Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I can't see where you comin' from...

The Admiralty
Orbital Shipyards
Up in the skies of Lianna one could almost see the herculean installation orbiting over the factory world, an orbital shipyard that was the envy of the Galaxy. Corellia, Kuat… once Druckenwell; they had nothing on Lianna and the beautiful skyline that marked the surface of the planet.

These days a lot of resources were being spent to build something else than the usual fighters, transports and occasional star destroyer. A flagship that would be the envy of the Galaxy… at least for a little while, until someone one-upped me once again. But for only a single defining moment, I could truly say that the ship that was planted firmly under my graceful behind was a marvel of technology and design.

I… didn’t actually know how to call it yet, but it was gonna be great, just trust me. A small area of the shipyard was secluded from the rest of the station, couple of my servants had made it just a tad more useful for me when I was around. A training area where I could polish my dueling skills, Force powers and the like.

Today I was waiting on a companion to arrive, [member="Sasha Santhe"]. These days we were cooperating a lot and Santhe Corporation was going forward in strides, made me pretty proud to say the least. One man wasn’t able to accomplish all the things we had done together, one might even say that I was warming up to the little tabloid Queen. Not that I would ever admit to such a thing, I had a reputation to preserve.

A lightsaber in my hand I was going through the simple motions of Shii-Cho, centering my being towards the saber and the movements that my limbs were making. The Lightsaber was never my preferred combat choice, but over the years I had learned to appreciate the simple, elegant design and the dynamic it created.

I wasn’t an Ashin Varanin in the skill of Lightsaber Combat, but few were these days.

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