Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Couldn't Think Of Anything Better Than This

Iridonia, his homeland in a way. Despite no longer having the body of a Zabrak, he was still an Iridonian at heart. And here on this ruthless planet, he had every intention on training his new apprentice in the same way he was taught. Down, dirt, bloody. Here the animals would hunt you, no matter how many you were with, and succeed. Here the plants would spit acid in your face just to eat you. This was a place not for the weak or faint of heart.

Within the wilds Ferus would set down his ship, leaving it to his droid pilot to keep it ready to go when they were done. Golden eyes glanced over to Nyte, and a faint grin formed on his lips. "Are you prepared?"
Nyte smiled secretly under her black hood as she stared out to the planet. She had been here before, trained here in the harsh reality of the old Sith Academy ruins when she was last appreniced. She had battled here, brought scars back from here. Now, she was faced with the brutality once more and she loved it. She slowly reached up, pushing the hood back from her face and head, shaking out her copper hair from the long trip here.

"Are you prepared?" [member="Darth Ferus"] asked and this question brought a smirk across her lips.

"I am prepared for what this planet has, yes Darth Ferus." She had learned quickly to not address him as "Master", he seemed to despise that term. It would always be Darth Ferus.

She followed him, where ever he led her. Her toned body could withstand harsh conditions, rough battles and combat training.

Was she really so prepared though for his methods?
"Good. All your weapons then, give them to me." A single hand reached out towards [member="Nyte Ignis"] , and an expectant look within the man's eyes resided. "For this part of the training, we're going to increase your natural strength and agility with the Force. But to do so, you're going to have to fight the wildlife here without any tools." A dangerous task. Not even the natives did such a thing, but the Sith didn't seem to mind. With the Force, they could do anything, right?
Nyte wrinkled her forehead and sighed deeply as she pulled open her robes, her tight halter top and pants glimmered slightly in the atmosphere of the planet as she dug through her belt placing her antique vibroblade, daggers, the poison vials and finally she looked up at [member="Darth Ferus"], pointing to her Dark Lizard.

"Does Vereor count as a weapon or is he free to do the Running of the Bull Rancors with me?"

She stared up at him, curling her toes in her boots to check her reflexes, that was her way of checking them. She spun to look back at him, her black eyes fixed on his golden ones. She grinned at him and pushed her hair from her determined face, waiting, her muscles relaxed until he gave her further instructions...
"He's free if you'd want him to run with you, but there is a high chance he will die. Just like you." Having taken the items into his hands he would pocket them carefully, though he kept the sword in hand. Slowly he would glance over the vibroblade, a frown on his lips. "Your task will simply be outrunning the beasts I send after you. Survive, and I'll give you a proper weapon. Use the Force to fuel yourself." Slowly he walked forward, leading [member="Nyte Ignis"] away from the ship and into the wilds of the planet. For now, they ran into no beast, uncommon for such a hostile planet.
Nyte stared up at [member="Darth Ferus"] and nodded her understanding, signalling for Vereor to stay by the ship. She moved with him, listening to his instructions. Using the Force to fuel her? She had never really used the Force like that. It didn't swell inside of her, it never has. She used it for advantage in combat. She was suppressed in her Force use, and also in her abilities to get angered over something.

She rolled her shoulders and slowly pulled the robe off now completely, handing it to him and smirking at him. Now was not the time to give him a sign of weakness on her part though. A failure to learn how to channel the Force. She lowered her head, sinking down to adjust her boot, using the opportunity to frown at herself, sink or swim time.

"I will not fail you Darth Ferus." She whispered softly and then she straightened, already she tried to form a bubble of Force up under her to propel her forward at any given notice...
"I would suggest, once the beasts come, you channel that energy in your bubble into your legs." With that, he would wistle into the air. Force enhanced, it sounded like a screech, painful to the ears. What would come next though would be far more painful. A responce from the beast he called filled the air, followed by the pounding of the earth as a creature out of sight seemed to rush towards them.

"A challenge call. This giant beast will chase you till you die, basically. Good luck."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte glared at [member="Darth Ferus"] and then she craned her head, listening the the bellowed whistle and the responding angry challenge. She nodded her understanding about saving her energy until she sees the beast.

"I don't really need luck Darth Ferus, just to outsmart a creature and to run for your enjoyment?"

She smirked and stood ready for whatever. Then the earth trembled and quaked with whatever was coming to them. Then she wondered if it would also chase Ferus? Maybe she could use this to her own advantage some how? She held her ground until she saw the creature that her Master had summoned to them.
Slowly the beast came crashing over the nearby treeline. It was massive, nearly three stories tall, and it was clearly hungry. Red eyes focused on [member="Nyte Ignis"] , and any hope about the creature targeting the Darth was quickly washed away as he raised a hand up, pointing at the girl.
Another hungry roar escaped into the air as the creature began to charge, it's lumbering legs trampling and shaking the very earth. Long sharp teeth hung open as saliva began to drip from it's jowls. It was going to eat well today.
When the creature burst through the treetops, the size caught her eyes. She stared and a sudden spark of fear washed over her face. Then she realised the creature had massive amounts of weak spots. She stood her ground as Darth Ferus spoke to the creature, ahh, she got it then. He controlled the creature. She lowered herself slightly, feeling the earth tremble and shake with each movement, then there it was!

Her moment!

She tensed, bubbling the Force into her feet as she sprinted, not away from the creature, but towards it!

She Force gripped into it's body and slammed herself forward even faster, gaining momentum and headed straight back towards the ship that had brought them here. Would the creature follow and destroy the ship. Would [member="Darth Ferus"] be upset with her strange tactic?

She angled at the last moment, propelling herself again, taking slow bursts of energy as to not wear herself out, curving just at the cliffs to head back somewhat towards Darth Ferus. Could the creature take an angle like that, or fall off and die?
The creature just stared at [member="Nyte Ignis"] as she ran, it's head tilting to the side in confusion. The master told it to chase her, not the other way around. So it really made no move to chase her down. Until she went under it's legs. A savage roar escaped from it's lips as it turned, trying to go right back after it. The ship was surprisingly unharmed as it's lumbering figure simply stepped over it. It sped off after the female, it's massive hands dragging itself across the surface.

Until it hit the cliff. The large creature couldn't turn like Ignis did, and as she turned it could only let loose a whimpering cry, and it began to slip off the edge. It's form would disappear from view, but it's cry was silenced.

A single thud sounded off as it's massive hand reached up the cliffside, it dragging itself back up. It was a cliff climber, hunting from such areas in an effort to hide it's massive form to get prey. Another roar escaped it's lips as it's head came into view.

The chase was still on.
Nyte smirked to herself as the creature fell off from the cliff and then it reared it's ugly head up over the cliffs and she ran back towards [member="Darth Ferus"] to escape. She was kind of enjoying this though, giving herself into the Force, her previous master pretty much only pampered her instead of teaching her truly.

Nyte ran past Darth Ferus, smirking at him along the way, reaching out to grasp at the Force as she weaved in and out through the trees.

The creature chasing her would clear out the forest and she understood now.

The surge of power, the energy, the adrenaline, all of those things connected her to the Force, to her Master. She let out a loud yelp of excitement, rarer for her than the smile on her face. She disappeared deeper into the forests, her body heated over itself as she just took tight angles to outmaneuver the beast.
Ah, there it was. [member="Nyte Ignis"] finally showed an understanding on what he had been trying to show her. A single hand raised, and the massive beast would stop it's chase, somewhat panting. It made no move to continue, rather, it just stood there. Slowly he let his arms cross, and the beast would simply turn around and leave, returning to the cliffside. Darth Ferus on the other hand called out, his voice booming from the connection of the Force.

"Return to the ship now my apprentice. You've passed this lesson."
Nyte laughed and swung back around, Force gripping the trees as she back back through, slowing down eventually as she came to [member="Darth Ferus"] and she let out a laugh as the creature, let go of now, just lumbered off into the distance.

She followed him back to the ship and smiled, looking to him and smirking, "Thank you Darth Ferus, my weapons?"

She looked up to him, her hands stretching out to gather her things as they were joined by Vereor, who slid his head against her leg in affection. She reached down to stroke him, comforting the creature. She smiled up at Darth Ferus again, unable to contain her excitement and pride in herself for using the Force for an extended period of time.

"What do we do now Darth Ferus?"

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