Astrian was stuck here, with her. On his ship, apparently she wasn't good enough to have a ship pick her up separately. She was going to annoy him the whole way back to Bastion. No doubt suggest detours and other various activities. However, Astrian had left the tough body guard attitude at the landing pad. But that doesn't mean he wasn't on his toes, his cloak covered the seat. The blue navy fabric covered a small area around his seat, his arms crossed over his chest; his eyes remained on the screen in front of him. Watching for signals of incoming vessels or anything of the sort. He wasn't in a good mood; Neveah's antics during the fight had been enough to tick him off, running out into the open streets. Unprotected and vulnerable to unsuspectable dangers. However, she wasn't that experienced in the outside world.
He couldn't blame her. Honestly, but her naivety and arrogance together were irritating. One of the two he could handle but, the two as a combination just angered him beyond belief. He felt like he was being picky, but he couldn't help it. It was like she was being insensitive towards Astrian and his worries. But was doing it to get at him, and it was. Or maybe he was over analysing, like he did in most social situations. He wasn't used to the whole 'people do stupid things for reasons' thing. He folded his legs over and sat silently. He was trying to look on the bright side of things. At least, he wasn't on a battlefield or fighting Vlad Darrow in a narrow alleyway. But, his lightsaber had been destroyed. In that case, if they came under attack. He'd have to rely on force powers and physical strength. But, it wasn't likely that they'd come under attack. Even if they did however, Astrian was more than equipped to deal with anything that came their way.
@[member="Neveah Fel"]
He couldn't blame her. Honestly, but her naivety and arrogance together were irritating. One of the two he could handle but, the two as a combination just angered him beyond belief. He felt like he was being picky, but he couldn't help it. It was like she was being insensitive towards Astrian and his worries. But was doing it to get at him, and it was. Or maybe he was over analysing, like he did in most social situations. He wasn't used to the whole 'people do stupid things for reasons' thing. He folded his legs over and sat silently. He was trying to look on the bright side of things. At least, he wasn't on a battlefield or fighting Vlad Darrow in a narrow alleyway. But, his lightsaber had been destroyed. In that case, if they came under attack. He'd have to rely on force powers and physical strength. But, it wasn't likely that they'd come under attack. Even if they did however, Astrian was more than equipped to deal with anything that came their way.
@[member="Neveah Fel"]