Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I have made it back from the long journey

Greetings my fellow Chaos,

I have made it back after sometime away that I may add was much needed to refresh myself. Those all I had rping going with

Maya or one of my other characters I apologizes that I just up and disappeared like I did with out leaving word here. As it had been on going thing since my surgery in Nov then December wasn't much better with many ups and downs. With some things getting to me on the boards like I did knew I just need to walk way come back when I had a clear mind. Knowing that that wasn't me playing into some of their own games.

So if I had rp with you or a sl going with you please either post here or pm or I will put something up in the OCC: so you can link me or we can talk about those threads and stories or on skypes..

Characters I had going"

Maya Whitelight
Seanna Vel
Nephesh Rivers
Inger Stromfire
Aliana Moxla
Countess Calum

I hope all is well and I look forward to us.....posting.....

I don't say this very often and to a serious select amount of people in general....but I miss posting with you....

Warm Regards,
Lao Tzu

PS - Lao Tzu, the character is here on the board Maya. And yes, I will rp with you. Name it. (Yes, its a blank check)

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