Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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hyperspace whoops?

I was going back over the posts in a long lost technological terror campaign. And i noticed something. By star wars physics isnt it supposed to be impossible to engage hyperdrive from within a planets gravity well? I May be mistaken, but it got me thinking. Im almost sure that if it isnt outright impossible that the tends to be adverse side effects from do so. Does any one know more about this subject for future reference?
Correct. You can't jump in hyperspace while in a planet's gravity well, you try that you can fry your hyperdrive and even result in a major fatal malfunction. Also pulling while in hyperspace may result in death since you may pull out in a Black hole or a star. Also random coordinates put on the navcomputer may also bring the destruction of a ship if the end point of the hyperspace travel is in a planet's gravity well. The animation Clone Wars numerous times screwed up on basic facts in the SWuniverse.

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Asari Morin

The roleplay has progressed far enough that it no longer matters, we would have to re-do almost an entire page. Just make a note of it for next time and continue on.

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