Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I Hate Sand

Location: Ship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: Aegis of Snow, Nelvaanian Longsword, Vibrodagger, Ace of Spades
Ship: Fireaxe
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda

What in the Force did some lunatic convince Rath that his old master came to Jakku of all places. Even Rath couldn’t tell the reader, but at any rate the young Warden traveled on his starfighter beyond the Eternal Empire’s borders. That alone was a risky decision, but it was a decision that he took upon himself. Afterall, if he was on the run from the Empire, then the obvious decision was to travel as far away as possible from the Empire’s border. Perhaps even hiding out on a planet owned by another faction, and frankly Rath hoped that was not the case.

Even so, Rath’s intelligence suggested that Ta’kir’s starfighter was last reported to be seen in Jakku, but of course that report was roughly a year ago and a lot can happen within a year. Regardless, Rath sailed through the blistering hot air as he neared a ship graveyard. Mountain sized dunes of sand stretched as far as the eye could see, and large chunks of fallen star destroyer still decorated the graveyard. The Warden circled around the majority of the graveyard in hopes of finding a starfighter. With no such luck, Rath had no choice but to dock at the rare clear and flat surfaces of sand he could find.

Upon disembarking, Rath immediately regretted it as the heat was not what his armor combated against. Not to mention the stark white with pale blue highlights stood out like a sore thumb amongst this sand. The only guide Rath has at this point was the Force, but the ability to sense was always based on smell or within close proximity. Since Rath can’t smell the Force due to his helmet that covers his face and masked his voice. Rath hoped that he might get lucky for once and stumble upon some clue.
See with eyes unclouded by hate
Location: Ship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: "The Sandman" | Gaffi Stick
Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro

A'Runda really felt like this was the best he could do given the circumstances. He couldn't really hang around Tatooine and or CIS space given the screw up he had over there recently. A real shame but he couldn't pull himself away from the deserts of the Galaxy. He'd been to Jakku before, but found it too be a little too grim given the history and considerable more lifeless. Also Jakku was a great planet to lay low. Nobody cared to come here and those that did generally regretted every second of it. Thankfully A'Runda was considerably resilient to the harsh climate.

Currently he was helping some Jawas rummaging around an abandoned cruiser. They surprisingly felt like they could trust him, and felt like they could take some advantage of a lone tusken, since Tusken's were hardly ever alone and virtually never away from home. But A'Runda was more then happy to aid them in their salvaging, hoping to learn some of the trade as well while with them. But he was mainly their guard, and muscles. Since they didn't want him to be a part of any good finds they come across, not that he would know.

However, this generally laid back feeling lately was interrupted. A sense he was picking up on in The Force. His senses to it were generally pretty sensitive. Given that being born and raised on a barren planet made any Force Signature stand out like a sore thump to him. Making more lush planets too much of a headache for him with all the life to be hanging around for prolonged periods.

Explaining to the Jawas that he was gonna head out to check on something he made his way out of the cruiser towards the source. Looking down a ridge between two sand dunes and among several smaller ships he saw someone. Looking down at them from on top of sand dune he noticed their ship and the insignia on it. Eternal Empire...

That couldn't be good, first of all they were far from home, secondly The Eternal Empire was not a governmental body that A'Runda was not fond of. He generally felt that way towards more authoritarian groups. What were they doing here? Were they looking to expand their borders? Another Empire to exploit another backwater helpless desert planet. Not if he could stop it.

Walking down the stand dune he made sure his weapons were secured on his back, just incase things turned sour. His way telegraphed a rather confrontational attitude towards the newcomer...
Location: Starship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: Aegis of the Snow, Nelvaanian Sword, KC-95 Ace of Spades, Vibrodagger
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda

As if the blistering heat wasn't enough to make his day worse, Rath could see in the near distance a figure sliding down the dune. Was he truly a magnet for the negative side of the Force? A sigh briefly could be heard from underneath the white mask.

"Ferrick…" Granted the Warden has the sword strapped at his side, and his pistol holstered. In truth Rath didn't come here to pick a fight with the locals, or rather anyone in particular unless provoked. Aside from that, Rath figured he could perhaps acquire at least a tiny bit of information that might lead the Warden to his query.

So the white clad soldier didn't make a move to withdraw and his weapons stayed in their respective places. Despite the confrontational demeanor from the tusken raider, the sandman didn't draw a weapon and so neither shall Rath. The unfortunate part? Rath doesn't know what language tusken raiders speak as he's honestly never encountered one before. So he hoped that the approaching sandman at least understood Basic. Even so Rath held his empty hands up to show he's not being hostile, however in case things went south Rath discreetly positioned his left hand to where his grappling hook could catch onto the nearby half buried starfighter's wing.

"I apologize if this is your land for I didn't know it was claimed." Truthfully Rath thought of it to be a free for all scavenging hunt. The place might as well be a mechanic's playground. Yet Rath continued to keep those thoughts to himself.
See with eyes unclouded by hate
Location: Ship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: "The Sandman" | Gaffi Stick
Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro

Looking at them as he through his red tinted goggles. "This land is not home to the Tuskens and thus not my home..." He said, speaking rather fluent basic to them. Possibly surprising them in the process. A'Runda then gestured his head over to their ship and thus the insignia on it. "The Eternal Empire looking to expand it's sphere of influence here?"

A'Runda conjured images in his head of another desert planet being subjugated under imperial rule. He cared not for when it happened to Tatooine, and thus wouldn't care for it here at Jakku. Figuring that they were some kind of scout looking at what certain planets had to offer their overlords back home.

"If so why don't you hop back in your ship and just leave this place, it has no place for your kind..." A'Runda began to sound like the more xenophobic of his kind, but that's not what he indented. His statement was far more political in his intentions. "Jakkus has suffered enough thanks to you imperial types already." He said referring to some long ago battle responsible for all the debris everywhere.

After that he grabbed his holstered Gaffi stick on is back, not drawing the weapon, but clearly telegraphing that he would use it if things turned too sour between them.
Location: Ship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: Aegis of the Snow, Nelvaanian Sword, Vibrodagger, KC-95 Ace of Spades
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda

To the Warden's surprise the sandman spoke Basic rather fluently. Of course the mask doesn't mirror the expression as it couldn't reflect such things. Even so the tusken raider spoke of no claim over the graveyard, and yet proved to be defensive about the planet. Of course, in the past Jakku has seen it's fair share of wars. Tattooine even, and frankly Rath can understand the reasoning behind the sandman's actions. At the motion of A'Runda to grab his weapon, Rath felt a presence. Faint, but the presence was there as it came from one of the wrecked star destroyers.

"I am here on Eternal Empire's business, but not for the reason you think of. I'm hunting a fugitive that was believed to have come to this location." Rath carefully pulls out a pulk, typical instruments bounty hunters carried of their query. With a press of a button an image of a twi'lek with a white streak on the tail.

"Have you seen or heard of a man named Ta'kir Glimmer? Perhaps even seen a starfighter that has the same symbol as mine around here?" Rath asked as he still made no motion for his weapons. Disciplined as a soldier steeled the instincts that would normally tell a person to draw a weapon at the sight of one. Even so, Rath was pretty confident in his unarmed combat, but the problem was that his armor was designed to ward off blasters and lightsabers. Not so much for things outside of energy weapons.
See with eyes unclouded by hate
Location: Ship Graveyard, Jakku
Equipment: "The Sandman" | Gaffi Stick
Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro

A'Runda looked at the image before shaking his head. "Nope, haven't even seen a Twi'lek since I've been here on Jakku." He replied honestly, but then again if he did he would probably keep it to himself. "Ever think they're hear because they don't wanna be found? If it's the Eternal Empire they're running from I wouldn't blame them..."

Maybe if A'Runda is through with this individual he'd look around this forsaken planet himself to find them if they came from the Eternal Empire as well. Finally drawing their holstered weapon, holding the Gaffi stick in one hand he spoke out once more.

"But I'll ask again since I'm a patient person... why don't you hop back into your Imp Ship and leave this planet, not to mention the Galactic Alliance might pay a fair amount to bring you in as well." A'Runda said, almost speaking out loud again to give himself justification to resorting to violence against newcomer. But since A'Runda could sense The Force coming from them he imbued The Force into his warclub. Fearing that they might warrant such an assault.

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