Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple

Asher was once more in the gardens, there trying desperately to calm himself after another dispute with The Council. He had freshly returned from his home, Cloud City, and was not in a particularly cheerful mood. The revelations there on Bespin had tested him, his wound from the Attacker was a reminder that despite all his determination, and prowess n the Power they called The Force, he was only human after all. When he was a child The Jedi seemed larger than life! Heroes that no one could harm, their blue and green kyber blades striking down injustice, and making the galaxy as safer place. His recent experiance had shown him they were not indestructible, that despite the mystique of their robes, and the authority they carried, they were frail. The command of the Power in their cells made them appear as wizards, as even gods to some civilizations, but a well aimed blaster, a carefully planted strike, and they fell as easily as anyone else..
In this state of mind he wandered the gardens, looking at the vines that were ripe with life, and yet she saw decay, that inevitably they too would die. This melancholic mood that had overcome him was not being soothed by the waters of the fountains, nor the prospect of meditations. He needed something else.. to distract him and Coruscant was big city with just the means to do so. Taking out a datapad, he made a call that rang in this peaceful domain, a face appeared of Twi'lek male, "Ash! Hey bro! When did you get back?"
The Jedi sighed,
"Hey Muro. I got back a few nights ago.. I really need an escape.. going home was.. well.. as I expected.. only worse."
The Twi'lek nodded,
"Yeah.. family.. cannot live with em, cannot place a bounty on them.. well not if you are a nice guy anyway. Listen, I have some fun planned, but if you come I would cover up those Jedi clothes and look.. you know normal."
Asher gave a smirk,
"What mischief are you planning?"
Muro gave a big smile,
"You will see! Come to the Rotten Rodian Club in the lower city. And if you have anyone else in your.. um.. circles that wants to perhaps unwind and not be so meditative.. bring em along!"
Asher shook his head,
"You just want me to bring some pretty Jedi Gal.. you are easier to read than your cards when we play Sabaac."
Muro laughed hard,
"Hey.. I cannot help it! You Jedi keep recruiting the babes! I mean leave some for the rest of us to date!"
Asher shook his head once more,
"They do not take vows of celibacy anymore my friend.. remember."
Muro bore his teeth in a smile,
"I know.. that is why I said bring em along."
Asher replied,
"I will be there.. but please, this time try not to set anything on fire.."
The Twi'lek chuckled and said,
"No promises! See you tonight!"
As the feed stopped, Asher became acutely aware someone was there in the Gardens. He hoped to the Force it was not a Master, oh he could not get reported again for going on some crazy night of escapades. He needed this, badly, after Bespin. And so he said with gulp,
"Is someone there?"
He began to cross his fingers in hopes that it was not one of the Council Members he had just been in a row with.
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