Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I give up

I have spent over a year of my life on this board and I still don't feel apart of it. I have tried many different ideas to be liked more, but with my crib its depression and nothing on here changing, I give up. I could list out reasons, but I doubt anyone really cares. Regardless, I hope you guys have fun!


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Valdra"] actually we do care, otherwise I would not pm you.

Also it took me a year, before I could get two paragraphs together together. Don't get me started on grammar, as I have theory it was only invented to get on my nerves.
Another one? :/
Guys... We have GOT to work on being more inclusive. I'm guilty of this too. I think we all are. Sticking to our little cliques and not making room for other people. We're all nerds playing pretend here. Let's try to play with the other kids too. I know I'm gunna be making more of an effort for sure.
[member="Darth Valdra"]
Some advice, feel free to ignore me if you'd like, however.

Don't try new schemes to get people to like you. You're trying to get people to like something other than you. Be yourself. Be you. IC, yeah, you write a character. OOC, just be you. Unless you're batman. Then be batman.

So, some folks don't write with you. It happens. Have you tried expanding your own horizons, though? Step outside the comfort zone a little. I write a Mando. Have for years. But I also write Jedi and Sith and a flipping Hutt lol try a new alien race, maybe. Give a new culture a try. Sometimes it's just how open you are to outside influences.

Honestly, pretty sure you're selling yourself short. Just gotta... Have faith. Be yourself. Sounds like it's all hakuna matata and happy smiley feel good stuff, but its worked for me in the past so it must have some merit :p
[member="Arrbi Betna"]

With this character alone I have been a grey jedi, a jedi shadow, a mandalorian, a vitae member and then a sith. With other characters I have tried smuggler, merc, company ceo, rumplestiskin and so on. I have tried many ways. On a personal note, I come from a broken past and so I can be very negative which puts people off. This in turn makes me a few friends, but mainly with people everyone likes so I can't RP with them. I even recently proposed the idea of demoting my character to Knight to gain respect and reearning the Lord title, but can barely find people to help me set it up. Just gets tiring and life isn't much better with all the kark I have to put up with just to live. Literally had to sell my mandolan today so I could buy food.

[member="T'zanith Zebron"]

I am sorry man, I just don't know about myself right now and I have no drive to keep trying.
[member="Darth Valdra"]
I still recall our duel last year, it is sad to see you go. Good luck sorting out your real life stuff, and you're welcome back whenever you feel the time is right to return.
[member="Darth Valdra"]

I'm sad to see you go, but only you know what is best for you. I wish you all the best, mate.

FYI, don't concern yourself with what others think or what you think you need to do for people to like you or your characters. Just be yourself. That's what I do. I know there are people that don't like me but I don't lose sleep over it and I don't go out of my way to get people to like me. I am what you see...and you get what you see.
[member="Darth Valdra"]


Also, pretty much echoing all the people above. You don't need other peoples acceptance. So long as you have at least one person who enjoys RPin with you then you are liked. Never think that you have to be popular to have fun, more often than not being popular is much, much more boring.

Come back when ya can. Assassinsll be waiting.

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