Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hyperspeed Tube

So I'm thinking of a large project to make up for my company, and I had an Idea. So we know that any ship with a hyperdrive can enter hyperspace and follow routes; and that some routes, like the Corrilian Run, allow for faster travel in hyperspace, so would it be okay to create a technology that allows for the creation of one of these faster hyperlanes from one of these to another?
Wow that would be cool. I don't know if that would be legal though
I mean, that would require LOADS of materials, So many in fact, i think it would be impossible
I think hyperlanes are a function of realspace, in that whether or not a route is safe to travel depends on the presence of mass shadows from objects in realspace. So creating hyperspace lanes would basically be bulldozing out of the way the stuff that floats around in space. Meaning planets, stars, white dwarfs, black holes, etc. Not really feasible.

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