Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Can Hit a Target through a Telescope [Rebel attack on Moross Crusade]

[[OOC: This is a hit-and-run strike by the Rebel Alliance on the Moross Crusade world of Demonsgate. This raid has no effect on the map whatsoever. The attack has been cleared by Moross Crusade's faction owner, [member="Amorella Mae"].]]

Rebel Alliance objective:
Level all mining facilities.
Bonus: Destroy military installments.

Moross Crusade objective:
Repel the attack.
Bonus: Capture or destroy a Nevermore bomber.

Home One and its three battlecruiser escorts lingered in deep space, about one hundred lightyears outside the Demonsgate System. The military carrier was a solitary depiction of what life consisted of these days in the galaxy: war.

The one-and-only Geneviève Echo Lasedri happened to be aboard the Rebel flagship this voyage, having called on the Rogues for their second mission in the big leagues. They would be flying near the heart of the Moross Crusade territories, striking at one of the most valuable assets of the Crusade--and the industrial galaxy as a whole. They were going to throw a wrench into their technological enterprises, hopefully obliterating the phrik mining facilities and shutting down all operations for a considerable time.

Naturally, it would not be a simple task. The Crusaders had resources, and Demonsgate was only a few skips away from the capital world of Exocron. Military presence was to be expected, though the Alliance would have the advantage of surprise. No one was expecting them, and the recently developed Nevermore bomber's stealth features would confound enemy vessels and anti-aircraft guns. There was no time like the present, with the Crusaders currently complacent about the Protectorate's adjacent residence.

Strolling into the hangar, the black-clad Benefactor prepared to dispatch the fighter squadron. "Alright Rogues, I'm going to make this short and sweet." She took a moment to glance at the flight crews affixing the Nevermores' landing struts to the steam-powered deck catapults. She was proud of those ships.

Returning her attention to the small group of pilots assembled around her brooding figure, Geneviève continued. "You get in, hit the mines, and take out any resistance along the way. Don't ping us unless they've already spotted you. Do not engage unless General Zankar or Captain Tillian says otherwise." She nodded towards Rogue Leader, indicating her trust in the man. "Remember: if you're flying an Adril, your primary job is to protect the Nevermores while they do their thing.

"So, good luck, Rogues. May the Force be with you and all that formality." She smirked and looked each pilot in the eye briefly, her most capable expression of pride in the group. Hopefully, all of them would be standing here again after all was said and done.

(Note: I will be RPing with my alt [member="Sannika Brynn"] from here on. There will be no posts by Geneviève Lasedri until the attack has run its course in order to prevent alt-stacking.)
[member="Dante Zankar"], [member="Harland Gates"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Roth Tillian"]
Tugoro had been aboard the Rebellion's military carrier for a few hours now, having arrived rather early than usual. He tended to sleep in and the like, though the stress of war seemed to be getting to him. So many responsibilities had been piling up on the boy's shoulders, it felt as if his collar bones would snap. Rubbing his shoulders in thought, the young Jedi Padawan would walk quickly along the flagships corridors, making his way to the large hangar in which everyone was meeting. The youth had gotten some piloting experience in the past, during small skirmishes and even against the One Sith on Alderaan. Either way, it bugged Tugoro, for the one question he kept on asking himself was how long he would live. Lots of people died in wars, it would most likely happen sooner or later, especially now that he was a pilot. Having ceased his pace, the boy would find his gaze fixated upon the dark vacuum of space, as he looked out a large glass window.

Turning from the ominous sight, the young Jedi would continue on his way down the halls, pivoting on his heel as he stood in front of a large blast door. Reaching forward, he would press his finger against a button, waiting as the metallic door split and allowed him entrance. Dressed in his Republic Wraith Vapor Armor, Tugoro would make his way along the many fighters that had docked, until he saw the crowd that had gathered. Craning his neck to the side briefly, the boy would spot his Aleph Super-fighter, a sigh of relief escaping his lips for he knew it was safe. Giving his attention to [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], the boy would grin in agreement, already appreciating her to the point fashion. The task itself was easily described, though there was definitely more to it on the field, so to say. Looking around the hangar, Tugoro would notice a few other young pilots, giving them a quick nod before heading for his craft. He would begin to tend to it, and prepare it for launch. Crouching down, the boy would inspect his craft's hull, finding nothing that looked wrong.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Sannika had been entrusted with one of the new bombers for this mission. The logic was a little skewed in her opinion, but the judgment call had been made. The craft was new to everyone, so it was best not to waste talent in those who were already adept with the dogfighting craft and teach the fresher pilots the ropes to the new machinery. The controls were still not quite second nature to her, but the twi'lek rebel had things down enough to fly it solidly on a strike like the impending one.

She and another Rogue, [member="Juwiela Melec"], would be heading the attack in the Nevermores while Rogue Leader and a couple of the others would keep any bogeys off their backs. Hopefully, anyway. Not that there should be any serious problems, but the enemy was going to have some better numbers on their side, which made the stealth facet of the bombers all the more important.

Brynn had been with the Alliance since its foundation and had encountered the Benefactor before, but it was still a considerable occasion whenever she caught sight of the mysterious woman. The Benefactor was not what one might call a social person. After taking in the briefing details, the green pilot clapped her hands against her flightsuited thighs and nodded to all her fellow Rogues. "Yo, we've got this. Like Solo got Greedo."

Energy building up, Sannika soon sprinted off towards her ship and ascended the ladder. She sprang into the cockpit, affixed her helmet for safety, strapped in, and gave the thumbs-up to close the canopy and prep for takeoff. The cockpit window slid back and hissed into position, securing the breathable atmosphere inside. Flight crews backed off from the catapult track and a thumbs-up was returned to the pilot. As soon as Rogue Leader gave the word, she would be hurtled into the depths of space by the launch mechanism, en route to Demonsgate and its phrik mines.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Dante Zankar"], [member="Harland Gates"], [member="Roth Tillian"], [member='Amorella Mae"]
Juwiela listened silently as she and the other pilots were given a short briefing of the upcoming mission. At the remark another pilot, a Twi’lek female by the look of things through her Force Sight, she smiled faintly, following after her at a distance to one of the Nevermores. They were new technology to the Alliance, and quite possibly to the galaxy. Although she hadn’t had the privilege of flying one of them before, she felt confident enough in her knowledge to manage things once they took off.
A moment of adjusting her flight suit and she ascended the ladder into the ship, lowering herself into the cockpit and sliding the helmet onto her head, fidgeting with the straps. Once satisfied she gave a thumbs up and the roof of the cockpit slowly slid down, hissing softly as the air was trapped inside, safe to breathe.
Her thumbs up was returned and she briefly acknowledged it, running through the pre-flight procedure for her parents’ ship in her mind, that being the only other vessel she’d had experience flying. She matched the similarities, noting the differences between the two ships and tucking them away to ask about later. Regardless, she was soon to discover their function once they took off.
Now awaiting the signal for takeoff from Rogue Leader she immersed herself in the Force, her own version of sight becoming clearer all the while. And with everything to come, she would need her ‘eyes’. It was time, and the young pilot was never more ready to be out among the stars.

[member="Dante Zankar"], @Roth Tillian, [member="Amorella Mae"], [member="Harland Gates"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Sannika Brynn"]

Roth Tillian

Roth listened to the debrief, lounging back with his eyes half closed until it was finished. Then he swaggered off, helmet under his arm, and gun belt slung low. He stopped by his own fighter, and gave a quick acknowledgement. The quiet Sullustan nodded in return and Roth swung up into his fighter, running through the pre-flight checks and procedures.

"Rogues, report in with your wingmate. [member="Sannika Brynn"], you're with me again, and probably will be for at least ten combat missions. Those are the worst ones. Escorts will launch first, with bombers behind long enough for us to form a foothold in the space. Then we go in at attack speed, drop the bombs, and get out. Remember, fire at nothing that doesn't shoot first. Questions?"

[member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Hovering high over the surface of Demonsgate hovered the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer appropriately named Demonsguard. She was flanked by a pair of Lancer-class frigates holding position in system to discourage raiders from attacking the valuable planet below. Two of the four squadrons of T-65XJ3 X-wing starfighters were out patrolling the system itself. It was a somewhat classic system defense model with the rest of the fleet out patrolling surrounding systems, raiders and pirates were common in this part of space so the fleet positioned here was constantly busy to ensure the supply of Phrik to the Crusade.

Having arrived in system the night before Deimos Siara Vorru was here to inspect the fleet under the instructions of one of the “gods” of Moross. She had long since lost track of who was issuing the orders these days but that didn’t matter as long as they keep her flush with credits and gave her access to greater levels of power. She had come from rather humble beginnings not too long ago and now she was here to inspect the readiness of an entire fleet. Stepping onto the bridge of the Demonsguard the nearest of the pod people snapped to attention in recognition of her rank. The only person on the bridge that didn’t was the Deimos of this vessel, an aging human whose only response was a small smile.

“Welcome Deimos, it is a pleasure to have you here.” The old man’s words dripped with sarcasm and contempt obviously he didn’t know who he was dealing with.

“Somehow I doubt that but from what I have seen so far the Gods would be pleased with the way you have handled your setup here.” Siara replied.

“We live to serve Kalee and Ithari, and defending their worlds from filthy pirates and mercenaries gives us purpose in life.” The older Deimos replied.

“Well shall we get this inspection out of the way so I can get out of your hair and onto the next ship that more than likely needs my attention more than yours?” Siara was being surprisingly nice her normal response to this kind of disrespect would be swift and fatal but she couldn’t afford to alienate the crew of this vessel. She would deal with the disrespectful old man privately, if he kept it up he would just have a little accident and someone would be promoted in his place.

(Sorry this took so long, I was waiting for another to post but I found a different in.)

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
"No questions here, Boss," Sannika replied, flicking switches rapidly and bringing the engine to life with a shrill whistle followed by a steady, drowning hum. Shuffling through her HUD readouts, the young Rogue confirmed that everything was operational and clear for the craft's very first combat mission.

"I'm seeing green. Green for go!" the twi'lek announced over her comms, flashing a 'hang loose' gesture and then allowing the fastening straps to tauten, shackling her body against the seat cushion. All clear for takeoff.

There was a moment of tense exhilaration, the fresh fighter pilot antsy to get on with things as her uncontainable excitement swelled. She gripped the yoke viciously and chewed her tongue anxiously as the flight crews evacuated the hangar to allow the atmospheric pressure and magnetic shields to be deactivated. It felt like minutes before the stillness was murdered, but it was mere seconds. With hardly a warning, the bomber snapped forward as the launch catapult released, shoving the starship across the hangar floor and out of the belly of Home One, streaming for Demonsgate. As soon as the rest of the Rogues had formed up, the would jump to hyperspace and on to victory!

[member="Siara Vorru"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Dante Zankar"], [member="Harland Gates"], [member="Roth Tillian"]

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