Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Has A Darkside Nexus

Hello Chaos, and all you good people, so I stand before you with a few simple questions as to what exactly I can do with this now that I have it...yes..I made it without knowing what exactly I can do with it mwahahaha! Lol I know what I cant do. Thats simple.

But inside said darkside nexus, would sith alchemy of any kind be easier to accomplish?

Would darkside powers be amplified there?

Can I turn someone from the light to dark there?

Could it be easier to learn darkside powers there?

What else would be possible?

Thanks for answering the questions...STAY FROSTY!
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Unless you made a different planet, I went over this one and there is nothing in there about provisions to make a Dark Side Nexus. Trying to sneak details past Codex or Factory judges generally tends to get a submission retroactively denied.

Also, this was made back in September. Why are you only now asking about it?
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Sneaking is not what was intended here, that was what I thought that was and it just hit me that this maybe what it was, now I know, so dont assume that I was sneaking. If I was sneaking I WOULDNT HAVE FUCKING ASKED. I would have went along and did all those things I asked if they were possible. Thank you for being rude, and passive aggressive. Thanks for assuming that was what I was doing. I am not the almighty know it all of the darkside, I made a assumption, and went with it, and asked what I would be able to do.

The better way to have handle this is to instead ask if I knew exaclty what a dark side nexus was, which in my head was a taint of the dark side, apparently I am wrong. I was asked not to abuse said taint, and that is why I am asking, so I dont abuse it.
I have never sneaked anything before on this site, and have always asked when I didnt know, the fact you assume this of me actually hurts...

[member="Jason Arkada"]

Pffttt....right..maybe we should burn your sources
Someone took their defensive pills....

Honestly, the strength of the nexus determines what can be done with it. Generally though it will make a dark side user easier able to connect with the Force...but there is a potential for too much power as well.

Basically what can and can't be done comes down to good RPing protocols and respect for your opponents. It's not an instant win card but if written well it can make a good story.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

I'd caution you to check your temper some, and perhaps choose your words a little more carefully. I'm not being rude or passive-aggressive, and I make no assumptions. What I said I said as a warning on the chance that you did not realize what could occur as these situations have come up before. Judges are cautionary advisers like that.
I took it as an assumption of being accused...I've been many things on this site but I've never tried ti sneak past judges on this stuff. How it was put seemed you were accusing me. I humbly apologize for my temper and choice of words.

As for what I have then...what is it, just a taint? Cause I mean...arnt they essentially the same thing? Or what...I took the assumption that their the same thing just different names like a lot of crap in star wars has.

again I am sorry for being overly aggressive
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Romeo Sin"]

There are three types of nexuses we have been discussing.

Area base - confined to a single location and something that can be destroyed, something that can be temporary.

Location based - Something that can renew itself and is so entrenched in the planet from an event it is permanent

Planet based - something that goes across the whole planet and makes it a beacon in the force.

A good example of an area would be the Dark Grove on Naboo an overgrown location with darkside corruption in the soil that could be destroyed. Or the Oasis on Tatooine a section of the desert that has survived the glassing of the planet and is all that is left from the worlds former beauty.

A good example of a location would be the Wellsping a waterfall and underground stream that goes through an entire planet circulating like life blood and bringing the force with it. Or the Valley of the Jedi where thousands of jedi and sith died with the thought bomb.

An example of a planet would be Tython and Korriban, two worlds strong in the force where the energies have seeped into the surface and very core of the world. In the case of Korriban it is a dangerous, corruptive poison that has twisted the world, on Tython it is shown in harmony with any shift between light and dark on the planet creating large force storms.

Your keep would be the first, an area that can be destroyed, could be purged and taken away. It might be strong for a time but it will decay eventually but you would possibly feel stronger in the darkside, it could be used to tempt but there is very little that can be used to do an instant heel turn on a lightsider. Learning abilities from it wouldn't be fully possible well maybe with work the method to feed on the darkside but that would be destroying the nexus that has been created.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Romeo Sin"] I only know of two people on the board who use that. Spencer and Shinju can use it and it seems more a natural skill then something you can really learn

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