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hypervelocity gun


Well-Known Member
I know these are restricted to light star destroyers and above, but if I did a dev thread for a heavy artillery cruiser. Could it be used?
[member="sabrina"] Thank you for the link, but that page didn't answer my question about the mechanics. However, I found a excerpt from a game guide that identified the gun as electromagnetic based, at least in the Legends universe.

So is the technology restricted to those ship classes, or just the caliber you want to use?


Well-Known Member
[member="Blackhot"] The tech is restricted to that ship type, but I was trying to figure out why.
Also if I did a dev thread, could possibly find away round it.
[member="sabrina"] Hopefully it's just the caliber that's restricted, because the technology is pretty simple in comparison to blaster tech. Well for you, if you're going with an electromagnetic gun I'd recommend using a coil setup, since there would be less stress on the barrel. To cut down on the size of the platform, build the gun into the super-structure of the ship, using a multiple prong design similar to say the citadel from mass effect. Also, I think you should put more focus on the projectile design, because you could potentially use a less powerful gun with a more potent projectile. I'm thinking up some shell designs already. If you do dev this, could I tag in?


Well-Known Member
[member="Blackhot"] if the reason is caliber of the round, then I have way round it to deal with the recoil. Question is, would the design still be acceptable. To the factory judges


Lightning-Struck Angel

Sorry to derail, but are hypervelocity guns similar to MACs in HALO?

If so, I could understand why they're restricted to larger ships... But not why light SD is the low marker. A large frigate should be able to handle the power drain.
The most probable reason is that below that size of cannon, the weapon loses its effectiveness.

Example: You need x many magnetic rails to make said railgun (which is essentially what this is) move at y km/s.

So if x is < z (z being desired x - magnets), then y is not >= v (v being desired y - velocity).

If y is not at principle velocity, then the bullet loses the high-speed lethality that said massive ship provides.


It could just be to vastly limit the tech so people don't make a hand-railgun and walk around blowing people's arms off and punching a hole through pretty much every armor and material in existence, and also making the use of a saber obsolete, as the gun would blast the blade with such massive kinetic force that it would literally break the wielder's hand(s) (or rip it out of their hand) and take out the saber-wielder.

Two different thoughts, same result.
[member="sabrina"] [member="Darth Sinna"]
As I was one of the factory judges who helped to make the restriction... well, a restriction, it was decided to do that for balancing. So that cruisers and frigates couldn't roll around one shot-ing each other like no tomorrow. That said, iirc it's worth 10 guns under the 2.0 guide, which is a heavy, long range mass driver/turbolaser. So you could get an equivalent weapon, but it wouldn't be a HVG/HVC.

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