Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I dont have it on me... [Hutt Cartel dominion over Formos]


Formos - a smuggling haven. Offering a load and unload spot for smugglers galaxy wide.
It really is not interesting outside of that aspect and ignored by most elements because of it.
With such a critical position the flow of credits is the bread and butter for smugglers and those dealing with illegal goods alike. Having been left to its own devices for years the streets of the main city and space port is more or less controlled by ill organised street gangs. Often causing more trouble then they are worth to the smugglers wanting to use the port.
that is why the hutt cartel now sees a possibility to expand its influence into this world. To offer a more stabilized market for smugglers and of course direct the flow of cash into the cartels coffers.


The Dominion requires 100 posts to be considered finished.
Any writer may use as many characters as you like, but each writer gets 20 posts maximum prior to that we reach 100. All your character posts counts toward the maximum of 20 posts.​

In case you want/need to talk ooc about this thread, here is the link to the OOC discussion.

This dominion is open for anyone who want to participate. The streets of formos offers plenty of opportunities.​

Please use this format:
Enemies: (if any)
Post count:

Choose one objective or mix them in between posts as you see fit.

A - coordinate the smuggling
Smuggle! With or without the cartels permission.​

B - Cantina rumble
Visit the local cantina and have a drink. socialize in between jobs or find yourself a job from a carteller present​

C - Break a leg
Beat the heck out of the local street gangs ruling the town. Make them fall in with the cartel or else...​

D - I dont have it on me...
Perhaps you are a smuggler who don't want to support the cartel IC? Challenge a carteller to hunt your smuggler through the streets of the space port while your character has failed to pay money to the cartel as promised.​

E - Do you own thing
Be creative, go solo or team up for whatever suits you!​

Here is the wookipedia link on formos.​
Happy writing!​


Location: Unspecified Cantina
Objective: Destroy the Hutt Cartel [ Opposition of Objective B ]
Allies: Enemies of the Hutt Cartel
Enemies: The Hutt Cartel
Post: [ 01/20 ]

Cantinas were places where one has to get drunk -- that's the definition Vhaeri had given to such places. It was mostly the truth because there were only a handful people she'd seen entering such buildings and leaving sober. She was one of these and even though she was not going to leave the place completely sober, she wouldn't drink until losing her mind or anything. She'd just cause some drama and leave.

If she was lucky, she'd also manage to cause some panic.

The girl sat in a corner of the cantina, eyeing the situation and the crowd. If there was gong to be somebody she would like to have problems with, she'd notice them right away. And judging by the fact that she was still seated and sipping her drink, she had not yet found somebody who she would want to fight with.

She only hoped she would find one soon.

Her hands were red with fresh blood. And even though she'd managed to close the wound, she hadn't considered cleaning her hands from the crimson blood -- it would have been a bad sign. Keeping her hands covered with fresh blood from her own body made her feel good and she thought it would grant her good luck.
Objective E

Darth Ayra's presence on the world of Formos was one of a clandestine nature, as was that of her work. The Hutt Cartel's rise was something that the Sith Lord had hope to oversee and assist in her long term aspirations. As the various individuals of the cartel went about the process of taking over the world, Ayra had her eyes on another operation that had some potential.

The spice mines of Formos looked a lucarative venture and the Sith Lord required money for her other operations. Whereas the Cartel had come for Formos, for it's smuggling havens and spice, the Sith planned for a small corner of the spice mining operations of Formos to fall into her hands. It would provide her with capital to use; her own haven in the Kessel Sector, that could be used to hide or recover should she ever find herself in danger in nearby systems; and a gateway to meeting with the Hutt Cartel directly, so as to set up a partnership. Whilst their ventures were criminal in nature, the rules of business were almost the same. It was about what could she offer to the Hutt Cartel in order for them to become her allies and the spice on Formos were a gateway to her meeting with them.

Arriving in a hangar bay in Secter 3, lifted the cowl of her robe over her pretty head as the shuttle bay doors to her transport closed and it's landing ramp retracted itself back into the ship. Stepping out into the busy corridors of the spaceport, she began to make her way towards the Purple Rejects, a rag tag group of criminals led by a spice dealer that operated in Secter 3 for supply and demand.
Location: Unspecified Rooftop
Objective C - Break Their Legs (for my own sake)
Allies: [member="Vhaeri"]?
Enemies: Criminals
Post: 1/20

It was 9:34 P.M. Matthew stooped atop a rooftop and listened to the unfamiliar sounds of this planet, deciphering and sifting through the audio input. Women chattering, speeders zooming, babies crying, furtive whispers...furtive whispers. He focused on this sound and tuned out all of the rest. The whispers became casual conversation and he could make out what they were saying.

"...e'll go in through the stairwell exit. I swiped their key a while ago.You grab her from behind and I'll remove her."

No sooner had the words been heard than Matt was on his feet pounding rooftop underneath his black parkour boots. He needed to reach these thugs before they got a hold of their victim.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] (This is for helping the Ravens in their last true dominion. Thanks and enjoy being the premiere criminal faction. Word of advice: Don't ever say something OOC to your allies that you'll regret IRL. Build them up and encourage them. It never pays to get upset and destroy everything you worked for.)
Location: Landing At Formos
Objective: A - C.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Opposing Spice Dealers + Enemies Of The Hutt Cartel.
NPC: 10 Guards + Crew On BT-7 Thunderclap.
Posts: 1/20

The Thunderclap slide calmly down to the landing bay. Cadan had planned to sell spice here to the various smugglers roaming around, he also had some business to attend to with one of the leading gangs in the city.

"Clear To Land." The message echoed through the cockpit giving the Asmodium the go ahead. Soon the Asmodium made it's way down and began it's landing sequence. Soon it's landing gear made contact with the thick concrete underneath.

Cadan began to move through the ship, barking orders at his crew to begin to off load the spice. Where as he left the ship and began mingling with a few of the smugglers around.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Location: Landing at Formos
Objective: A-C
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: Rival gangs
Posts: 1/20

The Thunder clap came down softly into the landing bay, Tiali sat in a chair on a data pad reading through whatever he could find that's interesting.

"Finally we arrived" standing up from the chair he throws the data pad into the chair. Finally some fun, stretching out his fingers they crack in sync with each other. Tiali would begin to follow Cadan through the ship impressed with the ways he barked orders out to his fellow pirates.

As he exited the ship he looked around the place taking a deep breath in. "Ah that terrible smell of dirty pirates, smugglers and cheap liquor, We're home."

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Location: Rooftop next to an Economy Inn
Objective: C
Allies: None, currently.
Enemies: Deez t'ugs
Post: 2/20

He skid to a stop at the edge of the last roof before a major drop off. He was very close to the building and the thugs and he was facing the stairwell wall. He listened intently once more, relying on his heightened senses (which he didn't realize was actually the Force). He focused on the wall and could hear the two thugs inside stepping quickly up the stairs. Even with the distortion from the steps and the very solid walls, the acoustics provided enough volume for him to hear

"...23rd floor. Room 2319. Your silencer's on, right? Don't need a feth-up like that last job..."

Matthew knew that time was short. He clambered over to the fire escape ladder which were always on both sides of a building. He slid down the long ladder instead of going down the longer stairs. He gripped the ladder even more, when he heard the sound he was making take very little time to bounce back up to him, so that he would slow his descent at the last possible moment. It wasn't perfect. He had to take 6 steps to get off the ladder. He bolted across the street, not picking up any sign of speeder traffic. Running into the front doors, he was stumped by the carpeting that was making it harder to sense his surroundings.

A man spoke up, having sighted this black-clad, masked man barge into the Inn.

"Hey!" Cried the person on duty. "What do you think this is?? Halloween!? Get out of here and put some real clothes on before I call the cops!"

His loud voice was very helpful indeed. It reverberated off of the walls and one section of it seemed to disappear/slacken though up a flight of stairs near his right. He rushed over to it and was gratified to find steps. He left the incredulous man behind, not caring about social graces in the face of an innocent being harmed. He guessed that it would take 2 of these small flights of steps to go up a level. So, he just needed to run up 46 flights.

The race was on.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location: Economy Inn stairwell
Objective: C (Save the woman)
Allies: None
Enemies: Thugs
Post: 3/20

Step step step step step step step step step step.

A door breaks off of its hinges. Heavy footsteps stomp. A scream can be heard.

Double step double step double step double step.

43, 44, 45, 46 flights!

With quiet footsteps on carpeting, he ran down the hallway. His breathing sending out a noise that allowed him to remain centered in the middle of the hall. He came to the open doorway where the noise was coming from. In the doorway, a masked thug was trying to hold on to a women struggling for her life. A man was brandishing a stiletto knife in front of her.

Matt quickly rushed up to the man holding the woman and kicked the back of his knees. This caused the man to fall back with the woman's back on top of his chest. Having lost his momentum he looked at the 2nd man just in time to jump back from a knife attack. He weaved and twisted, the knife only grazing his shirt once and slitting the outer layers of his skin. Some blood welled up from the cut.

The next time the man attacked, he grabbed his knife wrist with both hands and twisted his wrist harshly. He pulled the screaming man off balance and brought his knee to the man's lowered jaw. He snatched the knife out of the dazed man's grasp but then was bear hugged from behind by the other man. His arms were pinned to his chest as the bruiser tried to squeeze the breath out of him.

Matt threw his head back to try and crush the man's nose and he kept flailing his legs in hopes to push off of something and take them both down to the ground. His legs hit nothing and his head kept bumping the man's face without the intended effect. The man grasped Matt's hand with the knife and tried to pry it out. When that didn't work, he grabbed his hand and tried to force Matt to stab himself.

The man would have surely overpowered him if it had not been for the woman. She stood up and screamed bloody murder at the man while she grabbed a large chunk of his hair and ripped it out of his head. The man screamed in agony and lowered Matt to the ground, his grip weakened. Matt braced his left leg on the ground and kicked his right leg back into the groin of the thug. The thug tried to lessen the agony of Matt's feet to his sack by clenching his legs around Matt's leg. Matt flipped around to face the man and started beating his face in. When the man's face was covered in blood and red marks, he pushed off with his other leg and freed himself.

The beat up thug fell to the ground, but Matt was now on his back. The remaining thug back handed the woman to the ground and got on top Matt, pinning his arms and strangling his throat...

...To be continued...​
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] (By the way, do you guys have a Skype Chat?)


Location: Unspecified Cantina
Objective: Destroy the Hutt Cartel [ Opposition of Objective B ]
Allies: Enemies of the Hutt Cartel
Enemies: The Hutt Cartel
Post: [ 02/20 ]

Vhaeri's blood red eyes turned from a person to another, hopping through everybody she could see in the cantina. No. There was nobody there she would want to mess with. Nobody who she could cause terror in. Nobody she could make panic, scream, shout, exhale blood. There were no such people in the cantina that night, it seemed. So instead of trying to wait for somebody to come and something to happen, she came up with a better idea.

She stood up from her seat and marched towards the bar.

"Hello, I would like to order the strongest alcohol you have around here. Two glasses, please," she spoke with the nicest voice she could ever make. And it truly was the nicest voice she'd ever made. It would help her with the plan. It would help her get over this bore and sad atmosphere of the cantina. People there seemed too miserable. She wanted to see action.

A man made it next to the girl and, as the drinks were poured into glasses, Vhaeri could slide one of them in front of the man.

"Would you join me for a drink?" she asked while smirking at the man.
Location: Economy Inn, Floor 23, Room 2913
Objective: C (Staying alive. Staying alive. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Staying aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!)
Allies: Who, me? Nah.
Enemies: One thug

As would be expected, it became extremely difficult to breath. His lungs were burning for oxygen as the scrappy man tried to crush his windpipe. He started kicking his legs up and attempted to unseat the man. His movements became more and more desperate until he successfully kicked the man in the back of the head and unbalanced him off of his chest.

He rolled over and sucked in air. He coughed instinctively in reaction to the sore throat that had been forced closed. He forced himself to get up even though his body didn't want to. Mar'Tin men were always tough and they never gave up. That's what Dad would always say. He got onto his feet and pounced onto the thug's back, his knee going straight into the small of the man's back. Pinning him to the ground, Matthew punched the guy in the back of the head and knocked out the thug.

The woman lay crying on the ground by her door. This was probably the first time that she'd had to deal with a criminal element. It was his first instinct to comfort her; tell her that everything was going to be alright and that she was safe now. But then, he heard a noise.

*Ding...Ding...Ding....* It was the sound of an elevator coming up the floors. Matt didn't know if it was a guest, a worker, or the police themselves. He needed to grab one of the thugs and get out of Dodge...preferably the lighter of the two. He hoisted the last guy he had beaten up and dragged him out the door. It took a great amount of strength and endurance to drag the man up to the rooftop, but they had only been 2 floors away from the roof. A secondary elevator on the floor above had helped provide some rest.

Once he got to the roof, he leaned the man up against the low safety wall at the edge of the roof. He slapped the man and waited for him to wake up.

It was interrogation time.

To be continued​
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location: Cantina
Objective A-C
Allies Hutty hutt cartel
Enemies: [member="Vhaeri"] (?) [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"] (?)
Post 1/20


Ka-Aver passed through the entrance to the cantina with confident steps. Rolling his shoulders he shook of some of the wet from the light rain outside. He took a moment overlooking the cantina and its guests.
Formos, a bloody back yard location in the very backyard of the freakin galaxy. Yeah, this place was nice.

The weequay started to push himself through the people in here toward the bar. He knew he would be called upon by the bosses sometime soon but he figured he had tome for something to eat and drink before [member="Cadan Tazi"] and his ship arrived.
Ka-Aver had been hanging around Formos a couple of days no. Causing little to no trouble his job had just been to keep an eye to the ground, trying to distinguish any rumors that might be of interest. He himself a stret thug of the Cartel was fitting in very well and he had learned a few things.

Apparently there was some sort of guardian angel moving around the space port ( [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"] ). Making the life of many low life criminals very hard. Not to mention the cartel folks themselves. Receiving his drink he downed it quickly and raised another finger pointing toward the menu.

"Givez me the Kryat burger... and dont make me waitz." he snapped at the barkeep who by know recognized the tatoo of the hutt cartel Ka_Aver wore across his neck.
There were also some rivaling street gangs who might cause problems before they realized who they were up against. But he had made sure to spread the intel he had to the bosses. For now, he would just relax and have his burger.

Objective E

The Purple Rejects were small time criminals, barely a blip on the radar. Yet, they had registered on her scans, so they had to be doing something right. Alicia Drey preferred small. You were often overlooked when you were tiny. Underestimated. Forgotten. Save for their own supply of spice to satisfy the demand of their customers, the Purple Rejects were known to work for larger clientele to keep them 'sweet'. They didn't step beyond their territory in Secter 3 and consequentially they weren't squashed. This left a lot of avenues for Alicia to pursue, in order to make the Purple Rejects serve her.

Brooding over her thoughts, Alicia Drey exited the Secter 3 spaceport and into the streets. Making her way down the road, her contact within the Purple Rejects was waiting for her in a nearby, unassuming bar, which was in fact merely a face to a back room brothel that nobody seemed to care about in the upper echelons. Even now, as she made her way towards the bar, the amount of spice addicts, whores and feel of criminality in the air was bare to see. She could only assume that politics had something to do with it.

Entering the bar, Alicia scanned the booths until she found the man she was looking for. A human- as she preferred her contacts to be- she lowered herself down into the booth. She was surprised by the thick, Corellian accent that greeted her.

"Hello darling, welcome to Formos. Good to meet you in person."
Location: Landing at Formos
Objectives: A-C
Enemies: Enemies to the Cartel
Allies: Cartel

Ash sat in a chair across from [member="Tiali Orazio"], polishing her sniper. at the feel of the ship landing, Ash stood, slipping the strap over her shoulder so the gun sat across her back on an angle. "Ready?" She asked Tiali as she stretched. Lowering her arms, she gave him a smile. "And maybe we could stop at the Canteen." Turning, she followed [member="Cadan Tazi"] out of the ship and into the Formos air.

Her instincts wer immediately on high alert. She had been informed of multiple gangs ruling the streets here. If they tried anything against the Cartel, which Ash hoped they didn't, they'd be eating the blast from her pistol.
Objective: E. (Raise Hell.)
Location: Formos Village
Enemies: Formos Village
Allies: The Hutt Cartel & [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
NPC: Thraxxus Kolme
Post Count: 1/20

The freighter landed with a hush of wind, the pressurized air unleashed from compact valves beneath its bulky form and spreading across the landing platform in a hurricane of dust, circling about the vessel like a tremendous devil of dust before dissipating into the nothingness. There was brief air of clarity, of absence as all those workers and engineers who toiled about the site froze, bearing witness to the spectral craft. There were two things wrong about this, both of which sunk the bony talons of fear into the personnel and stitched them to stillness, standing with jaws agape like a collection of wax dummies. The ship had been entirely unannounced, which was outright unheard of. A security team routinely extended airborne patrols in a pair of light interceptor crafts and only through proper channels would such an obese ship be granted permission to land, at least with notification of this being directed to the crew who would prepare the proper response of luxurious welcome to the inhabitants and care for their ship. While mistakes might always be a potential, the true shock of the appearance was of recognition of the ship, the Triad, not in fame, but in the fact that it had been originally stationed upon this spaceport as the private yacht of its philanthropist owner, only to vanish one day. Yet, it came before them, descending from a starlit night as a hulking ghost ship, with clouds of pressurized steam hovering above its steely bulk like the mists of the undead, giving it a wholesome appearance of an iron ghast.

The descending ramp lowered, expelling a cloud of morbid fog that enveloped the platform, unleashing the figure from within. The ramp was stained with blood that clogged in the ribbed metal ridges of the incline, softly dampening each footfall with sickening muffles. Yet as the valves spewed the dense haze of cool fog upon the platform, the figure, that silhouette in the veil, stood imposingly even in shrouded form and was swift to sink from the ship with shadowy grace, slipping past the blinded crew like a sheer impression in the vapor, creeping through the crowd until it vanished into darkness. As the film of steam dissipated, there was no evidence to his presence, only the bloody ship resting before the crew. Then there was nothing but the heat. Their skin melted away like candle wax before the rolling ball of flame that ignited the phantom craft, erupting the fuel lines along the internal hull and blowing peeled metal flesh and frame outward like a popped balloon, expanding beneath the waving hurricane of the detonation. Smoke erupted into the skyline from the explosion, the craft having popped like a ripe blister into a bomb of flaming pus. Thus the heat broiled and swerved in the air high above, casting the dim light of inferno upon the surroundings and within this Astoach was briefly visible, watching the encroaching chaos from the confines of darkness. His mask, his Phoenix, a binding, ramshackle fetter of cloth and insulated rubber, stapled haphazardly together with the ginger concern of a madman, glinting evilly, casting blankets of shadow across the torn orifices of his grinning false-face. Then the avatar of mania slunk away into the nothingness once again, to further express this Dark Comedy.

The distant whirls of sirens erupted into the shadowy horizon and the dim, dancing lights of fire fighting craft ignited upon the far distance. The Dominion of Formos had begun indeed, for the Astoach, yet, impressing his master was the least of his concerns. It was a matter of expressing his impossible definitions of what a man would be and would become, thus he exalted sheer intensity in the form of what was popularly referred to as "over-the-top." He of course had heard of the very hostile gangs of smugglers that included itself among the populous and had calculated the velocity of his assault with tremendous accuracy and even more depth-defying precision. He had chosen an outlying village, cropped and compacted into the crags of Formos' dark and decrepit landscape, and would revere the Hutts with the epitome of respect in his eyes: challenging all essence of opposition with oppression. All manners of life, mercenaries, smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters, pets, civilians and even children, would be considered by him liabilities and thus would be engulfed in the rising tide of the Astoach. None would be left among the smoldering rubble of his conquest, these fire fighters included.

As the first of the vessels darted overhead, an emerald orb bolted across the heavens with a whistle, then commenced to crash into the small speeder with a deafening roar of thunder. Boom! The speeder and fire fighting inhabitant were now a ball of flame, smoldering in both heat and delicious irony, and collapsed into the ground with an additional crack of roaring detonation. Astoach only watched in wonder as his associate began his holy work and oh how he marveled in it. Of course Astoach would never travel alone in the midst of such a dangerous mission for all madmen must stick together and, on que, Kolme exposed himself into the whirling incandescence of the newborn bonfire, roasting the melted remains of Une Pompier and his trustful speeder-steed. He was gaunt, dressed in a black garb similar to Astoach's own, one that absorbed the blinding light of the flame and contrasted heavily against his own pale complexion, yet failed to negate that grim glee that stretched his phantasmal lips into a widening smile. He raised a hand and waved to the Dark Comedy, calling to him over the pops of liquefied durasteel. "Astoach, I've been awaiting you for days! What took you so long?"

"Early as usual," noted Astoach in silence.

"You know," he calmly replied to Thraxxus. "Traffic."


"Yeah, that's what I said, Thraxxus."

Objective E

Alicia folded one leg over the other, resting her hands on the booths table. She didn't play to stay in the cantina long and politely turned down the waiter droid that approached her and the man that was sat across her. As the droid made it's way off, she turned her gaze back to the man as he said. "Someone as pretty as you stands out in a place like this. Looks can be deceiving though, huh?" Grinning, he said. "What's your interest in the spice trade, lady?"

"Profits always good; and you're right. Looks can be deceiving." Returning a smile, Alicia said. "My offer remains the same. I'll eliminate who you need moved out of the way to take the Purple Rejects to the next level. You'll take over the operation. In return, you'll begin working for me."

"We do all the leg work, whilst you parade around in the Deep Core, none the wiser?" His smile faltered. "Pretty and dumb. That's not how this works, girl. To be honest, a fine piece of ass like yours would be a nice, tidy little profit. I know a lot of guys who would throw away their life savings for a night with you."

Alicia's smile disappeared. Her eyes turned away from the booth, to the bar. Three men were looking right at hers and the Corellian. She had stepped into a trap. Wonderful. Averting her gaze from the Purple Reject thugs to the Corellian, she said. "I don't suppose I could change your mind?"

"Nah chick. Your ass belongs to the Purple Rejects now." Waving over to the thugs, he made a gesture for them to come over. As he moved, she spotted the blaster in his hand. Frowning, Alicia was guided out of the cantina and back out into the streets, where she was loaded into a vehicle.

What followed was a blow to the head, something injected into her neck and a gag. The world span out of focus and then she fainted, taken into parts unknown.
Location: Economy Inn, Rooftop
Objective: C (I am your worst nightmare)
Allies: Left Fist and Right Fist
Enemies: The man I'm about to interrogate
Post: 5/20

The man didn't wake up at first. A pity...for him. Matthew stepped forward again and rattled his jaw with a loud and hard slap to the cheek. This caused the man to fall to his side and wake up aching. As soon as the man's breathing came quick and fast, he was on top of him. He clutched the man's throat in his right hand while grasping his hair with the other. The man was much too exhausted to fight back the way Matthew had done before.

Panicked grunts and muffled screams came out of his mouth. Finally, the thug said, "Don't you frickin' ask questions before you torture a guy!?"

"Why does it matter? You'll squeal either way." said Matt before he punched the guy in his face.

The thug suffered more abuse before finally relenting. "Just---tell me---what y---ou want!!!" said the thug between blows.

Matt pulled the guy up by his shirt collar before saying, "I want to beat the hell out of you and then do the same to your deadbeat friends!"

He pulled his fist up and the thug instinctively braced for impact. However, Matt kept his fist up in the air and then said,

"However...I'd feel more inclined to stop beating you if I liked you. And I'd like you a lot more if you told me, truthfully, where your gang hangs out."

Even in the face of abuse, this thug could sense an opportunity. Trying to put on his best poker face possible, he said, "I'll tell you! I'll tell you...The Cracked Belle Cantina! 31st and Modway Avenue! A bunch of gangers called the Purple Rejects hang out there! That's all I know! I swear! You've got to believe me!"

Ha. This guy was wearing a suit. There was no way he was in a group called the Purple Rejects. The thug was most likely trying to throw another gang under the bus. He would check out the lead, but this guy hadn't gotten on his good side. He set the guy down all nice-like and said,

"Yes. I believe you..." He spun-kick the side of the man's face and knocked him out. "I believe you're lying."

He would leave the body on the roof and climb down the fire escape on the side of the building. The cops were inside the Economy Inn and it was time for him to do a disappearing act. Tomorrow was a big day and he felt like crap.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location: Landing At Formos
Objective: A - C.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co. ([member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Ka-Aver"] [member="Ashalah Ky"],[member="Matthew Mar'Tin"] maybe?)
Enemies: Opposing Spice Dealers + Enemies Of The Hutt Cartel. ([member="Vhaeri"] )
NPC: 10 Guards + Crew On BT-7 Thunderclap.
Posts: 2/20

Cadan waved his arms about as did the smugglers around him, they were all trying to get the best price out of the deal. Eventually though the smugglers walked away, a somewhat solum look on their face. And Cadan returned to his little band quite happy. "Got us a good deal out of 'em." The pirate said as he began to walk towards the cantina where he knew Ka-Aver would be.

Soon Cadan would reach that cantina and see Ka-Aver chowing down. Cadan turned to Ash and Tiali. "Get a drink while we is 'ere. Might be a bit." Although he was a pirate, Cadan saw something between the two. Love was a special bond between man and women, it was the warm feeling one got when they found a cheap Twi'lek.

Cadan approached Ka-Aver. "Know anything about the little gangs around 'ere?" He asked as he order two shots of whiskey for them both.
Objective A-C
Location: cantina
Allies hutt cartel
Enemies: ?
Post 2/20


Ka-Aver smiled as people around the cantina started to become unsettled. Word spread fast in Formos and Ka-Aver had done little to hinder it. Part of taking over a new market was to intimidate. And by now the mere mentioning of the Hutt Cartel was enough to get folks unsettled. At least in this part of space. Now the rumor about one of the big cartel bosses personally had arrived to Formos was spreading fast. Few probably realised it was the spice king himself. Regardless when Cadan entered surrounded by his ten man strong bodyguard it was obvious this was somebody.

Ka-Aver got up and pulled out a chair for [member="Cadan Tazi"]

"Hey bozz," he started with a low voice. "Yeah, Iz got zome rumor for youz. There is a gang called the Purple Rejects ( [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"] ) - I hear they hang around the cracked Belle cantina. Word iz they got a zpice zupplier of their own. No idea whom, but they are a well armed and dangerouz gang bozz. I zay bring em in or take em out. They are your main competitorz. Then I heard another ztrange rumor, zomeone or zomething iz moving around in Formoz taking out criminalz. And itz not the local poilce."

"I dunno if itz juzt a rumor but it zounded like people are afraid. And the police aint doing nothing about it of courze."

Ka-Aver downed his shot. and wiped his mouth. He glanced over his shoulder checking on other guests inside. His eyes paused on [member="Vhaeri"] - the woman had been sitting o the far side of the bar and at first she gave him a bad feeling but now she seemed to be initiating flirting or talks with the man next to her. He shrugged and returned his attention to Cadan.

"Anyhow, thiz phantom might be after uz az well. Or maybe he iz trying to get on the good zide of uz. I'd keep an ear to the ground about 'em if I werez you bozz."

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Objective E

Deep within the heart of Secter 3, beneath it's busy roads, Alicia Drey woke up. Her vision blurred, she attempted to get up, to discover that she was hanging from something. The chains above her clinked against each other, as she struggled. Beyond her blurred vision, she saw lights that she knew to be shining upon her. There was voices, that she couldn't make out; and the cold embrace of the air around her, told Alicia that she was naked.

"Stupid queen. Who the kriff comes along and makes an offer like that? Moron." Laughter ensued, as the Corellian puffed on a deathstick. Her vision clearing, Alicia lifted her gaze, peering through her hair to look around. The Corellian turned, blowing smoke out of his mouth and nose as he spoke. "Look, she's awake boss. Didn't I tell you she was fine?"

He laughed again. Alicia turned to look at who he was talking too. Sitting in a dirtied arm chair, was a fat man. Bald, the man wore a tacky, purple suit that looked two sizes too small for him and a cane, that had a diamond on top. Even from here, she recognized the gem was a fake. "Stop it. We'll upset our guest." The fat man's voice was soft, yet it put Alicia on edge. It was the type of voice she would associate with a creep; and judging by the way he was looking at her, she was spot on.

"Hello Ali. I am the Purple Reject. But for all pretense and purposes, you can call me PR." Leaning forwards, PR ran a hand along her thigh. Smiling, he retracted his hand towards his cane and used it and the arm rest to help him up onto his feet. "We haven't had a girl as beautiful as you, for quite sometime. When PJ here explained that you had got in touch with him and told me about the offer you made, I was quite angry. But my curiosity won out. So I allow him to set up the meet. I have to say, it was the right decision. You are beautiful. You don't find women like yourself out here on Formos."

"I am curious, however." Placing his large, fat hand into his blazers inside pocket, PR produced a lightsaber. "What would a woman like you, be doing something like this, I wonder?"

"No matter." PR put the lightsaber away, waving his hand back up as if to dismiss her. "It will make a nice collection. Possibly the best I've ever taken. I like to take a memento. Helps me to remember who you were. I do enjoy that." He hissed the last part. Turning, PR said to the Corellian man. "Son, she's all yours. But remember, we're going to work her. So don't be too rough." Exiting the chamber, he said as he leaving. "Enjoy yourself."

"Oh, I will." Rubbing his hands together, the Corellian turned back to Alicia. "Ready, babe? This is going to be fun."
Objective E
Location: Exiting hyperspace above Formos
Allies hutt cartel
Enemies: ?
Post 3/20


The lyxuary space barge exited hyperspace on the far side of Formos. There it set course for the docks.
Soon an escort of several smaller vessels fell in pursuit, shadowing the Supreme moguls vessel.

Their prescence was not announced nor expected should anyone intercept their scrambled ID signal.
For now Sempra just wanted to get a nice view of the world that was slowly being included into the clutches of the hutt cartel.
It was far from done however and the hutt had arrived primarily to boost the "morale" of those handling the operations planetside. Sometimes the prescence of one of the more powerful hutts had that effect on those being paid to do their dirty work.

But Sempra had a personal reason to be here as well. A sentimental one. Opening up the large observation deck he slithered inside to enjoy the phenonemal view most planets offered from just outside their atmosphere.

He had been a returning smuggler to this port himself all those years back when he had started his spice running business. Having commandered a small ship, for a hutt, with a minimum crew that life seemed far away. Then he had to excert himsel to enjoy luxuary. For hutts it was important to show off their power and wealth, but parts inside him remembered those adventerous days as very giving and exciting.
The Supreme Mogul kept those thoughts to himself though and relaxed his hands on hus belly as the room was filled with his entourage tending to his every need and desire.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

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