Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I don't feel validated so I'm taking an indefinite amount of time off.


Nobody needs to validate you except you. Don't depend on other people's views of you, otherwise you'll spend your life seeing the world through their eyes instead of your own.

Be yourself. Best wishes either way.

This is one of those moments where you should have told us that this was the role you expected us to play. Most of us would have told you that we're not here for that: we're here to share some experiences, play out a few stories, and enjoy the writing. If you find a little validation along the way, it's usually a happy accident.

If that's what you were looking for, perhaps you're right to think that you're in the wrong place. Sorry we can't be more helpful, but that's not what the site is for. That's usually what Guidance Counselling and Cheerleading is for, quite honestly.

All the same, good luck to you. Perhaps we'll see you again, somewhere down the road.

The administrators do validations around the clock every day, if you find your account is locked because it isn't validated yet you can either open a ticket to or you can just wait a few hours.

Having looked, I don't see anyone awaiting validation, so I don't think that is your issue.


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