Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I have noticed something...

Just looking around the faction page and such and I've noticed that there aren't that many Senators or Senate threads.

Is there a reason for this or is it just not that popular?
Because isn't the Senate supposed to be running the Republic not the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order (no offense intended to Selena, I'm just curious)?

Is it just me?
We tried having the Senate do it, but people didn't use it right. It was abused, almost hilariously so.

People from outside the faction would use Senate characters to try and push OOC agendas onto the faction, and would only post when it suited them.

It's too much of a hassle. It also resulted in a lot of people trying to force others to RP a certain way. Wasn't worth it. Still isn't worth it.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Rasu Gan"] there are senators around but when the order was nearly broken away from the Republic and the faction inactive one of the chief components of it was senators being sith and just making bills that damaged the faction with no work, no merit. So one fo the first things done was regulation of bills in the senate and making senators have more chances for things to do. Since then they have somewhat stopped being around which is sad but regulations and guidelines was better then just shutting the senate down.

and well what Sarge said

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
I have plenty of power to do things, Selena still has come and asked for the battles. Tef moved on Korriban after asking if he could. There is just more ooc oversight for the faction by the leadership team and things are discussed. I don't make one decision and tell the faction deal with it as was done before.
If you want, we can try to get the senate going again.

Though if the change in administration shows anything, the majority of people with Senate characters only used them because they thought it offered them the chance to unilaterally screw over the Republic.
If we could that could be awesome. Maybe we just need stricter rules although laws can still be passed with Senate approval. Maybe the Chancellor must approve everything before it can even be put into the Senate?

I just think that we are missing out on such an important part of the Republic. Everyone is too focused on flinging people around with the Force and swinging lightsabers that they don't think about the other factors that make up the Republic.

Just my thoughts though.
The Sith attacked the Senate one week. The next the Sith Emperor walked in and put in his bid for Chancellor during the election.

When the Senate ran things, the Republic was the laughing stock of the Galaxy.


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
When the Senate ran things, the Republic was the laughing stock of the Galaxy.
A Faction is an OOC conglomeration of writers who gather to Roleplay together. It must be governed OOC. Faction Administration takes leadership while inviting the participation and thoughtful creativity of it's members. This OOC organization creates IC fun.

The previous Senate was mistaken in believing that a Faction could be governed sololy IC, while also allowing for Infiltration from foreign parties. It didn't just create strife IC. It created disharmony OOC. It was bad for the community and the website as a whole.

Please leave all OOC Administration to the Faction Admins at all times. They are awesome people who invite community participation in all things. Thanks. :D
It bothers me when people say "thanks" at the end of an announcement because you know they don't really mean it.

Gives that "I'm talking at you, not to you" feel. I harp on Staff about it all the time.
Karen Roberts said:
It must be governed OOC. Faction Administration takes leadership while inviting the participation and thoughtful creativity of it's members. This OOC organization creates IC fun.
as I am too lazy to switch and was the faction admin at the time I can say it wasn't all the senates fault. It was many things but one was lack of communication between the faction admins, our own egos and private agenda's. No one persons fault but we needed someone to kick us all in the butt which we never got. Then it just boiled over and no one was happy, which led to the faction nearly falling apart. The senate didn't help but then Selena helped fix it and we have gotten the faction on track, we got the faction strong with the members and worked hard.

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