Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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...What is death?...
...Death is a state of mind...
...Deep inside, everyone fears death...
...Everyone fears god for creating death...
...I am god, fear me...
NAME: Hysterio
FACTION: The New Order
RANK: Sith Apprentice
SPECIES: Half human/ Half Miraluka
AGE: 12
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 4'9 Feet
EYES: His left eye is white and the symbol is black, while his right eye is crimson and the symbol is black
HAIR: Black/ Dark brownish
SKIN: Pale


Strength / Weakness
+ No mercy: This character had been growing up to fight and his eyes to see people bleed, die or get tortured is been altered from his emotions, it only gives him more excitement

+/- Force sensitive: This character is force sensitive and his Miraluka in heritage allows him to look even easier at bigger ranges

- Not trustworthy: This character is not trust worthy at all. He won't actually see people as allies, only useful and useless. He will back-stab you in some kind of way, when you no longer proof useful.

- Blind of power: This character sees himself as the oh-mighty god, even when he is highly unable to win a battle, he will try to do anything to proof you wrong, even if it takes years and multiple acts till he get to that point.

Biography: Hysterio is a male born with a midi-chlorian count. He was not born like any average day child. He was a half-blood, he was both human and Miraluka. The Sith-Lord Krag had noticed the child on the planet of Dromand Kaas and had visited his family only to give them two things. He made a Sith Alchemist, give the boy eyes, with the human DNA, it was able to be done. His eyes were not exactly normal. His eyes showed complete differences, one was completely covered in a crimson color with a red cross and the other eye was completely white as if it was a sign of heaven.

This was only but the first deed, the second thing was that the boy had to join the Sith Academy, when he came off age under his guidance, but be starting his training as soon as possible. This was done by his family as ordered, the child had to daily go with his father, where the people were executed. This was for not becoming scared of blood, while his mother took him to inquisitor investigation, letting the child see, torture over and over again. This had started with lots of crying, but by time it started to change and he was only starting to grow. He had to do his last test at the age of eight in a jungle, here everything didn't go how the parents planned it.

Within the jungle, the boy had to learn to survive, this task was far easier than they had ever thought. The boy was basically killing creatures as if they were nothing, he was psychology killing the civilians on the planet through mischief. His family was proud till the day that he was near his parents and he asked, “Papa...Do you fear death?” His father finding it strange how his child was thinking, “I do fear death, son...Everyone does.”

Hysterio was shaking his head in front of his father, “That means you fear god?...I am god”, He told to his father before extending his hands a creepy sight was seen from the boy his eyes. His fingers making a certain moment. It took a few months before the Sith had took track of the boy after that and they were looking at the parents seeing that the father was death, but the mother was gone...

Hysterio sat there laughing, “HelllooOOO!!! Do you guys fear god?” But instantly after that a voice was heard within his mind, “Don't kill them...” and all of a sudden all troopers were pointing straight at him, showing him the way to a spaceship, where he would have gone to the new order.





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