Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I do hope I'm doing this right...

Hello! Just a quick intro post to pop in. I'm the writer behind Brynn Lendrix- just put the bio up- and currently lurking about trying to get used to the format. If anyone has any tips on where I should begin/stuff to fix please let me know :rolleyes:

Other than that, I look forward to roleplaying with you all :)

Welcome to Chaos, I hope you enjoy your time here.

There are a few ways you can get started, either jumping into an Open RP or browsing the looking for group forum to see what people are after, or even posting up there yourself.

A tip that really helped me when I got started was joining a faction too. All the factions here are helpful and will go out of their way to help you settle in and get you started with RP threads. It gives you a huge advantage since they're all right there to answer any questions you might have on discord if you have it, or on the faction forums. Plus there are a group of writers right there who would love to help you get your character settled and set up. At least that was my experience, they really helped me when I was first settling in here. You can take a look at the factions via the menu in the top right, there are alot of them so take your time reading and find one that fits with your idea for the character. (shameless plug for the SJO, cause well I love them :D)

Otherwise it's a great community here and a lot of fun. I hope you have a blast writing with us and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Or if you want to drop me a message, either here or on discord I'm normally around.

Good luck and again welcome!

Welcome to Chaos!

As the last person mentioned, joining a faction is a great way to start. Every faction has a little blurb you can read to see if they fit you. Some factions are big, some are small, some are quick, some are slow. You will always find one to fit your needs!

Discord is a good place to get acquainted with people. On the right hand side on the main forum page, there is a link you can click if you don't already have one. It will take you to Chaos General. Most factions have their own chatroom linked on their faction page, there you can get a feel for the people in the faction itself.

I hope you have a good time, and please come see one of us if you have any questions. We are happy to help ;)
Hello and welcome. Any questions fire away!

Yep factions are a good place to start. You are not limited to one (most of the time), so browse around and that way you'll have threads you can drop into almost immediately.

Stephanie Swail

[member="writerlady"] Welcome! Glad to have you here - hope you find your way around ok.

Please keep the questions coming so we can help you out, and if you want any writers for stories to get you started, just shout.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to Chaos, [member="writerlady"]

This place certainly looks overwhelming when one first tries to navigate through it.
But just remember to hit 'Follow this Topic' at the beginning of a thread that you create or wish to keep tabs on and you will get notifications as to replies.
Also, on the bottom of every avatar there is the @....Mention. Click on that, and the person you are replying too will get a notification.

I learned the hard way and was going nuts trying to find where i posted and replied to, before someone tapped me through the screen and ...yea. :)

Enjoy writing here.


Well-Known Member
writerlady said:
Hello! Just a quick intro post to pop in. I'm the writer behind Brynn Lendrix- just put the bio up- and currently lurking about trying to get used to the format. If anyone has any tips on where I should begin/stuff to fix please let me know :rolleyes:

Other than that, I look forward to roleplaying with you all :)

Well greetings and welcome to yah [member="writerlady"] .... nice bio and be looking forward rp with yah one these days. That is you're ok with rp with a somewhat oddball of a force user such myself. At any rate hmmm..... guess as for tips I think those give already are good points as they are. And from personal experience having written this char for quite some time find a faction or a good core group of peeps to rp with is a good way to start. In maybe help develop your core char who depending on you as a writer feel comfortable enough see thru as far you figured to do so. As for me, it's not so much right or wrong way doing it just have fun and roll with iit....not only think but feel what it is that you envision your char is and not what you think others see or think they are to be.

Welcome to Chaos. I blundered around myself for a few weeks when I joined before realizing I was totally lost. That being said, joining a major faction was probably the best thing I did. Major factions are what you can see if you hit the MAP tab and have pretty colors on the galaxy map. Each one offers something different and is unique. All are very helpful in getting you started, giving ideas, suggestions and making you feel welcome.
There is also Discord. If you have it, on the right side of screen is a direct link to Chaos chat. Just click that and you're in. :)
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask and I hope to get the opportunity to write with you.

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