Keepin Corellia Weird
Once, a long time ago, the Je'daii flourished. Then had fallen apart in war and disarray. Ijaat had his own misgivings with the successor who bore a similar name, but he had spent a good amount of time on Tython after his deaths. Thinking, healing, putting his mind to order. Much of what was left in Vur Tepe he knew better than perhaps anyone living from his time excavating there. And now? Now they came again. The Empire might hold their ancestral lands, but they were making a stand anyway.
So Ijaat had sent a message to one of their big-wigs, knowing she would likely respond. They had an... Interesting... History. But regardless, he had things that he owed the Je'daii. Mandalorians were big on debt, ancestral property rights, familial honor. To him, this fell in the same category. So he had sent a bar of perfectly forged Madog Steel to [member="Jyn Lorr"], and stamped it with his mark and name, and the bar was wrapped in a sheath of paper marked with the coordinates to Kuar and a spot near his hidden Forge there.
Jyn was a smart lass. She'd read between the lines, and likely know immediately what the ingot was. And come running when she realized what it meant that it had been forged with his mark, and that the mark was forged into the metal without fire - meaning it had been put in there as the ingot was made. As he aged, his skills were expanding, and the hammers he and [member="Draco Vereen"] had made, and the Forge itself, only made it even more so.
Beyond the riddle of this steel, he had data on the Vur Tepe temple's Tho Yor, and ancient forging techniques he felt he owed passing on. Including the secret to forging without fire. The secret to forging through the Force alone. An exhausting, but stupendously powerful technique. And a good many other secrets gleaned from the Tho Yor, from the temple, from writings from the Forgemaster Tem Madog, and more. He even knew the location of the old Je'daiis holocron, overlooked amongst so many things. And he was feeling old. Time to pass on his knowledge.
So for now, he sat waiting, wrapped in a tattered red and brown strriped warden's cloak wore like a poncho. A pair of DE-10's were hidden under it, and a sword made of pure Force Crystal rested on a nook in the outcropping he leaned against. This arch led to the crossing to his place, and he rested at the top of it, sprawled out with a canteen, hat low over his brow, puffing merrily on a cigarra and idly playing on a harmonica. Waiting to see if she would come.