Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I hath returned!

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

*screams loudly and glomps* its about time you yeller-bellied cottonmouth! <3

[member="Crucius Sin"]

That could be wrong in so many ways... o.o

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

*tries to think of something*

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

Oooh you should! Nei's giving [member="Nomad Crimson"] her version of a lecture because she caught him drinking as a minor!


Well-Known Member
[member="Nomad Crimson"]

I've done it...
Get rect m8 :p


Thats what goats sound like right?

I think..

[member="Ibelia Sitos"]
Fine fine, but i'm going to need time to read it all...

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