basal creating black holes to draw smaller prey into H'adessuria. By the time it became large enough to consume planetoids, its existence had become known to the Gree Empire who had taken it upon themselves to be the ones to contain the monstrosity that threatened all sentient life.​
They constructed a Hypergate specifically designed to keep H'adessuria imprisoned, far in the vastness of Unknown Space, [XG-524157-GR-151820-8]-C as its endpoint. With H'adessuria imprisoned in a limbo state between hypergates, the threat of it was subdued, and the monstrosity within kept in a stasis-like state. The original hypergate location used to bait and entrap H'adessuria has been lost to time, with the possibility that an activation of it releasing the entrapped horror within.​

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